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Dedicated July 2020

Expenses paid for Bridesmaids?

Natalie, on June 21, 2019 at 11:38 AM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 1 19

Hi ladies!

I'm not sure the proper etiquette for what should or shouldn't be paid for by the bride when it comes to Bridesmaids.

Who typically pays for the Bridesmaid dresses? The Bridesmaids?

Do I pay for their hair and makeup? I'm just trying to factor everything into our budget, and what is normally customary. Smiley smile



Latest activity by Katie, on June 22, 2019 at 9:55 PM
  • Kelly
    VIP October 2020
    Kelly ·
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    It's assumed they will pay for the dress.
    Hair and make up is a debate on its own but the general feeling is if you are requiring your bridesmaids to have professional hair and make up then you'd pay for that.
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  • Alli
    Devoted October 2020
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    So typically the bridesmaids pay for their dresses, but you definitely want to discuss budget up front with them! And as far as hair/make up/accessories go, if you require it, you pay for it.

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  • Alli
    Devoted October 2020
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    Jinx! Lol!

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  • Hillary
    Expert October 2021
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    Bridesmaids buy their own dresses typically. I am paying for their hair and makeup.
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  • M
    Legend June 2019
    Melle ·
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    I didn't pay anything for them.
    Its also because I didn't require them to have any certain styles or hair or make up or anything. They all got to choose their own dresses and whatever they wanted for make up and hair
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  • Btbride
    Super August 2019
    Btbride ·
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    My girls are paying for their dresses, they had full reign to pick anything they wanted in any budget range within a certain color. As far as I know, bridesmaids typically do cover dress costs, although I feel like if I had wanted them all to wear exactly the same dress, I’d have probably paid for it, but that’s just me. I’m paying for their hair as a treat/courtesy. We’re all doing DIY makeup, so that’s free. Hope that helps!
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  • K
    Expert February 2020
    Kristina ·
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    So for me, my girls are paying for their dresses and shoes and I am paying for their hair and makeup as well as getting them some nice jewelry for the day of. The jewelry will be something they can wear after as well.

    It all depends on what you want to pay for, however I have seen on here that if you do not pay for their hair and makeup that you cannot be to picky on how the girls decided to do it.

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  • Natalie
    Dedicated July 2020
    Natalie ·
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    Thanks ladies! Makes total sense. That is how I figured it was, but just wanted to be sure before I left out their dresses in our budget. And that's a great idea, to discuss their budget, 1st. I want to keep it simple and least expensive as possible for them.

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  • MrsD
    Legend July 2019
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    I've been in two weddings, both times I paid for my dress & HAMU was optional (I paid for mine both times). In my wedding, bridesmaids bought their dresses (I checked with budgets prior to picking a dress) and I'm paying for their HAMU. I still made it optional (one girl wants to do her own makeup) and I'm letting them do whatever style/look they feel best in. I let them wear whatever jewelry & shoes they want, so it wasn't an added expense unless they wanted to buy new stuff.

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  • MD
    Super July 2019
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    We did things a little differently. Since the dress was the one thing that I wanted to be a certain way, my mom & I paid for their dresses. They were responsible for alterations, but they all had a family friend who did them super cheap or for free. I hired my stylist for hair and make up, and told my BMs her pricing and gave them the option to get theirs done by her too, since I am not requiring a certain style or anything. I've also left jewelry & shoes up to them, as again I told them to pick something they already had or something they'd be comfortable in.

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  • L
    Lady ·
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    I personally think it's super rude to ask people to be in your wedding and then essentially charge them for the honor.

    I paid for everything for my BM's. I have never had that happen in a wedding I've been in though. As a BM, I would much prefer my dress or something be paid for than having to shell out for that stuff and then receive a separate gift. Just something to think about!

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  • N
    Dedicated July 2019
    Natt ·
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    Anything you are making mandatory you should pay for it (except for bridesmaid dresses)
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  • Cassi
    Super October 2019
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    This is pretty much up to you. Like all the other posts unless you are requiring specific styles. My bestfriend paid for dresses but that was out of the goodness of her heart and what she wanted to do. I am not paying for anything for mine BUT thats because we are paying for lodging because that was more important to us. Its a destination wedding and we didn't want people stressing travel and lodging and what not and it seemed easier for us to all be in one area so we booked a 9 bedroom cabin for a week and we are all staying there.

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  • Annie
    VIP October 2018
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    My bridesmaids paid for their dresses ($110 from Azazie), and I told them to wear any shoe they wanted as long as it was nude. I paid for them to each get their hair done ($100), but they could get it done however they wanted. If they wanted to pay and get their makeup done that was up to them. Some paid to have their makeup done while some did it themselves.

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  • Isabella
    Dedicated June 2020
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    Ultimately it's your call on what you're comfortable with, but I have never said yes to being a bridesmaid and expected that the bride paid for anything; I always assume that I will be responsible for the costs of being a bridesmaid AND attending the wedding. No one said being a bridesmaid was cheap! That being said, if I was offered any contribution from the bride (literally anything, hair, makeup, dress, lodging) I would gratefully accept.

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  • Amanda
    Dedicated October 2019
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    My girls paid for their dresses and shoes. They wanna do their own hair and make up so i guess i lucked out there. However we are sharing a room the night before the wedding and we are all splitting the cost
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  • Grace
    Dedicated December 2019
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    Double check everyone's budget, if the bridesmaid dresses you choose for them are over that, you should offer to cover that amount. And I would tell my bridesmaids the price of hair and makeup by the makeup artist I'm having there, and say that its not necessary for them to use them if they don't want to.
    But part of accepting being in a bridal party is accepting that you'll be paying for things like your clothes for the big day, chipping in for the bachelorette/bachelor party and getting the couple a wedding gift.
    I think as the bride, we just have to keep in mind what we're asking from our friends. I would always look for affordable options like shoes at Payless, jewelry recommendations instead of picking a specific piece they had to buy, etc.
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  • Rachael
    Dedicated July 2020
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    I told my girls I'd help them pay for things done we're all still in entry level jobs (early 20s) and they told me not to really worry about it. Im taking them all out soon to make the final decision for their dresses but we're staying at a max of 80 and we're still debating how makeup is gonna be done
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  • Katie
    VIP November 2019
    Katie ·
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    I’m paying for hair and makeup and getting them another gift
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