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Just Said Yes December 2021

Future mil drama

CeCe, on November 24, 2021 at 3:47 PM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 7

Hi everyone. I have a question regarding my fiancé’s dad’s wife. A little background. This is his dads third marriage. His dad had an affair with my fiancé’s mom when my fiancé was a teenager, and has since remarried twice.

My fiancé just calls her by her name and does not refer to her as step mom or anything. He says he merely tolerates her to keep a relationship with his dad, which he did not have for a long time after the divorce.
His dad and wife have been responsible for planning our rehearsal dinner. They initially both said they didn’t even know this was the grooms family’s role, and had to Google everything. They have failed to keep me in the loop about any of it, and the wedding is in my hometown and I was happy to offer help. They wouldn’t even tell me the caterer without me having to ask multiple times.
My family and family friends have a long standing tradition of throwing an after party for the couple after the rehearsal dinner. This was something I didn’t feel like I had to have, but 10 of our closest family friends really wanted to throw it for us and for out of town guests not invited to rehearsal to have something to do, so I said of course why it. This upset his dads wife, and they have since asked multiple times if we even want the rehearsal dinner (last time was this week) even though the wedding is literallly in 1 week.
All that is whatever, and was annoying but didn’t piss me off. What has made me upset is that his dads wife has been emailing my family members and friends from the rehearsal dinner list and uninviting them without coming to me first. My cousin was uninvited even though he is 35 years old and has the same last name as me, but because he was listed as the child of my aunt and uncle (because he is…) they emailed him saying “I don’t know what the bride (insert my name) told you, but children are not allowed.” They also emailed my bridesmaid this even though her daughter is my flower girl. She never once asked me who these people were or if we could trim the guest list. The list has 1 more person than anticipated, but less people are actually eating because I have family members with special needs/allergies that are leaving early, and just stopping by to say hello.
It’s all really hurt my feelings. I’ve tried to communicate with her but she always leaves it short or passive aggressive. My fiancé hates talking about it because he doesn’t like her but doesn’t want to have conflict with his dad. This in turn causes conflict with our relationship. Am I wrong for being upset? How would y’all approach this? Thanks!


Latest activity by Jacks, on November 25, 2021 at 11:42 PM
  • Cece
    Rockstar October 2023
    Cece ·
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    Ouch. I am so sorry, this sounds so stressful! If I were in your shoes, I would just tell the in-laws that It seems like there are a lot of misunderstandings and crossed wires when it comes to communicating and planning the rehearsal dinner, so you and FH have decided to host it yourselves in order to make it easier for everyone.
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  • Heather
    Super November 2021
    Heather ·
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    You definitely are NOT wrong for being upset. For her to actually do this is CRAZY! LOL! I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this.. More so to have to deal with her :/
    I understand that your FH does not want to talk about it, but it is causing an issue to YOU. I would stand your ground and come up with a compromise on how to approach it with your FH. There have been personal instances with my now husband where I needed to address something even though he didn't want to talk about it, but when we talked it out he understood where I was coming from and understood why we needed to resolve it together.

    I can see how MIL would be upset because maybe she sees it as not being "enough"? Although that is not the case. Like you said it was just a traditional thing to do on your side of the family. And honestly, they don't have to throw the rehearsal dinner. It's traditional for the groom's side, but it isn't required. Especially if it is causing a stir like it is now..

    But also how did she get a hold of emailing your family members?? Especially for her to go behind your back to send those emails??! I'm sorry, but she sounds like a total nightmare. At this point tell your guests to ignore her and to only listen to YOU as the bride.

    Are they paying for anything else other than rehearsal dinner? If so, she could be acting this way because if she is paying for more stuff then she is trying to have a say. And boy does she have a lot to say apparently.. LOL!
    Also, do you have a wedding planner or day of wedding coordinator? If not at least hire a day of wedding coordinator ASAP or at least designate someone you absolutely trust. The reason I say this is because this is your backup/go to person that needs to get things done behind the scene. So, if your MIL starts causing drama and acting out and you are just trying to enjoy your day then you need to designate that person to handle it. Just know that this is YOUR day. So, if she is ruining it stand your ground and enjoy your DAY. Smiley smile

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  • Jm Sunshine
    Jm Sunshine ·
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    It is not the groom's family's responsibility to host the rehearsal dinner. I'm sure they were taken aback by scrambling to figure something out and then being told someone else was hosting an after party. I could see where they would feel hurt or that their event wasn't enough. However, she was definitely in the wrong for disinviting people behind your back. It sounds like you all need to have a sit down talk to work things out. It seems as though both sides are feeling hurt.
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  • W
    VIP September 2020
    Willow ·
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    Time to cut out FiL and step mom iL out of planning entirely. Thank them for their time, apologize for any misunderstanding, and advise you'll be taking over and hosting the rehearsal dinner yourselves to avoid further confusion
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  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
    Jacks ·
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    Yeah, it's not the job of anyone to plan parties for your wedding. The groom's family was under no obligation to provide the event for you. It's probably taken them by surprise.

    It wasn't cool of them to disinvite people, but did you clear the number of people you were inviting beforehand?

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  • C
    Just Said Yes December 2021
    CeCe ·
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    Yep there was an established number, and we are already below that number based on number of regrets so far. I have reached out multiple times to express gratitude and bridge the gap, and it’s gotten met with cold shoulder each time. I’m trying to do the right thing but keep getting met with short replies with no interest of additional communication. I don’t know what else to do. We didn’t throw this on them. My fiancé was going to plan it himself but they said they would be honored. But it certainly doesn’t feel that way.
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  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
    Jacks ·
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    I guess you just have to get through it. I'm sorry this is so difficult. Some people are just difficult.

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