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Beginner July 2021

Finding the dress

Karli, on August 23, 2019 at 10:51 AM Posted in Wedding Attire 0 8
I started wedding dress shopping this week and have been to a couple of places. I’m feeling a little discouraged since all the dresses I try on are beautiful, but I haven’t had that BAM feeling that brings me to tears like I was expecting. When you found your dress, how many of you felt that “this is definitely the one!” feeling? Or did you choose a dress for practical reasons? Or just narrowed it down and chose whatever was your favorite?


Latest activity by __, on September 22, 2019 at 4:59 PM
  • Amber
    Master February 2020
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    I start dress shopping tomorrow and I'm also worried about this. I'm not sure if I'll have that "this is the one!!" moment, so I'm trying not to get my hopes up. I've definitely been shopping around online at the sort of style I want, but I'm so critical of my body image so I'm just hoping to at least like one dress I find Smiley xd I think the biggest thing is not to expect some movie magic moment I suppose, and just find something that makes you feel like a beautiful pride to bring FH to tears Smiley winking

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  • Karli
    Beginner July 2021
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    I also thought that before I went! I thought my problem would be that I’d hate them all on me, but I really like all of the dresses I’ve tried and there’s not one that really stands out that much. Some I like more than others, but nothing is blowing my mind and I’m worried 😥
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  • Destiera
    Devoted March 2020
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    I had a different feeling in my stomach when I put it on. I was really surprised by how I felt in, it’s just really different compared to the other dresses I put on. My consultant told me that I will always know and the feelings are different for everyone so don’t be discourage if you don’t cry or anything. But, I teared up the first time I put it on and couldn’t get anything out except telling my mom, “I really like it!” I ended up coming down to that one and another one, but when I put on the other dress it wasn’t the same feeling! It was completely different, you’ll just know when you know! Don’t get to discouraged, you’ll find it soon enough. It’s just waiting for you!
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  • Julie
    VIP February 2020
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    Don't let TV fool you. SYTTD makes us feel like we have to cry and flip out over the dress. I went to Kleinfeld where they film the show, I didn't find my dress, but 2 others did in my appointment and they weren't crying.

    I did happen to cry when I found mine but a lot more than just finding a dress caused that to happen (I hadn't slept the night before, I recently lost 10 lbs in a month so I could fit into sample sizes, and had stalked this dress to this particular trunk show)

    My best friend didn't cry. And she looked beautiful. Just happy and relieved. It ended up being a dress I picked that was NOTHING like all the things she had been looking for, and she kept getting down on.

    You can find it with your head as well as your heart.
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  • Ivy ORP
    VIP October 2019
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    SYTTD really messed some of us up when it comes to dress shopping. I had been looking online for months. I decided on my must haves, floor length, chiffon or tulle, no strapless. I narrowed down my #1 and #2 and brought them to my appointments. I chose my #1 as my favorite because I am seeing versions of #2 on almost every bride right now and I wanted something a bit more unique. Funny thing is, I honestly thought #2 was going to be my dress until my friend and FW went a bit nuts over #1. They couldn't get over how it somehow combined fae with a retro feel. Now I can't see me in anything else. When I went to my appointments I did not stick to just one style or silhouette to make sure I was not eliminating something even though I was pretty sure I knew what I wanted. My first appointment included a dress that was the exact same shape as my #1 choice but in a different fabric which lost some of the details I loved about my #1 choice. My second appointment was much less helpful but I finally tried on a tulle dress and new that #1 was THE one. I ordered it that week and rushed to try it on when it arrived. I just did the full lace up last night and fell in love with it all over again. It is not always a BAM moment right away, some never get that. But I feel like the fairy princess bride I wanted to in it and so I just knew. Maybe you will simply find yourself comparing all subsequent dresses to that one you really liked but didn't think was the one. Try it again and see how it makes you feel. Either way, good luck.

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  • Erin
    Expert May 2020
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    I've been wedding dress shopping for a couple weeks now and also expected "the moment" to happen. I think I have found the dress I like, but I didn't have a moment when I tried it on. I narrowed it down to a couple I liked and chose the one that I felt the most beautiful and confident in. I also took a couple pictures in each to see which ones I liked better in photos. So, no cyring, emotional moment from me or anybody I went shopping with.

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  • Yam
    VIP September 2019
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    I actually just “knew” from seeing photos of the dress. I bought it in store, never tried on another dress. I didn’t cry but I had this tightness in my chest like this is it. I will be anxious if I cannot have this. It was a weird feeling for sure.
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  • _
    Dedicated November 2020
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    My dress was one of my favorites online, but I honestly didn't feel anything in particular when I first tried it on. I do wish my dressing room had a mirror so I could have had a moment in it with myself before I showed my mom and brother. I had one second where I started to cry, but I never had butterflies or had a super emotional reaction and I didn't "just know." My family were the ones telling me it was the one and that it was so me and it ticked the boxes of what I absolutely wanted. I tried on like four dresses and I kept thinking the 2nd one (the one I chose) was my favorite of the bunch. But now, the more I compare it to other dresses that I look at, the more I love mine. SYTTD does make you think you'll ALWAYS have this moment of knowing, or crying or whatever, but it doesn't always happen to everyone. For me it was more of a slow burn I guess you could say. Something made me choose it, though, cause I don't think I would have if I had hated it haha. So it's awesome if you do get that feeling, but if you don't, that's okay too! Just don't put too much pressure on yourself to have that BAM moment.

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