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Devoted January 2019

Did you know he/she was going to propose?

Brittany, on February 22, 2018 at 8:46 AM Posted in Community Conversations 0 51
Im still not offically engaged, but ever since we went looking and he told me he put money down on a ring we've been planning. So I know he's going to I just don't know when 😁 or how (but that's ok because I like to leave somethings to surprise)
So who knew it was going to happen? Or knows it's going to happen?
Tell me your proposal stories!


Latest activity by Miranda, on April 4, 2018 at 11:44 AM
  • Pegs
    VIP July 2018
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    I really had no idea, honestly. It was our four year anniversary, we were vacationing in Madrid, Spain, and exactly on our anniversary, he proposed in front of the Royal Palace. I was shocked. We had talked about getting married before but it was a very informal conversation. I'm so glad it was a surprise though.

    Royal Palace - Madrid, Spain - ProposalDid you know he/she was going to  propose? 1

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  • B
    Devoted January 2019
    Brittany ·
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    Awww that's awesome!
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  • Yoomie
    VIP October 2018
    Yoomie ·
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    FH and I had talk about getting engaged and looked for my e-ring together. But after we found my e-ring, I give it back to him and told him that he still has to ask me. So for about a week and a half, I knew the proposal was coming but I didn't know when or how.
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  • B
    Devoted January 2019
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    I had 3 rings picked out for him to choose from, I can't wait to see what he picked out! I'm glad I'm not the only one who helped pick it out. My family said it takes away the excitement but it doesn't, at least not for me.
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  • M
    Savvy March 2018
    Melinda ·
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    Yes i knew he was had talked about for months just had to wait until Thanksgiving two years ago when he asked me under the christmas lights on the beach Now are 30 days away from getting married in March 24
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  • B
    Devoted January 2019
    Brittany ·
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    Omg that sounds magical! I love Christmas lights and the beach!

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  • char
    Expert September 2018
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    I had an idea because he took my dad aside the night before and sent me out to the car on a sketchy errands but leading up to that I was completely clueless that he was ready to go there. We had talked about it the previous year but then kind of put it on the back burner and the last time I'd asked him what his thoughts were on our future he said he wasn't ready to talk about it. So yeah when the day came I wasn't really surprised but in a way I was still trying to get my head around the idea because until about a month before that I had no idea.
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  • Mrs. Sponge
    Master April 2018
    Mrs. Sponge ·
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    FH and I put a deposit down on our venue before he "officially proposed". We knew the time frame we wanted to get married in and I knew we would have to book soon to make that happen, but FH wanted to do the whole proposal with a ring, so we booked our venue and our photographer and I had to wait several months for the actual proposal. He totally blindsided me though by taking my son and I to a planetarium where he had a slide made after the movie asking me to marry him. It was something I did not expect at all and was so surprised. Turns out he was only waiting because his family gave him is great grandmother's diamond and he had designed my engagement ring with a jeweler so the ring took longer than he planned.

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  • A
    Dedicated August 2019
    Abigail ·
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    My FH is very predictable, which is great for me because I get really flustered when I'm surprised. For our anniversary, he took me out to a very nice restaurant and after we ate he told me to stand up with him and he hot down on one knee and proposed! Everyone at the restaurant was clapping and congratulated us and it was really nice. I knew it was coming soon, but I didn't know he was going to do it at dinner!
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  • Raven
    Devoted February 2019
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    I knew but didn't know. We always talked about getting married but I figured it was down the road a bit. Sorry this story is really long.

    In June, one of our guys friends wanted to propose to his girlfriend but she doesn't wear rings so he had no clue of her ring size. Her hands are tiny like mine so we made a plan to figure out her ring size without her knowing. So most everyone's fingers are different sizes on opposite hands. I have a ring from my great grandmother that only fits on my left ring finger but not my right. So I wore it to the bar hoping she would notice and flip out. She did and I told her the hand thing. I handed her my great grandmother's ring and she tried it on both ring fingers and the same thing happened to her! When we were saying our goodbyes, I slipped the ring into her boyfriend's hand so he could get it sized for hers. I had no clue my FH asked him to get the size for him too.

    In August we discussed finally moving in together. I was uncomfortable with the idea only because I wanted to be engaged first. He assured me it would happen but it would be after we moved in in December.

    While on a trip to New Orleans, in October, we were walking along the levee after a lovely brunch and watching the barges float out to the gulf. He looked at me and said he didn't want to be my boyfriend anymore and got down on one knee. He couldn't even get the words out before I borderline tackled him with a million "YES"es.

    I knew it was coming but I expected it at Christmas or new years. He was spontaneous and perfect and I still can't believe he is mine!
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  • Yoomie
    VIP October 2018
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    FH wanted to be sure that I was going to love my e-ring because it was my forever ring, and I was going to be the one to wear in everyday, plus he has no knowledge in jewelry whatsoever. For the same reason, FH and too picked out his wedding band together. I'm glad we did because FH has much more simpler taste when it comes to jewelry design than I do.
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  • FutureMrsKC
    Master January 2019
    FutureMrsKC ·
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    My FH proposed to me in Savannah, Georgia. We had been talking about marriage a lot, we already bought a house together, I knew it was a matter of time. He knew the style ring I preferred, and the metal, but I didn't pick it out.

    We live in FL and drove to Savannah for the weekend, and of course the weather was extremely cold for May. We spent that Friday going to dinner, walking around the shops, and drinking (if you've been to Savannah, you know you drink, lol!) FH was acting slightly strange, telling me all night how much he loves me. We are always affectionate and verbally affectionate as well but I kind of knew what was coming. (I always feel like I can sense certain things, like, I knew when my cousin was getting engaged without ever talking to her FH).

    After dinner we were sitting on a bench on River Street overlooking the water, watching boats go by, and FH kept looking around. I knew it was coming then. He set his beer on the ground (lol) and I saw him reach into his pocket! Then he started giving me a little speech about how much he loves me, how we are best friends, the whole nine yards, then he asked me to marry him!! We went to a duelling piano bar after that, got rather intoxicated and an older couple from Montana bought all of our drinks. It was a crazy night, but definitely one of the best trips of my life.

    Did you know he/she was going to  propose? 2

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  • caitlin
    Super May 2017
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    I had literally zero idea. we'd been talking abstractly about marriage for awhile, but he had picked out my ring on his own. we took a trip to Paris and on our first full day when we didn't really have any firm plans he made a few breezy suggestions about things we could do and little did i know that he'd planned out the whole day. Smiley smile we nearly got engaged in the lineup for the national military history museum going through an intense metal detector--he told me afterward he was so worried the guard would make him empty his pockets when he set off the alarm. i was so clueless and hardly even noticed, just assumed it was his keys. he popped the question later that afternoon while sitting in the Luxembourg Gardens. it was perfect. Smiley smile

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  • B
    Devoted January 2019
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    That's exactly why I went with him. We were actually both a little overwhelmed the first time we went ring shopping so we went back a couple weeks later so I could be sure the ones I picked out I'd love!
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  • Erica
    Expert August 2018
    Erica ·
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    My fiancé and I knew each other since May 2010. We started dating in the past but sadly broke up due to the face that he decided to join the air force. At the time my son was about two and we didn't want my son being confuse on why he was in and out of our lives. It was bad enough that my son biological father was in and out of my son life and he had no excuse. We stayed friend ( best friend). We seen each other once in a while. We talked for weeks straight. He came back home and we became closer but due to what he went through in the air force we didn't just jump in to the relationship. We grew closer and closer to see if we can handle it together . In January 11, 2017 he finally asked me out. We started dating again and even though it felt like we was dating for awhile due to how close we were and all the flirting. It was about time to making it official. We talked about marriage and kids one day. Maybe 2 years after dating. We joke around about it and everything.

    Now I work two jobs. It was June 23, 2017. I worked job one 6:30am to 3:30pm then went to my other job at 5:15pm til 11:00pm. I was having a really rough day. He knew I was having a rough day. We barly text while I was working like we usually doing. He asked if I want him to cheer me up and take me out for a late night dinner. I said no during our text. He told me he was hanging with my son. At the time that upset me because here I am working two jobs on a Friday and I would love to spend my time with my son. He picked me up 11pm and asked if I was hungry. I said yeah, but I'll eat when I go home. He didn't listen and took me to one of our favorite place buffalo wild wings. He was cheering me up and started joking around. We started talking about our future. One day getting engage and married. He said "so, if I asked you one day to marry me you would say yes". I said "yes". He says "so, Erica would you do me the honor and married me" at the same time he saying that he pullout the ring. I was very shock. I said "your joking right. Where did that come from". He said "no I'm not joking, so what your answer". I said "of course yes".

    We talked about marriage. We talked about what steps I wanted him to go through. For example he needed to ask my son and see if it was okay, he need to ask his parent if it was okay that I would be able to join his family, and he needed to ask my parents.

    Now he didn't know I was having a rough day until about 7pm.

    That day he asked everyone. He went to jared spent some time there looking for a perfect ring for me. He went home and asked his family. He spent 5 hours at my families asking my parents and showing them the ring. He didn't plan a big thing because I was having a rough day and he wanted to change that plus my mom was on him saying that my little cousin or that my father would tell me he had a ring.

    Now I don't know if they would of told me. But that day turn around. I was completely shock. Almost 8 year friendship and our relationship is finally back on track. And I will be marrying the love of my life August 18, 2018. ❤
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  • M
    Savvy March 2018
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    It was heaven espcially at night when he did it was perfect
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  • B
    Devoted January 2019
    Brittany ·
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    Thanks for sharing! I love hearing everyone's stories!
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  • M
    Savvy March 2018
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    This is where he asked me to marry him it was Cold Cold and i was sick but it didnt matter to us cause i Love him so much

    Did you know he/she was going to  propose? 3
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  • T
    Devoted September 2018
    Tara ·
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    My fiance and I have been together for 8 years (started dating in high school). We'd literally talked about everything, from marriage to kids. We'd been living together for almost 2.5 years, and he knew I'd been wanting to get married for a long time. He insisted that he wanted to have a stable job first (he had some trouble finding anything but part time work after we moved to a new city for me to go to grad school).
    Last February, he got a job he'd really been wanting and working towards. I honestly was ready to just go to the court house at that point, but he said I'd have a ring before the end of the year. I didn't want to get my hopes up, so I just forgot about it.
    In December, I started to get suspicious. He kept asking me about our holiday travel plans, and what my favorite holiday was.
    A few days before Christmas, we spent the whole day together running errands and going to the gym. We get back home, cook dinner and binge watch Netflix the rest of the night. I was half asleep on the couch, and he tells me to close my eyes because he has a surprise for me (we get each other little gifts often). When I opened my eyes, he was down on one knee with a ring.
    Apparently he had bought it the day before, told all of our family he was going to propose on Christmas, and then couldn't keep it a secret any longer.
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  • Amanda
    Super May 2018
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    My FH and I had been dating for 11 1/2 years (HS sweethearts). We had booked a trip to Disney World for September 2016. A part of me hoped he would propose during our trip, but I didn't want to put too much pressure on it because I would've been devastated if I had expected it and he didn't.

    He kept asking when we were going to Magic Kingdom for the fireworks. After about the 4th time he asked, I kind of suspected he might be up to something. When we went to find a spot for the fireworks (this was about halfway through our trip), he kept moving me (in front of trees or obstructed views). I was like "hey, I won't be able to see the fireworks from here!" I could literally feel his heart beat through his hand so I knew it was coming.

    I didn't get a long drawn out speech (mostly because I could barely hear him with the fireworks), but it was perfect anyway! He got down on one knee in front of the Crystal Palace restaurant and proposed. I was so happy.

    We asked someone to take our picture, but I guess he didn't understand that we had just gotten engaged, so he tried to focus the camera more on the castle instead of us. We laugh about the picture now since it's basically our heads and the castle behind us.

    I made sure to have a professional picture taken right before the parade, so we have something a little more professional for memories!

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