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Just Said Yes October 2016

Family Wedding drama (rant). What should i do?

Dana, on March 26, 2018 at 11:13 AM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 0 16

Okay, so I'm in need of some advice. This is relatively long, so I apologize in advance. I've been losing sleep over this for too long to keep it bottled inside anymore.

Some backstory, I've been with my husband for 7 years (married for 1.5). My husband has a small family, just his mother and younger brother. We've been quite close with his mother for the last few years, and she's been a huge support for us. My husband has never been close to his younger brother, and he's not really ever been around for the entirety of our relationship. When I say I know nothing about BIL, I mean literally nothing. I've seen him maybe a total of 12 times in the last 7 years, and any interaction I've had with him, he has been relatively aloof and disinterested. He is a successful tattoo artist and spends a lot of time traveling and being busy, so I understand that he can't always make time for us. But, he really seems to go out of his way to put as little effort in as possible.

Here are some examples: He and his girlfriend (his current fiance) showed up in the middle of my bridal shower causing a complete ruckus, and started popping bottles of champagne and shouting in the middle of me opening my gifts. He threw a fit about us having to change our wedding date since we switched from a destination wedding in New Orleans to a local wedding in Michigan despite us giving him 10 months notice. He refused to fly out to see his dying grandmother on her deathbed because he 'hadn't forgiven her' for things she had said to him in past. He recently 'wasn't able' to come out for a family funeral because he was 'moving', and wasn't able to attend. He doesn't come around or reach out for people's birthdays, major holidays or the like. When they were teenagers, my husband's brother stole $200 out of his wallet, lied about taking it, and bragged about it to his friends while on the phone with them. DH and BIL got into a physical altercation as a result of this, and their relationship was never really the same after that. About four years ago, my husband put himself out there to apologize to his brother about their fight, and tried to take responsibility for his part of the fight. His brother told him that he 'didn't forgive him', and subsequently ended the conversation. Since then, the only communication we have had with his brother has been predominantly through their mother. I also feel that it is necessary to mention that BIL is clearly the favorite of her two sons, as MIL treats him as though he is the second coming of Christ and can do nothing wrong ever.

My husband and I got married in November 2016, and shortly before then it seemed like his brother was making a bit more effort to be more present and around for family stuff. We went out to dinner (once), and we started exchanging pleasantries once in a while (texting happy holidays, happy birthday, etc). BIL has since moved to Philadelphia (we live in Michigan), and the effort has become relatively one-sided again.

In October this year, we found out that BIL had become engaged to his girlfriend. How did we find out? From his mother...We sent them an engagement gift as a result of having heard the news, and didn't receive any kind of response or thank you. His mother told us that they were planning on having the wedding sometime next year. A short time later, we found out that he and his fiance are expecting their first child in July of this year. He did make an effort to tell us this via video call, which I appreciated greatly since it felt like he was trying to include us in this big moment. We were pretty excited, and I know my husband is very excited to be an uncle for the first time. They made it sound like they were going to try to move up their wedding to do it before the baby was born, but they still weren't sure.

In mid-February this year (during my MIL's birthday lunch), she shared with us that she was flying out for my BIL's wedding sometime in April. She also told us that only parents and "probably the bride's sisters" were going to be invited. Sorry? What? I'm sorry, but this felt like we were being purposely excluded from the wedding. And since we had heard nothing from him since the announcement of the baby, we were both pretty hurt. It felt like a complete slap in the face. I was really looking forward to going to their wedding and celebrating with them, and I was extremely happy for them. Now it felt like they didn't want us to be a part of that, and it really really hurt.

The next day, I received a text message from BIL stating that 'We are getting married at the courthouse on April 14, 2018. You guys are invited. It was just going to be parents at first, but it sounds like [SIL's] sisters are going to be able to make it as well.' WOW, what an invite. I should note that MIL has the tendency to enjoy being the middle man, and has a tendency to meddle in her son's lives. I have my suspicions that she told him how we reacted, and twisted his arm to inviting us. We were traveling at the time that he had texted us, so I responded a day or so later stating that we would let him know who would be able to come etc. No paper invite, or even a simple email with details about the day followed the 'text invite'. We literally just got a text message saying that we were invited to this wedding, and no other information. If we didn't talk to MIL, we would know literally nothing about this affair. I planned on booking our tickets anyways, and going to the wedding despite his lack of enthusiasm.

After months of struggling in a job I despise, I recently interviewed and was hired in a new department in my company, and my first day of work would be April 9, 2018. The week of BIL's wedding. It's a job I've really wanted for quite sometime, and I'm very happy about this transition. Since DH and I were planning on flying out on April 13, I opted out of coming since I wasn't sure what my training schedule would be like (sometimes our training is out of town, sometimes up to two hours away), and I didn't want them to have to wait to make plans for me since I won't find anything out for certain until April 9 when I start. I figured it was better for just DH to go since he had already taken the time off, and there's been no transition to his job. I spoke to MIL and DH about it, told them our plan, and everything seemed to be fine. I bought DH the cheapest ticket out to PA (departing 8:00pm Fri, arriving back 7:30am Sun), and the plans were made. Despite telling BIL our new plans, still have yet to receive any text response or anything back from him. STILL. Over a month later. And still no new details about the wedding.

About a week later, my husband comes home insisting that I make more effort to come to the wedding, and that I should make different arrangements. I was taken aback since we had already discussed this, and he knew that I had already purchased his ticket alone. We got into a sort of heated debate about the subject, and he finally broke down and told me that his mother had made comments to him about me making excuses for not being able to go, and that I should try to make more of an effort. MIL has the tendency to avoid confrontation, and will often discuss things that she should discuss with me with DH so he can tell me so she doesn't have to. This has been a point of tension between her and I for sometime, and all of the other circumstances of this wedding and BIL in general to do not help. I told DH I would try to make arrangements, and that he was right and maybe I should make more effort to try and see if I can go. I contacted my employer to try to make arrangements to reschedule my training, and after quite a bit of fighting and having to talk to higher-ups and HR, I was able to get the time off. I was literally in the process of trying to get his ticket refunded so I could get us both tickets to PA for the same day and time.

Welp, this all came to a head yesterday. MIL texted me absolutely furious saying that I was 'playing games' with her, and I was making a bunch of excuses not to go to this wedding and I was being hurtful. We exchanged some words, and finally she told me IN A TEXT that she didn't want myself or DH at BIL's wedding. I spent the remainder of the rest of yesterday trying to figure out how to make this right, and reached out to BIL to tell him that I was sorry if I had caused him any issues or upset, and that was not my intention. I told him my reasoning for not including myself at first (DUE TO WORK), that I was able to pull a lot of strings at work, successfully got the time off, and told him that I'd still like to go to the wedding if I was still permitted. RADIO FRIGGIN SILENCE. NOTHING. NADA.

So, needless to say, I didn't sleep well last night. I am so unbelievably emotionally exhausted from this entire thing, and am at a loss for what to do. I have literally NO desire to go to this wedding anymore, especially now. Despite all of my initial reservations and unwelcome feelings, I had completely honest intentions of going to this wedding until I got this new job. I even risked LOSING this job and having to stay at my current job, JUST so I could go to a wedding THAT WE'RE PROBABLY NOT EVEN WANTED AT! How can I possibly recover from this? What am I supposed to do? DH has told me multiple times that he also doesn't want to go to this wedding, but is going strictly because his brother attended our wedding. I am at a complete loss, please help me. :-(


Latest activity by FutureMrsR, on March 26, 2018 at 2:03 PM
  • H
    November 2018
    happeningmom ·
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    Firs tof all you and your husband need to sit down with his mother and call BS...tell her this has to stop. You two are a unit and if either of you are doing something that she has an issue with she needs to talk specifically to that person. I would be upset at her behavior as honestly it is not her decision as to if you and your husband should be at the wedding. Also, if your husband doesn't wish to go to the wedding and neither do you...don't! Just based not eh info you have presented you both will not be missed but if you do not attend I think you will hear from you MIL about how horrible you both were for not attending. As for you only getting invited by text...let me just say that everyone is different. Perhaps when they first decided to get married they were just going to to go to the courthouse and only wanted parents there. Then perhaps your MIL invited her sisters, which then in turn made them invite you. The mother is always going be the middle man as long as both boys allow it. All you can do is address your issues regarding her interaction about her issues with you to you. After that either your husband or your BIL will have to address their issues with her.

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  • MrsHanlon
    Devoted July 2018
    MrsHanlon ·
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    Wow, I'm so sorry you're dealing with this stress. reading this alone made me so anxious for you! In my opinion, I wouldn't risk losing a job that you've had your heart set on for people who have yet to prioritize you or your feelings in the time you've known them. BIL seems very immature and lacking in ability to communicate. MIL seems as though she truly enjoys stirring the pot at your expense which I'm very sorry for. I would say talk to DH and see if you can compromise by sending a nice wedding gift and a heartfelt message or letter explaining the reason for why you won't be able to make it? My brother currently won't be able to make it to our wedding as he'll be on tour, I'm trying to be understanding about it and know that we'll Skype or talk on the phone the day of, hopefully your family members can ease up and allow you some room to breathe!
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  • D
    Just Said Yes October 2016
    Dana ·
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    Thank you for your insight!

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  • D
    Just Said Yes October 2016
    Dana ·
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    Thank you so much for your kind words!

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  • Jessa
    Dedicated May 2016
    Jessa ·
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    You’ve gotten let MIL know where her place is. My MIL has pulled crap like this with me & my husband before. I used to try to “fix” it.. not anymore. Call her on her BS. Let her know that you’re not going to put up with her drama any longer. I had to do that with my MIL, & now we have a great relationship.
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  • Jessa
    Dedicated May 2016
    Jessa ·
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    Got to let**
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  • mjfortwedding
    Expert April 2018
    mjfortwedding ·
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    I’m so sorry you’re dealing with all of this! It does sound quite stressful!
    First take a deep breath!
    Second let go of any tension you’re holding.
    Okay. Now, here’s what I would do. I would go to the wedding. It sounds like BIL likes to play games, MIL also likes to play games but is also starting problems where they aren’t necessary or even existing.

    I would go. Even though MIL twisted BILs arm to get you there. He invited you, you took the time off of work already and if you were already risking losing this job over it it’s best not to get into trouble because you pulled a lot of strings and then get caught in town somewhere and then get in trouble

    The fun thing to do would be have a nice romantic weekend with the money you saved on plane tickets and screw MIL&BIL. The adult thing to do would be to suck it up and go and hope this shows BIL that you still want to be a part of their life (especially since H is so excited for his niece or nephew not going after he invited you & MIL bad mouths you, seems like she already is, to them may mean a nonexistent relationship for them...). The not so fun thing to do would be cancel the wedding trip due to drama and tell work you’ll be at the training. (Idk if that will make it worse though since you had to fight to get the time off...)

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  • D
    Just Said Yes October 2016
    Dana ·
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    Thank you for your help!

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  • D
    Just Said Yes October 2016
    Dana ·
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    Thank you!

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  • E
    Savvy August 2018
    Erin ·
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    You and your husband definitely need to talk to mil about her behaviour and that if she has any issue with either of you that she needs to address the person directly.

    As for the wedding, i wouldn't go. Maybe send a gift but it's clear you and your husband aren't very important to bil & his fiancee.
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  • emcknight1517
    Super April 2018
    emcknight1517 ·
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    It seems to me like you've given your BIL way more chances than he deserves. You're definitely a better person than me. I'd have cut off the relationship years ago. He's only focused on himself and he seems to thrive on drama. I think to start, you and your husband need to call your MIL on her BS. She needs to stop playing the middle man. Her and your BIL feed off each other's drama and it's unhealthy for everyone involved.

    I would not go to the wedding. If you feel comfortable with it, I'd talk to your boss/HR/higher-ups and explain the situation. Try to get your training schedule back to the way it was and then really impress them with what you can do. If you don't feel comfortable doing that, you could keep the training to the new dates and spend that free time for you and your husband to enjoy. (Oh, and obviously try to get your tickets refunded or get a credit to use those tickets on a different flight.) Your BIL needs to be the one to reach out this time.

    Just because your BIL went to your wedding, doesn't mean you need to be at his. If you're feeling generous, send them a card and a gift. (Personally, I'd send them a card telling them congrats on the wedding and the baby and send them a $50 gift card and a pack of diapers.)

    I hope this all works out for you!

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  • Stephanie
    Expert October 2018
    Stephanie ·
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    It was wrong of your FH to ask you to jeopardize a new job for his brother's thrown together out of town wedding. I am doing a courthouse ceremony on Friday April 13th, 2018, and initially it was just parents, but I later invited my bestie to be there and enjoy the day with us too, she wasn't offended and didn't take it personally and wants to be there with us. I think it was ridiculous to ask you to fly and take off time off work at a brand new job to go to their wedding. Unfortunately jobs take priority over weddings sometimes, and you did nothing wrong by initially declining to go. I'd be pissed if I risked my job like you did because you were being a good person, and they didn't even bother to thank you for all the stress it's caused you. Usually people are happy when they tell you they were able to get time off of work to come to your wedding, I know I am.

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  • D
    Just Said Yes October 2016
    Dana ·
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    This is a great idea! I am definitely leaning towards doing this. Thank you!

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  • Mrs_Jenkins
    Devoted June 2018
    Mrs_Jenkins ·
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    I was kinda in the same boat on this one.

    Then again I've dealt with enough drama in my life to walk away from it, family included.

    Sending a gift is more than I'd do, I'd send a card, maybe. But that's because this is blown way out of proportion by grown adults. BUT this is all just me. Definitely something you'd have to talk with your Hubby about, and figure out what you want to do as a united front.

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  • Cassandra7
    Super August 2006
    Cassandra7 ·
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    Do not go to the wedding. Stop chasing BIL; he doesn't care about you and treats you with utter disrespect. But the real problem is your DH's need to hang on to his mother, who also treats you very badly and seems to have serious control issues. Back. Way. Off.

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  • FutureMrsR
    VIP May 2018
    FutureMrsR ·
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    First and foremost, I wouldn't necessarily feel like you aren't wanted at your BIL's wedding. We were originally doing parents and siblings only in an effort to keep things small (FH is one of 7, so it was already a lot IMO), but ended up inviting grandparents because we truly could not imagine getting married without them there. This all happened months before invites went out, but the point still stands: he may have just realized he didn't want to ruin his relationship with you both by not inviting you and/or couldn't imagine getting married without his brother there. It also seems like your BIL has no qualms about cutting people out of his life -- so I don't think he would have invited you if he didn't want you there.

    Still, I don't know who is in the right here -- and perhaps both your DH and BIL have some blame in this game -- but I know for sure that your MIL shouldn't be a part of this big mess. Your DH and BIL aren't kids anymore -- they can handle their disagreements among each other without the need for mediation from their mom. Going forward, I think you and DH should make that clear.

    As for what you should do about the current situation, personally, if you already have the tickets and you've already rearranged work, just go. It won't be a long ceremony if it's at a courthouse, and you and DH can spend the rest of the time reconnecting with each other after this time of tension. Be cordial with your BIL, but don't try to extend your hand too much -- just enough that he knows you're being polite, and leave it at that. Don't try to make more of a relationship than there is, just be there for the wedding because it probably means a lot for your BIL to have his brother there, even if they aren't on the best terms. And if someday the family makes up (which I hope they do), at least they can look back and know they attended each other's weddings.

    I would also try to get on the same page with DH. It doesn't matter what his mom or brother say -- find out what he wants, and then stick with that. A family conflict shouldn't be causing stress in your personal relationship!

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