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Dedicated June 2018

Feeling blue : a vent about my hen do (bachelorette) woes

SL, on April 13, 2018 at 3:33 PM

Posted in Etiquette and Advice 29

Hi everyone, [long post, thanks in advance for listening to my rant, please, all advice welcome!] Less than two months out from my wedding and there's something that just doesn't feel right to me, that I want to talk about but I feel guilty when I think about it, so thanks in advance for listening....

Hi everyone,

[long post, thanks in advance for listening to my rant, please, all advice welcome!]

Less than two months out from my wedding and there's something that just doesn't feel right to me, that I want to talk about but I feel guilty when I think about it, so thanks in advance for listening. I figured this forum would be a good place to express my feelings to other brides and get some feedback.

So I'm a bit disappointed about my hen do (or lack thereof), and here's why. First things first, to fully understand the situation, I'll give you a run down of my situation.

I live in France, and wedding culture is very different here. Two of my bridesmaids are French and ive in the same city as me, my MOH is Irish but lives in Canada, where I lived up until 8 months ago, and the other one is my FH's 17 year old sister. Before I left Canada, my MOH threw me an amazing hen do that I am so grateful for, while my FH had a stag do with his Canadian friends. The Canadian hen doubled as a going away party as I was moving away and many of the people on the Canadian hen do were not coming to the wedding in France. It was great, my FH had a stag do the same weekend with his Canadian mates as a going away party too, and it felt so right.

6 months later, I'm in France, and my two French bridesmaids throw a surprise hen that I didn't know about. I was very clear that I wanted to know the date of the hen do, but they were very insistent on keeping it a secret from me (as is a French tradition apparently) and throwing the whole thing as a surprise. I eventually told myself to just suck it up because I knew they were putting effort into planning something for me and I'd love it no matter what. Well, what happened is, that we got surprised and taken to a friend's house near the Spanish border (two hours away) for a wonderful weekend.

Yes, that's right, I said 'we'. Because my FH was there too, along with my two bridesmaids, their boyfriends, our officiant (who is a very good male friend), and FH's brother. It ended up that of the list of 14 girls I gave to the French bridesmaids, only the two bridesmaids were there. Unfortunately, one of the girls who was invited couldn't make it because her flight got cancelled, and the other had health issues (which I'm happy to say she is doing much better now, thank goodness). But that left 10 people missing. I'm still not even sure if they invited them all because of all the secrecy about the date and organization. Don't get me wrong, the weekend they organized was great, they had tons of surprises and games and I had a great time, but it just didn't feel like a hen do to me, as FH was there and there were more guys than girls. This wasn't a problem, it was a great weekend, which is why I feel guilty when I say that I feel a bit disappointed about the lack of a traditional hen do. I feel guilty because I had one in Canada 8 months ago, and they did go to lots of effort to throw this party with the guys included. It just wasn't what I was expecting.

I'm also disappointed because as I write this, my FH is away on a more 'traditional' stag do (organized by his Irish best man) and I can't help but feel a little jealous. I don't want to say anything because I feel selfish even thinking it, and I know it's probably my fault for not communicating more clearly what I want, but on the other hand, I know I was very specific when I said that I wanted to know the date and gave the list of girls and phone numbers to coordinate. I can't help but feel they did it in the French style because that's what they wanted and didn't take into account the Canadian traditions that I was looking forward to and had spoken about.

The other thing is that at least half of the girls on that list of 14 are from a different friend group (that also all live in our city and the two bridesmaids have met on several occasions) but the weekend for that the BMs chose for the weekend away clashed with another big event that meant that none of those 7 girls could make it as they had been committed to that months in advance. I can't help but think that the BMs chose that date without really taking that into consideration or making an effort to find another weekend which would suit most of the girls. And now my FH is away on a stag do which I hate to say that I envy (and don't want to complain about because I don't want to hurt feelings or make him feel bad or seem petty because he deserves his wonderful stag of course!).

Has anyone else ever felt like this? I'm thinking of organizing a girls night out (not a proper hen, but at least something just between the girls, that I want) the week before the wedding when my MOH will be in town and some of the other girls too, because if it's something that I really want, then nothing is stopping me from doing it (and the goal here is not making the BMs feel bad). But that doesn't change how I feel, and I just needed someone to listen to help me process these feelings in a safe and understanding way.

Thanks for listening,

Feeling blue bride-to-be


  • mjfortwedding
    Expert April 2018
    mjfortwedding ·
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    So I have some insight on this, you’ll read my other comment and think I’m a brat but I was just being straight with you.
    My FH is going out the Thursday before the wedding and having a proper bachelor party and guess what I’ll be doing? DECORATING FOR THE WEDDING. OMG. I was so annoyed / jealous about timing and his being “proper” so i decided I’ll be staying in our beautiful hotel room (destination for us wedding but not guests), I’m going to order in and get myself a nice bottle of something to relax and watch some TV/Movies. I’m just going to pamper myself that night to get over the jealous feeling ☺️
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  • muriel
    Champion June 2018
    muriel ·
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    Have whatever feelings you have . Give it time to process those feelings. You've already admitted that you are jealous of your FH because he is getting another bachelor party and you're not. Just because those feelings are not healthy, doesn't mean you aren't going to feel them. You are however, in control of how you express those feelings and how you act on them.

    I wouldn't do anything more. No matter how you try to rationalize another celebration, your friends are likely to start thinking that nothing is good enough for you. You had a party in Canada. You had a hens do in France. Your MOH is traveling from Canada for your wedding. How much more do they need to do for you for you to feel appreciated? This is your issue to deal with, not any lack of caring or planning on their part.

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  • Cassidy
    VIP October 2017
    Cassidy ·
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    You've literally had like 2 beautiful parties. You really are acting entitled here. and kind of like a brat. You have no right to be upset over 2 beautiful parties hosted in your honor. You didn't get married yet, so why is this a problem?

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  • S
    Dedicated June 2018
    SL ·
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    Wow Cassidy no need for your hurtful comments, thank you very much.

    @mjfortwedding thank you for sharing that with me! Your hotel night in to yourself sounds so nice Smiley smile

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  • Cassidy
    VIP October 2017
    Cassidy ·
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    Sorry you didn’t want to hear the truth. Good luck with your 3rd party.
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  • S
    Dedicated June 2018
    SL ·
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    Hey, I think you're right about why they included the boys (to make it more eventful if they couldn't find a date for the rest of the girls). I guess my disappointment is more that they did it in their own style and keeping everything secret, when I made it clear I wanted to have certain things (knowing the date and confirmed guest list, girls-only, absolutely no penis straws, etc). I know they did everything they did with the best intentions though, and I love them for it. Talking through it here is definitely helping me deal
    with these feelings! Thanks for everyone who is being supportive and offering constructive advice...

    it's especially been awkward when we were at my FH's home last week in Ireland and I had to keep fielding questions from people, the conversations went like this... (on multiple occasions with several different people of varying ages/relations to FH)
    "oh so FH is going away on his bachelor party eh? Have you got your bachelorette this weekend too?"
    "no, not this weekend, I had mine already, it was lovely"
    "oh yeah when was that? What did you do?"
    "well it was a going away party in canada before we moved back to France"
    "oh but you're not doing anything here? What about your french bridesmaids?"
    "theyre Great, they organized a surprise weekend for us near the Spanish border, we had a great time"
    "but FH was there too wasn't he? I thought that was for both of you? You're not having anything just for you with the girls?"

    So in some ways it's other people's judgement (in this example, from FH's family) which has influenced me to feel this way too. ahhh dealing with this and these feelings has just been awkward. Thank god for community forums.
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  • S
    Dedicated June 2018
    SL ·
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    But you're not sorry for saying unkind things to someone who was reaching out to deal with her emotions, and telling me how I'm supposed to feel. No worries, thanks anyways Smiley smile

    Third party will be great, just like the first two were. I think we're going ahead with what @2018bride kindly suggested, a mimosa and nail day at home just before the wedding, to get all the girls together. I'm really looking forward to it!
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  • Cassidy
    VIP October 2017
    Cassidy ·
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    Sorry you feel that way. Have fun.
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  • S
    Dedicated June 2018
    SL ·
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    Thanks @muriel , that's why I'm
    venting here... I didn't think anything else would be appropriate really. Appreciate the support and advice.

    Well, 80% of our guests are travelling to us (20% local, 20% elsewhere in France, 40% from Ireland, 15% from Canada, 5% from other: U.K./Spain/Belgium) which is very normal especially for travel within Europe is cheap quick and easy, so it doesn't seem like a big deal to me but when you step back and look at it from a different perspective it makes me more appreciative (all of yours, which is why I'm happy I posted here!)

    We haven't registered and don't expect gifts because most people are travelling, made that clear on our website, let's see how it turns out...
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