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Savvy May 2020

Dad complaining wedding is too far

Krista, on November 9, 2019 at 12:28 AM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 7

Venting here...

my dad has been complaining for MONTHS about how far the wedding will be from where he is and saying why we planned it so far from him. He keeps saying it's an inconvenience. He lives in Korea and we are getting married in Hawaii. My fiancé's family lives in Seattle so we thought it was a perfect place since it's in between. My mom passed away last year and he's the only family I got which is the reason why I am so disappointed about his reaction. I really didn't want anyone who doesn't want to be there, to be there so I just uninvited him because if he's going to complain about how far his only daughter's wedding is, then I'd rather not have him.. URGH Any destination brides out there, has this happened?


Latest activity by Mandee, on November 10, 2019 at 1:05 AM
  • Ashley
    Super November 2020
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    I'm not a destination bride, but I understand where you're coming from. My dad is in the Air Force so him and my mom are living in South Korea right now. I based my wedding day off of when I knew it would be a good and convenient time for my parents to come (we get married the day after Thanksgiving so they'll be here that whole week/weekend). I wouldn't un-invite him because people complain about inconveniences all the time, but when it's something that's important to them, they still attend despite the complaints. I would suggest keeping him as "up in the air" on attendance because like you said, if he doesn't want to be there, he won't come and then you can feel at ease knowing that you invited him at least.

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  • Jade
    Devoted August 2021
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    I’m not a destination bride either! But I do agree with person above. As long as you extend the invite, and express you want him there, that is all that matters! If he decides to not come, that is on him.
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  • Pirate & 60s Bride
    Legend March 2017
    Pirate & 60s Bride ·
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    You didn’t really just uninvite him because he complained did you? That would be severe. My dad complains a ton but I wouldn’t uninvite him. If it’s a hardship for your dad you could help. Otherwise, if he’d rather not go that’s a decision he’ll have to live with.
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  • Meghan
    Master October 2019
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    I would not uninvite your dad... I think that is a decision you will come to regret one day! Invite him. Tell him you want him there. Explain your reasoning for your choice if venue and then politely ask him to stop complaining to you about it. If he shows up, great! If he doesn’t, then that’s his loss.
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  • S
    Dedicated August 2020
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    As other brides said, I think uninviting him is a little extreme. I'm sure you are under a lot of stress, so I totally get where you're coming from and I'm not passing any judgement against you but I think uninviting him will be really hurtful to your relationship later on. You said it yourself, you're his only daughter. Usually when people complain about things like this it is due to an underlying cause, maybe the ticket is expensive to him and he's using distance as an excuse? Seeing as you don't live with him, you might not see his entire living situation and for that reason may not know how hes truly doing especially if he hides it. On the other hand, if he is financially well off, I think he's just complaining like every other parent haha. Again, uninviting him seems drastic and definitely not the solution that should be made. I doubt he's like a random friend that "doesn't want to be there" and doesn't deserve an invite - but then again I know nothing of your relationship. Maybe he just doesn't like travelling, maybe he wants your wedding to be more traditional, etc etc. Millions of reasons for why he might be complaining. Talk it out.

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  • Serena
    Devoted October 2020
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    I had this issue! My dad said he wasn't coming to the wedding. I was very hurt for the fact he travels all over for work. Fortunately for my situation, my brother agreed to walk me down the aisle. Fast forward a few months. I reached out to my dad again and asked him, are you really not coming to the wedding? We're going over details with our officiant and he needs the name of who's giving me away. My dad said, I guess I will. We're now 6 months out and I feel like hes rather looking forward to it. Maybe with time, your dad will come around with the idea. Let's hope!
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  • Mandee
    Devoted September 2020
    Mandee ·
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    I'm having this problem with my mother. She keeps complaining that all of the venues I love are 'too far' away from 'the family'. She also keeps insisting that it's 'tradition' that we get married near the bride's (my) hometown and it doesn't matter that his family is coming all the way from NC! I've told her that the people who love me and want to be there will be and whoever doesn't come can not come. She harped about it for a bit longer, but then went quiet for a few days.

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