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Steph N.
Super October 2018

Do you ever feel like you’re disappointing people?

Steph N., on March 14, 2018 at 1:29 PM Posted in Community Conversations 0 18
This might be long.

I’ll start by saying that I’m a people pleaser by nature and I already struggle with feeling like I’m letting others down, just in general.

Apparently wedding planning is no different.

FH is a musician - guitar mainly, but also drums, piano, and bass. He is a professional musician for a living, so it’s not just a hobby for him. Way back when we started planning, he wanted to do some kind of musical “event” during the reception. There’s a stage in the reception room, and he wanted to put together a 10 minute or so musical medley with his friends (many of whom are also pro musicians). While I didn’t LOVE the idea, I told him ok because really it was the only thing he was asking for. Fast forward several months and I find out he plans to have ME sing with him. On stage. In front of 150 guests.

I’m not a singer. I’m not musically inclined in any fashion. I’m also an introvert who does not want 150 people watching me sing.

I told him I’m not comfortable doing that and he got extremely bummed. Not mad or anything, just very sad and disappointed that I didn’t want to do this with him. He asked me to think about it and I promised I would.

So I thought about it for a few days. I thought about what a nervous wreck I’ll be on my wedding day worrying about being on stage in front of 150 people. I know it would put a damper on the day for me because I’d be worrying the whole time about it. I told him I’m sorry, I just can’t. He understood and hasn’t pushed the issue since, but I know he’s still bummed and I feel extremely guilty for disappointing him.

Seperate from that, I feel like I’ve disappointed my mom. I have 2 nieces and 2 nephews, they are my brothers kids. The girls are flower girl age, so we asked them to be FGs. The boys are way too old to be ring bearers, so we asked them to be ushers. I thought everyone was ok with this, and then my mom mentioned that it would be nice if I asked the boys to be junior groomsmen so they can walk in the ceremony. We don’t have BMs and GMs outside of my MOH and FH’s BM. I thought about it, but honestly wasn’t crazy about the idea. It’s 100% nothing against my nephews, I adore both boys, but I prefer keeping everything the way we planned, and FH agrees. It got brought up again a few days later, so I suggested having the boys escort my grandma. She is the only living grandparent between FH and I, so I thought it would be nice to have her walk in like the parents do. She will probably need someone to help her anyway since she uses a cane and/or her walker to get everywhere.

I told my mom this idea and she said ok, but I get the feeling she’s unhappy that I’m not giving my nephews a bigger role in the wedding.

Anyway, both of these things are weighing heavily on me and I feel like I’m really letting people down. FH and my mom are the two most important people in my life, so feeling I’m disappointing them really sucks. Smiley sad

Don’t know what I’m looking for exactly, I guess I needed to get it off my chest to some strangers. If you read this far, you’re the real MVP lol


Latest activity by NVV2B, on March 14, 2018 at 4:24 PM
  • Michelle
    VIP September 2018
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    You can’t please everyone, you just can’t. And to be honest this day is about you and FH. Don’t do anything you don’t want to do. Just know whatever decisions you do make, the day will be awesome. That’s it, that’s all. No matter what, you get to marry the love of your life and that’s what’s important
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  • O
    Master October 2017
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    People pleasing will only make you unhappy. Make yourself happy first, do only what you're comfortable with. Your FH should take your feelings in consideration and not push you to do something you don't want to do. Be confident in what you want. Stop being sorry for the things you want. Stop worrying about others feelings because you forget about yourself.
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  • Mrsbdg
    Champion August 2017
    Mrsbdg ·
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    People pleasing was the hardest part for me. I'm a people pleaser for the most part and still feel like I need to atone to my parents for being such a $h!* head teen.

    I was and am still told by both my parents it's not a real marriage because we didn't promise anything to a "god". I learned early on to keep details to myself. I also had my best shopping experience for my gown on my own.

    Im so sorry you feel bad. It's really hard feeling like you are disappointing people. Try to lean on your FS for support or even turn to a professional. You just need to realize their expectations are not something you can control. I think it's cute to have the boys usher the grandmother. I think it's best to keep mom at arms length for planning.
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  • Steph N.
    Super October 2018
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    I know users on here can be brutally honest a lot of times - I’ve been a member for almost a year - but I think most people on here are ok. It’s not like I’m asking for opinions on a Honeyfund or cash bar! 😉
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  • Sara
    Devoted June 2018
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    Ok, I'm a people pleaser too so I can relate! First of all, your FH should have known that you would be super anxious about singing in front of everyone on your wedding day. There are times that you have to put your foot down and this is that time. He loves you and I'm sure, deep down, he understands. You need to let it go. Try meditation. Second, I'm sure your Mom will be fine with whatever job you end up giving your nephews. Moms tend to have a perfect picture of what they want for their daughter's wedding day, but they have to understand that ultimately it's up to the couple to come up with their vision. After all, it's your wedding, she already had hers. Again, your Mom loves you and wants you to be happy. Good luck and practice so calming meditation so you can fully let these negative feelings goSmiley smile
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  • Kelly
    Champion October 2018
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    I completely understand! I am such a huge people pleaser and have had so many breakdowns trying to make everyone happy in wedding planning. I go to therapy which is a huge help in setting boundaries with others and taking care of myself emotionally. I tell myself it’s okay to cry or feel my emotions but I can set appropriate boundaries with people and stand up for myself and keep moving forward. Not sure if this is helpful but just wanted you to know I relate and it’s okay to be feeling these things!
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  • Steph N.
    Super October 2018
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    We’re not having a single religious aspect to our wedding. Thank god (pun intended) I don’t have anyone berating me for that!

    I’ve LOVED planning my wedding with my mom. We have a great relationship, it’s just been this thing with my nephews. Overall my mom has been fantastic with wedding planning, and very helpful in many ways!
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  • Amanda
    Super May 2018
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    Sorry you're feeling this way! I've realized that emotions are on a different level when it comes to wedding planning.

    I just had to tell my stepdad no to sending an invitation to his friend and his friend's wife because we already finalized the guest list and sent our invites about 2 1/2 weeks ago - so basically we're B-listing this couple and it's incredibly rude. He was really upset about it, but we can't afford to host any more people (we're paying for everything) and he's had since last year to note who he wanted invited and we could've accommodated them somehow then.

    Like other PP's have said, you need to put your wants & needs before anyone else. It's your wedding day, and if you feel strongly about something, stay firm on it. Otherwise, the demands won't stop there.

    For me, I seriously can't wait for the day to get here. All the drama and trying to please everyone has truly put a damper on my wedding planning and experience. Hopefully you can learn to let yourself off the hook and be confident in your decisions!

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  • Steph N.
    Super October 2018
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    Why FH thought I’d be cool with singing in front of everyone is a mystery to me. We’ve been together 11 years, that man KNOWS I don’t sing in front of people. I think maybe he thought I’d be ok with it since it’s all friends and family.

    He made the comment that “everyone will think it’s adorable and there will be great videos if it!” and I about died cause the thought of people taking video hadn’t even occurred to me yet!
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  • firstoneat56
    Master August 2017
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    I am a reformed people pleaser so I can pass on this advice - my people-pleasing came from a place of not feeling worthy and a low self-esteem from being bullied as a child and teen. I only felt valuable when validated. I often made decisions against my better judgment, kept silent, said yes when I wanted to say no, and often put myself last in order to please others. It took may years to realize that 1. those who love you, still love you even if we are in respectful disagreement, 2. you teach people how to treat you 3. guilt is actually a selfish emotion as it makes it all about you, 4. It's not selfish to put yourself first - if you don't, who will? 5. Not everyone will like your choices (do you like everyone else's choices?), 6. when your motivation is to please at any cost, you are easily manipulated. I also found that "people pleasing" often left me sad, angry or confused. Saying no is empowering and sets up important boundaries for others to respect. It's okay for others to be disappointed, they'll get over it.

    It's fine to tell your FH that you are looking forward to his performance but what will make you happy is watching him, not performing yourself. It's okay to tell your mother that your decision for your nephews is made and while you appreciate her input, that subject is no longer up for discussion. When you are clear, honest and straightforward with people (you don't need to justify yourself either), you will start to build the confidence and self-respect you deserve. Keep this up and it will get much easier over time.

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  • S
    Devoted January 2019
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    I would feel the same way you would about having to sing. You proposed a very reasonable compromise - he wants to perform, so he can do his performance. He should be concerned about your well-being and not want to push you into something that would make you feel anxious and not have a good time. I think you are doing a great job and don't have anything at all to feel bad about.

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  • N
    Devoted October 2018
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    I understand that you feel like you are disappointing everyone but the fact is that you can't please everyone. What is important is that you and your fiancé are happy about the decisions you make. After all, it's your and your fiancé's wedding. I used to get so stressed out about trying to please everyone that I wasn't happy. I had to slowly learn to make decisions that would please my fiancé and I before putting everyone else first.

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  • edecker
    Super December 2024
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    That sounds like sticky situation and I am so sorry that your fun planning has been made un-fun by the anxiety of letting others down. You have handled both situations very well, so rest assured that if they are still let down, it is their fault for not compromising.

    I know how it feels to be a people pleaser and its never fun because it sounds self-centered to say "its our wedding, its how we want our special day to be", but it is so necessary to say (at least to yourself) as a reminder that it is your day.

    It sucks that you and FH disagreed on the whole singing thing. Maybe you can plan a lipsync song as a compromise? I hope that I was able to offer some advice and reassurance Smiley heart

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  • Heather
    VIP January 2019
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    This sounds like if there is any disappointment, it will blow over quickly, as both your FH and mom are draling with it in healthy, nonconfrontational ways. There will always be small disappointments. C'est le vie. How we handle them shows our character. Don't let the small things take your joy.
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  • Allie
    Expert April 2019
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    First up: People are nuts.

    Now onto your rant:

    As far as the musical ordeal with FH goes, I feel you. My FH is extremely musically talented, he and his sister have played at every single siblings wedding thus far, either during the ceremony or during the first dance. I, on the other hand, am NOT musically inclined in the least bit. To me, being on stage 'singing' (re: I sound like a dying cat. Really great during 6 hour road trips and in the shower.. not so great in front of 150 people) sounds AWFUL and embarrassing. Swing it as an opportunity for your hubby to be to show off his talents and have the most important people in his life be there on stage with him. HIS opportunity for the spot light during a day where you might be considered as in the spotlight the majority of the time.

    As far as the ordeal with other people putting their children/younger family members/dog groomers best friends baby sitter's children in your wedding ceremony... frankly, those people need to back off, it's not their time. BUT! That's not nice to say. I think you are being generous by asking the younger boys to be ushers. That's an important role and it's not overlooked. Theyre usually the first people that guests see and organize the guests appropriately. That's a bigger role than your mother might initially see. Giving them the opportunity to then walk your grandmother down the aisle gives them even more responsibility and I think that's a great role for them as they do not necessarily belong next to your FH as groomsmen. ((Also, they'll probably get bored standing up front and giving them actual responsibilities might work out for the best))

    Now I'm rambling. You're doing a great job, you wont always please everyone but you're doing your best and THAT'S what matters.

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  • Heather
    VIP January 2019
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    Edit: dealing, not draling. Draling isn't a word, lol.
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  • Steph N.
    Super October 2018
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    Oh they absolutely are. We’re all a nonconfrontational bunch in general! I don’t think they are mad or anything, I just feel guilty for doing things my way with this.

    I hated seeing how bummed FH looked when I said no to singing. Smiley sad Part of me was telling myself to suck it up and do it, but I know I’m the end I can’t. I would be a wreck allllll day worrying about it.
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  • NVV2B
    VIP January 2019
    NVV2B ·
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    Maybe you can sit on stage with him while he sings/plays to you? Or at the end of the performance you can get on stage and give him a kiss?

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