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Devoted September 2021

Delta Variant.. stressing..

Sylvia, on July 28, 2021 at 1:37 PM Posted in Planning 0 9

Hi! So as the CDC recently stated that fully vaccinated people should still wear masks now since Covid and the Delta variant are on the rise, I am starting to stress over it.

Through our entire time planning, we were not really stressing since we thought we would be fine. As cases went down and everything has opened up where I live, we will be fine! Right!.. RIGHT?

Then Delta hits and mask mandates are coming back..vaccines rates are not improving, cases are high.. all that jazz.. is anyone worried that another lockdown will happen because of the Delta variant?

Our wedding is on September 24th. We just sent out invites and everything is pretty much sorted out.

When do I wait to see if there are any restrictions? I'd like to think everything will be fine.. but what if?

I don't care much about masks at my wedding, I am just anxious about changing the guest list around for restrictions and sending out information regarding changes and "un-invites/change of plans" I guess..

Thoughts? Words of advice?


  • Yasmine
    Master October 2020
    Yasmine ·
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    Our reception is 10.02 and so far my husband and I aren't worrying about it. We recently sent out our invitations but we aren't stressing because if there are any restrictions then it will be out of our control. I also don't see our governor shutting our state back down unless he absolutely had to but I definitely don't see it happening within 2 months.

    As of now we nor our venue aren't requiring our guests to wear mask, obviously that can change before October gets here though. I wouldn't uninvite anyone unless there were restrictions that limited the amount of guests. & in that case, that would probably cause some people to not feel comfortable going if it got back to that point. i would hold off on doing anything at least until the beginning of September to see what happens.

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  • Sylvia
    Devoted September 2021
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    Thanks for your insight! I am a very tight planner, so this is worrying me. I don't like last-minute changes. Guess we will see! Good luck to you and hope everything works out for us!

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  • Yasmine
    Master October 2020
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    I went through it last year and had to postpone, cancel, and start completely over so now I have the attitude that "it's beyond my control". But last year I was stressing about it just as you are lol. But thank you, & goodluck to you as well!

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  • Sydney
    Dedicated October 2021
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    Yep i also posted a thread about this on July 24. Definitely stressing but trying to stay calm. It’s out of our control so what can we do? I agree there isn’t much of a point worrying about Uninviting people bc many people will probably decline or change their mind bc they are scared of contracting covid. I mandated vaccines for my wedding so that my guests and I can feel more comfortable. I fired my DJ who refused to get vaccinated. I am hopeful that infections will start to go down as more vaccine mandates go into place so hoping we will be able to carry on mask free.
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  • Sarah
    Savvy October 2021
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    I’m just praying that the only thing that happens is masks are required!
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  • J
    Dedicated August 2021
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    My wedding is two weeks away and I can't stop thinking about all of this. I don't care about protocols or policies at this point. We already postponed once (from July 2020) and now I reallyyyy just want to get married and free up my brain space again, no matter what we need to comply with. I'm just worried about people getting sick.

    You're not alone and it is outside of your control and whatever happens, you will find a way to cope. And to have a beautiful wedding.

    If it helps, I'm no expert, but I don't think capacity restrictions will return by September. I think mandatory masks might come back, maybe mandatory testing as well. Just my two cents.

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  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
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    Medically speaking, social distancing/crowd gatherings will depend on the vaccine rate and whether or not there is "herd immunity" in your area. I'm guessing that mask mandates will be continued indefinitely because of the Delta variant.

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  • Thinn
    Devoted September 2021
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    I’m getting married on September 25th. Most of the guests are flying in. Not sure what will happen but I’m going to try and not stress about it. The only thing that would stress me out is if a lockdown happens and I don’t think I see that happening but you never know.
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  • N
    Expert June 2021
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    My husband and I Just got married last month early June. And since September 2020 my husband and I downsized our list from 80 to 46 due to covid and even though our wedding was 9 months out the anxiety of waiting it out and potentially having to uninvite people was too much for me. So we cut the list and sent stds in November. I’m also a tight planner and in this case had to plan for the worst and pray for the best just to be prepared. And as you know cases got really bad after the holidays and into the new year even up to March and April. By May vacation rates were good but we still stuck to our guns of keeping it small just in case since with covid everyday is different. We Drafted out a covid wedding safety letter that was sent to guests and worked with our venue to have an on-site doctor to give rapid covid tests. We were more than happy to pay the added fee because there is no price on the safety and well-being of our loved ones and the ones working our event. We had all vaccinated vendors. 4 days leading to the wedding I set up a Dropbox to collect vaccination cards and negative covid tests. We had a wonderful small wedding that was so fun and full of comfort knowing everyone did their part. Our wedding ended up happening when cases were very low and the infection rate was very low but as I followed the news with cases month by month I honestly was so surprised because just a month or so before they were up. So I say it’s best to be prepared in every way that will decrease your anxiety and give you some peace. Because just like it did for my wedding cases can drop back down, you never know but you can make changes now to ensure that the wedding you are planning can happen safely regardless of what is happening or possibly restrictions.
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