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Dedicated November 2017

Going through a mental breakdown

Julie, on October 26, 2017 at 7:34 AM Posted in Fitness and Health 0 20

My wedding is in a month and I'm already feeling sick. I'm just feeling sick and don't know why or how to get over it. Out of no where I just feel like crying, I started loosing sleep, loss of appetite, upset stomach, and I feel my chest weird. I blame it on work and then I blame it on the wedding. I'm just trying my best not to lose it or stress out the FH. I even feel like quitting my job at this point. I might just be upset bc I picked up my dress and noticed my dress is soft white and not white like I wanted it and it's altered already. I need some advice on how to feel better please.


Latest activity by Aimee, on February 21, 2022 at 11:29 AM
  • Lovey
    Dedicated July 2018
    Lovey ·
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    Agree with OP. You need a day off! Life get so busy and we forget to take care of ourselves. You need to get back to YOU!

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  • OG Kathryn
    Champion May 2016
    OG Kathryn ·
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    You didnt notice it was the wrong color during the alterations process??

    Can you take a few days off of work to relax and regroup?

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  • Jo
    WeddingWire Administrator May 2015
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    Prioritize yourself and your wellness. Lean on FH, you might be worried about stressing him out but if you're this upset he probably already knows, and it might help you both out to talk about it and have him be able to be there for you. Stop thinking about the wedding for a few days. Exercise, baths, cleaning, sleep, my pets, and crap tv help me when I am stressed, take some time to find out what works for you.

    ETA spelling

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  • Tamara
    Super October 2017
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    It is normal to stress out over every little detail. you only have a month left. do not quit your job, please. it pays your bills and puts food on your table. its just stress. take a day or two and just relax. go get a massage, pedicure, manicure, do yoga... something, but DO NOT QUIT YOUR JOB. we all get stressed out. I lost so much weight, my seamstress had to take my dress in TWICE, lol. BREATHE! YOU ARE GOING TO SURVIVE THIS! Smiley smile


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  • Macy
    Super September 2016
    Macy ·
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    I would go to the doctor. Also - if the wedding is causing this much stress - I would just cancel it. A party isn't worth your health.

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  • Jennifer
    Master September 2018
    Jennifer ·
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    I get this way when I am super stressed, don't do anything drastic. Like the PP's said take some time out to enjoy & de-stress. Exercise and being outdoors helps me. I get heart palpitations so bad when I am stressed I can talk myself into thinking I am having a heart attack. Please be nice to yourself and know that in less than one month you get to marry the man of your dreams!!!

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  • RaeGin
    Master September 2017
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    I agree with PP about taking a day off if you can. I've found yoga to be very helpful not only in reducing my stress levels, but also just for my general health. As far as the stomach stuff, I'd look into reducing the amount of acidic food in your diet. My stomach is always a mess, and I totally changed my diet leading up to the wedding so that I wouldn't be so sick from the stress.

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  • MOB So Cal
    January 2019
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    If you have insurance through your job, you might have access to an Employee Assistance Program which typically provides for a few visits to a mental health provider. Usually all you need to do is call the EAP phone number, explain what you are experiencing and they will connect you with a list of providers. A couple of appointments during the coming month may go a long way toward helping you cope. If you don't have an EAP, make an appointment with your doctor immediately and explain what you are experiencing. A medical professional will be able to help figure out if self-care like a massage, etc., will likely work, or if there is something more needed. The sudden onset of the symptoms you've described might be more than simple "pre-wedding jitters." If nothing else, you might feel better just to talk with a professional and get their opinion, and that alone may help you feel more relaxed. Take care of yourself.

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  • I'mthemom
    November 2018
    I'mthemom ·
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    Take a day for you!!!! It is so easy to get overwhelmed and easy not to always ask for help.

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  • Megan
    Expert September 2017
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    I'm just going to throw this out there, but is there a chance you might be pregnant?

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  • Danielle
    Dedicated September 2018
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    It sounds like you're experiencing anxiety attacks. I would most definitely talk to your doctor- there are plenty of options that can help you get through this! Good luck!

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  • Brianna
    VIP May 2018
    Brianna ·
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    I agree with others on taking a day completely off from everything and just focus on you and relaxing. Make sure you are talking with your FH also. That helped me when I went through a little period of feeling nervous/stressed/anxious all the time.

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  • J
    Dedicated November 2017
    Julie ·
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    Thanks everyone for your advise. I have a doctors appointment on Monday. I took today off from work.

    @ OG -no Honestly I didn't realized it was the wrong color. I saw it white all the time until the last alteration I noticed it.

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  • J
    Dedicated November 2017
    Julie ·
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    I keep telling myself I am strong and I will survive. There are times I get over it and then it comes back.

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  • K
    Savvy November 2017
    KZP1021 ·
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    I was feeling so anxious about everything a month or two ago... especially when they ordered my dress in the wrong size! It had to be taken in A LOT and I feel it would have looked nicer if they'd ordered the correct size but it is still beautiful and I'm not going to let it upset me. I actually have been feeling less stressed as the day is coming near... the to do list is growing smaller and I am just getting excited now. I'm glad you are getting help and taking some time for yourself.

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  • 033118
    Super March 2018
    033118 ·
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    I agree with PP. It sounds to me that your are having some anxiety. I would take a personal day from work, use the day only for you- nothing wedding related. Get some excersise, make yourself yummy healthy food, and do your best to learn how to not sweat the small stuff. I've been going to the gym in the am before work and it's helped my ability to manage astronomically.

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  • Tanisha
    Savvy June 2018
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    Take a step back from wedding planning or anything wedding related. Anxiety is what you're feeling and it's because you're overwhelmed. If you have a few close girlfriends invite them over for drinks, comfort food, and some good old fashioned trash talk BUT NO WEDDING STUFF. Relax, your big day will come and you will see you've gotten yourself worked up over nothing. Good luck to you.

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  • L
    Expert April 2018
    lindabelcher ·
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    It sounds like you just need some time to yourself, and you definitely did the best thing by taking today off! You just need to relax, as much as you can! Stop thinking about stuff and focus on yourself right now.

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  • Kaye
    VIP October 2018
    Kaye ·
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    I'm sorry. But yes. You need a you day

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  • Aimee
    Just Said Yes May 2022
    Aimee ·
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    Yall are funny about taking A DAY off. I am two months out and have missed almost 3 weeks of work. I feel like every day is a mental breakdown. A day? Girl, take a couple weeks of PTO
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