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Super February 2022

De-stressing and Avoiding Getting Sick

Grace, on February 18, 2022 at 11:07 AM Posted in Fitness and Health 3 9

I am 4 days out! How did you all de-stress and relax in the final days before your wedding?

I am so wound up and anxious that I think I might get sick (sick to my stomach but also concerned about COVID and other illnesses). Not sleeping and having high stress weakens your immune system so I am really looking for some feedback!


Latest activity by Rosie, on February 21, 2022 at 4:47 PM
  • Lisa
    Legend July 2022
    Lisa ·
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    You could book a massage, or get your nails done, or plan a date night out (and plan to spend the whole evening without discussing the wedding), or head to the gym for a workout, or read a book, or spend time with friends this weekend, or light some candles that have a calming scent, etc. Eating healthy and getting plenty of sleep the next few days would likely help as well! Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!!
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  • Maddie
    Expert February 2022
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    I'm a week out and i feel you more than you know !! Focus on getting sleep. Try some natural sleep aids, tea, and yoga before bed. Also just a walk or a run or a drive. My FH's car broke down at the worst time and he's been using mine (i work from home) to go to work. Tell you ALL i want right now is a long drive up the mountains alone.

    Hang in there girl. You're almost there

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  • Rosie
    Master February 2022
    Rosie ·
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    Woohoo! I'm 7 days out! I think the suggestions above are great! I'd also include a vitamin C supplement, and make sure you stay hydrated. I personally take magnesium at night to help ease muscle soreness from the pilates I do, but it does also help me to sleep - and I have sleepy tea as well. For my wedding, I also got some Bach's Rescue Remedy. I have no idea if it really does anything, but I've used it before and honestly I don't know that it can hurt - even if it's psychosomatic, I'll take that!

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  • E
    Expert August 2023
    Elly ·
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    Not in my final countdown, but I hope some of these might help:

    Maybe try an epsom salt bath with essential oils such as lemon or lavender.

    Badger's has a nice "sleep balm" that you can try and use.

    Make yourself feel better/have a laugh by watching Charlotte Dobre on youtube (entitled bridezillas), or cute puppy/kitten videos.

    Make it a "mission" to find instrumental covers of some of your favorite songs, or romantic songs.

    GET A MASSAGE (or two if I were you)!!!!

    Fresh garlic, ginger, and lemon are amazing to add to foods, and can help ward off illness. Peppermint oil is good for warding off small headaches (avoid the eyes) by rubbing a small amount on your forehead and temples.

    While it may be tempting to eat at restaurants and fast food, try to keep it close to home as possible, and maybe have a family member do your shopping. Plan a few meals and snacks ahead of time if you can.

    Schedule some cuddle time. Not even kidding. Just curl up with your fiancé and lay on the couch or in bed together. Sometimes just being able to vent, or take a spontaneous nap and hide away from the world for a few precious hours can help boost your immune system. And if you aren't getting much sleep regularly, naps may be a good temporary solution to this.

    Don't be afraid to let people know not to call or contact you at certain times- you need time for yourself too.

    Listen to a podcast or book as you are falling asleep.

    Pray (if you feel like it). Maybe ask others to pray for or with you.

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  • Grace
    Super February 2022
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    These were all great suggestions! I ended up having a small get together at home with friends for my bachelorette yesterday evening which helped me relax some. Lots of laughs, if nothing else. And luckily, having my family around has taken a load off and helped me feel more normal. I never thought I would enjoy doing laundry but it has been so relaxing to do with my sister.
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  • Grace
    Super February 2022
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    Thanks! It really helped just to hear I am not alone. I hope you are excited and getting through okay as well!

    My sister came to town and has helped a lot with doing some last minute errands and chores. We did laundry and it was just so down to earth and normal that it really broke me out of my stress haze! She drinks a lot of tea so we broke out the herbals and had a cup today which was lovely.
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  • Rosie
    Master February 2022
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    Aww, that DOES sound lovely! I'm 5 days out and so excited on your behalf! Are you feeling organised? Much left to do? I'm a bit nervous by how LITTLE we seem to have left to do, and am more nervous about when the flood of last-minute things will start that we could be doing now, type thing!

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  • Grace
    Super February 2022
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    We did a lot this weekend but still have some things left today. So much is happening at once!

    We have some last minute shopping left, like perishable groceries and whatever we realize we forgot once we have the venue set up. We also need gifts for the MoH and the Officiant as well as for my aunt who is being our mistress of ceremonies. My FH is dropping the dog off at the kennel now and I am going to pick up the cake this afternoon before driving over the mountain to the venue.
    Hope your planning is going well too, Rosie! Hang in there!
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  • Rosie
    Master February 2022
    Rosie ·
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    Yay! Exciting! We have similar things remaining too! I'm glad we don't have much left to do, because our venue just told us yesterday they've rearranged the runsheet we sent them weeks ago, (that we'd already briefed our band and MC on) so that's a fun activity for a call today!

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