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Beginner August 2020

Final Payment

Olivia, on July 28, 2020 at 2:48 PM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 7


So I am stuck on something and really need some advice from you guys! So awhile back my parents had brought up that they would help contribute towards the dinner for our wedding thats coming up in like 10 days! Anyways, we owe our final payment tomorrow and they havent said anything recently about contributing, and I dont know if its because we got married on our original date (due to covid) and still doing everything all over again in August, that they dont feel the need to contribute because we are already married. And by no means do I want to sound or come off as a brat at all, it would just be very helpful and also they had contributes towards my two other siblings weddings. So I dont know what to do or if i should just leave it or if theres a polite way of bringing it up or what, but if there is a way of bringing it up I'd prefer that just because then I'd know and would rather have that just help towards the wedding then getting a check as a gift. Once again i really dont mean to come off as a brat or anything like that lol cuz obviously i understand it would be their ultimate choice. Thanks everyone!


  • Mrs. S
    Super November 2019
    Mrs. S ·
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    I would make the payment and if they want to give you money they will. I got a lot of cards/checks at my wedding and maybe that’s what they’re waiting for.
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  • Yasmine
    Master October 2020
    Yasmine ·
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    I would just casually bring it up to them about the conversation that you guys previously had and ask if they still planned on contributing.

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  • J
    Master October 2022
    Jana ·
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    Let them know that you have to make the final payment tomorrow and ask if they are still honoring their offer to contribute or do you need to take out a loan or something else to cover it. Be upfront and honest.
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  • Dayna
    Expert September 2021
    Dayna ·
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    I think if they already offered it's perfectly fine to bring it up again. Let them know that your final payment is due and ask politely if they are still willing to help out, but also that you understand if they no longer want to because of the change in plans.

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  • Margaret
    Master October 2020
    Margaret ·
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    I would just make the final payment and if they contribute they contribute. If not then they don't. When you talked about the postponement did you still talk to them about covering the dinner? If not, then I'd just assume that is on you versus them. (Just my opinion).

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  • Caitlin
    Expert January 2021
    Caitlin ·
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    I think it's totally okay to say something along the lines of "Our final payment is coming up soon. Are you guys still planning on contributing like we discussed previously?" because that is basically just informing them that the final payment is coming up rather than straight up asking them to give you money. You're basically giving them another opportunity to say if they're going to contribute or not. Good luck!!!
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  • VIP August 2020
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    So, I remember you offering to help us pay for the wedding and I was wondering if you'd still be willing to do that.
    (Wait for response. If yes...)
    Our final payment is due tomorrow and it's for [amount]. Would you be able to pay it for us? Or if not, can you just write me a check for whatever amount you're prepared to give us? It's okay if you can't give this to me right now, but if you can, it would really help. Thanks.
    If they still want to help but aren't ready to/don't want to make this payment for you, you could also ask them for the cash you'll need to tip people the day of the wedding.
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