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Dedicated April 2021

Don't Even Want My Wedding Anymore

Stephanie, on March 30, 2021 at 10:37 PM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 0 11
My original date was last April but with COVID we had to postpone to April 2021. The wedding is about 30 days or less away and my state happened to open up restrictions to where all of my invited guests could attend. I invited all 9 friends, and I only have 1 who is willing to attend. I know I should be understanding because it's COVID and I get it..but I am still hurt. If I wasn't going to be out thousands of dollars I probably would have just cancelled outright instead of postponing but I didn't purchase wedding insurance in time to cover under COVID.

I am just so bummed. While I am happy my one friend is coming, it's still basically going to be just family all of who are a lot older and..idk it's just not going to be the same. We will be lucky if we can get 25 people to attend (including us). And I am someone who let's my friends know when I'm upset but in this situation I feel like I will be the jerk..hope everyone else here has better luck.


Latest activity by Stephanie, on April 2, 2021 at 8:13 AM
  • D
    June 2021
    Dj Tanner ·
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    That really stinks. I’m really sorry things are so messed up right now. The restrictions have put everyone between a rock and a hard spot. You have every right to be hurt and upset. Especially when your wedding day is supposed to be about the happiest time of your life and in reality it turns into vendors trying to make as much profit off of you as possible and people who should be there support you choose not to instead.
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  • A
    Just Said Yes May 2021
    Ari ·
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    I have not posted on here in awhile (I tend to lurk/read posts instead) I literally reset my password just to respond to your post. You’re feelings are valid and you’re not alone. You sound like someone who gives their all to their friends and COVID screws that up and makes you feel unappreciated. I think peoples reasons for saying no range so much during this time and it’s really hard to tell their reasons. We also postponed last year and we are moving forward with our new date this May. I personally am struggling with feeling like our event is the first people will attend since this started (whereas we have family getting married in July and October, where people may be more comfortable by then). As much as this isn’t about money, this whole wedding has been such a financial hit and strain, having minimums by the venue and not having as many guests as anticipated. I’ve been shocked by some of the people who have responded no and didn’t send a gift, considering we attended their weddings and they haven’t been financially affected by this situation. I know this affects everyone in someway (health, loss, finances, canceled events, etc) but it’s hard not to take it personally when other people have had their day.
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  • LeeAnn
    Savvy October 2021
    LeeAnn ·
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    I am so sorry you're going through this. I wish I had some magical advice to give you. The only thing I can suggest is seeing if the venue & vendors would be willing to move you to another date...but I can also totally understand not wanting to postpone again. It just sucks and your feelings are totally valid. Allow yourself to grieve the loss of the wedding day you'd envisioned.

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  • Lynnie
    WeddingWire Administrator October 2016
    Lynnie ·
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    I'm so sorry Stephanie. Just try to focus on the people who will be there! That's so great you've got a friend who is coming, and it will be so special to celebrate with your family. ❤️


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  • Paulette
    Beginner April 2021
    Paulette ·
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    Hi Stephanie,

    As everyone else has said, I'm sorry as well. I know exactly how you feel. I, too was feeling like I didn't want to have the wedding anymore. Don't worry about who will not be there because it's not about them, it's about you and your husband to be. People will disappoint you all the time. Don't be discouraged. Marry your man and celebrate with whomever shows up. That's all that matters. Be happy for you and the life you're about to share with the person you love.

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  • Jennifer
    Savvy August 2021
    Jennifer ·
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    I’m confused about your post.... 25 people are coming, correct? It’s not “just” one friend. This is probably not going to be a popular response but I think you might want to take a step back and put things in perspective. The title of your post is about not even wanting to get married...??
    People have DEVASTATING things happen all the time... sometimes even while they are planning a wedding. Maybe focus on being grateful for the 25 people that are going to risk their lives during a global pandemic to be at your wedding..... just a thought
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  • P
    Devoted April 2023
    Peyton ·
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    So sorry. I would feel like you do. I would be upset with myself for feeling selfish, but I would still feel sad that my friends were not willing to support me on a very special day. I hope you can make peace with your decisions.

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  • A
    Devoted May 2021
    Ally ·
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    I felt this. I have like 2 friends coming to my wedding because none of my friends live near me and cant travel cause of the pandemic. But my FH friends can all attend cause theyre all local. Im afraid its gonna be so obvious its mostly his friends, even though I know mine would be there under normal circumstances. Like my ego is telling me people are gonna think i have no friends. Ughhh so freaking annoying
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  • T
    Devoted August 2020
    Tina ·
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    We are in the same boat. I got married in August my party moved to April which means nothing to me. I don’t want to have the party but we should celebrate it. It’s a terrible time I understand remember you are not alone. Always best to vent it out makes you feel better. Honestly saying you be a jerk is definitely off. It’s an unfortunate time and it stinks yeah. You should have your party and whoever comes they can celebrate it with you. I had over 100 invited I have like half that coming. My one aunt (She didn’t make it to the ceremony) died last year, but I know she would want me to have the party.

    Enjoy your party and cheer up. You got married that what you need to celebrate. Look at the positives over the negatives. If you look at the negatives it will pull you down and that’s not where you want to be. Trust me. I been there several times. Now I can’t wait for my party.
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  • Stephanie
    Dedicated April 2021
    Stephanie ·
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    "We will be lucky if we can get 25 people to attend (including us)." Is what I said. I never said 25 were attending. And the point of this post is that my friends can't come. The other guests are my groom's friends and family/family friends. I'm not unappreciative of the guests that are coming this post is about me being upset my friends of 13+ years aren't coming. Im not ungrateful..I am grieving over the fact that my longest, oldest friends won't be there. And how do you know I haven't experienced anything devastating? I would maybe keep assumptions to yourself..just a thought..
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  • Stephanie
    Dedicated April 2021
    Stephanie ·
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    Everyone on this post who has provided comforting words. Thanks so much for your advice and consoling words. It also makes me sad I'm not the only one going through this. After a couple days of this sinking in I feel a bit better. I think once it gets closer to the date I'll be more focused on final touches and then the day itself. I hope your wedding days are still special ❤️
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