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Beginner June 2021

Cutting My Mother out of my wedding (trigger warning)

Darci, on January 15, 2021 at 12:42 PM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 20

Long post ahead.

I am struggling on what to do. TLDR: I don't know if I should invite my toxic mother to my wedding

My mother and I used to be very close until August. We had a fight, and she said some things to me that are nearly unforgivable. There is a lot to unpack here so settle in for a long story, that is going to require a lot of backstory. I'll break it up into pieces to, hopefully, get the whole picture across.

Here are the pieces

1. I was in an abusive relationship for two years, where I was verbally, physically, emotionally and sexually abused. I was 19, and he was 23. He stalked me for a year previously and even went so far as to move a block away from me. I was dating someone else during this time and had no idea he did that until later. My family knew something wasn't right, but they didn't know the extent to which it went. Until one night, my ex beat my puppy nearly to death, and had a mental break down. I finally called my mom and dad asked for help.

My mom knew about my ex's mental health issues, and even drove me to his house and dropped me off, and told me to "talk it out with him" after I told her I had broken up with him and he was threatening to kill himself.

While in this relationship, my grades in college slipped as he forced me to not attend. He would hold a gun to my head if I tried to go to class or he would throw things at me or hit me when I tried to do homework. I was on academic probation.

However, I was able to make it out and I ended up graduating with two degrees and honors! I took 25 credit hour semesters while working two jobs and an internship. I had to take out a small loan of only 5,000 to help pay for one semester while getting my scholarships back. My mom was the cosigner on this loan.

2. I met my now fiance and he got accepted into Cornell for his PhD at only 21. We planned to move out to NY from WY together for his school. This was not a surprise to anyone, and I tried talking to my mom about it. She would completely shut down and said she wasn't happy for me. She didn't want me to sell any of my things and demanded I give them to her. She still has a flat screen TV sitting outside in Wyoming that she wanted me to give to her.

This caused a lot of drama in my family. It made no sense. I have two older brothers who both had moved away at 18. Never did she throw this kind of fit. She called me selfish, and said she hoped we failed so I would come back to Wyoming.

3. My mother does not take care of her animals. She has 8 dogs and 3 of them in the past year have been ran over because of her carelessness. She leaves them in cages for 12+ hours a day and there is always pee or poop all over the house from their accidents. I have tried to call the police, but technically, she isn't breaking any laws in Wyoming.

When my childhood cat died, she didn't tell me for MONTHS until I asked how she was. She blamed me for not asking about her more. My cat was only 7, so I didn't think anything could have been wrong with her at all, let alone her dying.

4. I suffer from depression, OCD, PTSD, anxiety, social phobia and panic attack disorder. I begged my mother growing up to take me to get help but she refused and claimed nothing was wrong. I was cutting at age 15 and she yelled at me to "grow up because this isn't how you deal with things" and refused to speak about my mental health ever again. Oh, did I mention she is a nurse who works in the mental health until? Ironic, huh?

5. My oldest brother is a convicted felon because he had possession and distributed child pornography. He didn't have money for the lawyer so my mom took out a loan for $30,000 for him, bought him a new truck and drive three hours to see him every weekend. I do not keep in contact with my oldest brother for obvious reasons. My dad is the one who has to pay back the bill and neither my brother or mom has helped.

My mother has always been really manipulative and I didn't realize the extent until recently. I was traveling back home to help a friend move across the country and I had found out a dog had gotten run over and she hadn't told me. I confronted her and she said she was planning on telling me in person when I was going to see her for literally 20 minutes before driving cross country.

When I boarded my flight, I ended up having an extremely bad panic attack. My heart rate was over 190 and I lost consciousness many times. The flight was just about to be leaving and the plane had to taxi back so I could have medical attention.

This is what triggered the flight. I've attached screen shots of the conversation to save some time. Ben, is the dog that got ran over.

We had a two hour long conversation on the phone that she screamed at me, blamed me for everything and basically lost control of herself. She told me it was my fault I was in the abusive relationship and I should have just left. I told her he threatened to kill me if I did. She said she would be better off.

She told me her animals are perfectly taken care of, and I am an awful dog mom for moving my animals with me to NY. She told me she never wanted me to leave and was hoping Id get in a wreck (i did actually) and wouldn't be able to go.

I believe she suffers from BPD and I told her I need her to go talk to a therapist and make a plan of action. She told me she doesn't believe in therapists and doesn't need to get better.

We haven't spoken since that night. My dad and her are still together and he has told me some of the comments she has made to my dad, such as telling him he has spent too much money on the wedding (it's less than 1/4 of the lawyer fees for my brother), that my fiance should just pay for everything (he is in school, and I make more than he does anyway), that she isn't coming to the wedding.

My dad really wants me to patch things up, and I have tried. I don't know what to do. I know if I don't invite her, it's a choice I will have to live with my whole life. But, I also don't know if I want someone at my wedding who has treated me this way.

If you're still reading, thank you and please let me know what you would do.

Cutting My Mother out of my wedding (trigger warning) 1


Latest activity by, on January 17, 2021 at 9:47 AM
  • Michelle
    Rockstar December 2022
    Michelle ·
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    Toxic abusive people do not deserve a place in your life, period. Especially not at a happy occasion.

    Do not allow others to bully you into making up with her. It will only get worse. Set up boundaries and stick to them. If someone does not support your choice, they do not get to be a part of your life.
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  • Kristen
    Master November 2020
    Kristen ·
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    I feel you do not have to include her. Maybe if she makes amends and is willing to change then sure. I feel for your mental health maybe it is best to keep your distance especially if you feel having her around will cause your issues to surface.

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  • Darci
    Beginner June 2021
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    Thank you. It's really refreshing to hear understand my perspective on this. I will definitely try to explain to others why I don't feel she is welcome at our wedding.

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  • V
    Champion July 2019
    Veronica ·
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    Someone has toxic as your mother doesn't need to be at your wedding. You shouldn't have to maintain a relationship with someone like this. You are truly better off without her negatively in your life. Your dad needs to accept that his wife isn't being nice or fair to you so cutting her out of your life is for the best.

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  • Michelle
    Rockstar December 2022
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    Honestly, most of those people will not listen to what you have to say because it's not something people like her present to them and they don't/won't see anything beyond their own personal perception. Hold your ground and don't try to explain yourself. Just don't invite her and change the subject or walk away when other people complain or guilt you.
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  • Michelle
    Rockstar December 2022
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    Unfortunately people like that do not change. They may say they will so they can get back into the victim's life, but the abuse never stops. The only way to make it stop is cut that person out entirely.
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  • Darci
    Beginner June 2021
    Darci ·
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    That's where I'm at. I've been through this all before with my ex. It's much harder when the person is a parent. She refuses to take any responsibility for her actions.
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  • Michelle
    Rockstar December 2022
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    Both of my parents like that so I understand. Neither of them are allowed to be in my life because they refuse to be held accountable and everyone around them thinks they're perfect
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  • SLY
    Master January 2022
    SLY ·
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    You need to do what's best for your mental health and emotional well being. If her being present jeopardizes that, then don't have her at your wedding.

    If she decides to make amends, and make a change, then the ball is in your court whether you want to invite her or not. But judging by all that has happened, I still wouldn't.

    This is a day that should be filled with those that bring you joy and good vibes, not toxicity.

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  • Darci
    Beginner June 2021
    Darci ·
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    YES!! she is great at playing the victim.
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  • J
    Master 0000
    Judith ·
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    There is no place in your future for total misery and poison. Your goal is not to ever get back to seeing her. And never see anyone who supports you seeing her again. They are willing to sacrifice your life, so she does not give them a hard time. No one who gives a hoot about you would do that. Tell them so. Your future lies in the other direction. Turn around and walk away, and never go back.
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  • Christin
    Savvy June 2021
    Christin ·
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    I would start this new year by focusing on you, your fiancé and your future. Spend time working on things that will be beneficial to you and your future because you are in charge. Mental health is very important and I think working on your mental health will be a good step forward. SET BOUNDARIES with your mom and family, especially if they do not understand you trying to work on creating a better future for yourself. I think a lot of this behavior comes from resentment towards you for trying to better yourself when they may have not been able to do the same for themselves. Do the right thing for you, even if that means distancing yourself from them for a while. I think moving away is the right thing to do and just distancing yourself in general from anything that has been toxic in your life while you continue to improve your relationship with yourself and work through some of the trauma. You have been through a lot but the great news is you made it and you’re here! I think if you work everyday towards making the right steps for you, no matter what that looks like for your family, that will lead to a healthier and happier future. You’ve got this girl!
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  • L
    Dedicated August 2021
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    You don’t get to pick your family but you certainly get to pick whether or not you interact with them. I’m a firm believer in family isn’t everything and toxic people are toxic people. I’m sorry for the situation you are in. It sounds like you need to get your stuff and animals out from her control and maybe take a break from her. I really hope you have a good therapist to help you unpack all the events that happened.
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  • Samantha
    VIP October 2022
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    Absolutely no way you. Need to invite her. If you were my friend I would be 100000% supportive.

    You have done an amazing job admist all the trauma inflicted on you. I know it was horrifying to have an animal hurt like that - abusers target animals to control their victims. There was nothing you could do, I hope you feel the truth of that in your heart.
    If you haven’t already, look up the Gray Rock technique. Not for your mom, cut her off entirely. But for family, etc that are going to guilt you. If they start in about her, leave the room. Hang up the phone. It’s not open for discussion, period.
    You are strong and brave and deserve an amazing life filled with love!
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  • Michelle
    Master April 2021
    Michelle ·
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    I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’m a firm believer that just because you’re related doesn’t give you the right to treat you so horribly. You don’t have to accept your mother’s behavior. Personally I wouldn’t invite her. This is supposed to be one of the happiest days of your life- if she goes i in have a feeling it won’t be.
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  • A
    Expert September 2022
    Allie ·
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    Oh. My. Goodness. No, please do not invite her. First off, congratulations on TWO DEGREES and with HONORS while working two jobs and an internship!!!! And escaping an abusive relationship. And for advocating for yourself and the animals too. Honey, you are a success story. Let me say that again.....YOU ARE A SUCCESS STORY!! You have beaten the odds and survived so much, and it sounds like you are wise beyond your years. You deserve the best, and you should never, never, EVER hear the words 'I would have been better off (if your super abusive ex had murdered you)." You don't deserve to hear that from anyone, especially a family member. Please don't invite her. Please take whatever money you *would* have spent on hosting her (rehearsal dinner, meal, drinks, chair and linen rental, flowers, etc) and invest it in YOU, your healing, and anything that brings you peace.

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  • Sam
    Devoted October 2021
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    I agree with most of these responses! Do the pros out-way the cons? Make a list of reasons why she shouldn’t be there and make a list of reasons why she should ( if any) At the end of the day this is YOUR wedding! Why be miserable on your big day worrying about the damage your mom has/will cause. I’m choosing to exclude a few aunts from my wedding based on drama they have caused within my family/with my mom. At the end of the day I don’t want to worry about people not getting along on MY wedding day. Good luck to you!
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  • Squeezy Bean
    Devoted June 2023
    Squeezy Bean ·
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    I strongly agree with most other comments. The very fact that she doesn't believe there's anything wrong with her tells you all you need to know.

    Warning: Brutally honest opinion ahead, which you may find upsetting...

    To me, she sounds like a narcissist. Everything is about her, nothing is ever her fault. She manipulates those around her to get what she wants and she encouraged you to go back to an abusive relationship and said it was your fault!? 😱 Not to mention that she is supportive of (what sounds like) a convicted paedophile. For me, being related to those individuals means nothing in the bigger picture. Toxic abusive people are still exactly that no matter who they are. You don't owe these people anything, most certainly not your peace of mind or your own happiness and sanity. You are not responsible for their atrocious behaviour, and you are not anyone's emotional punching bag. You don't owe anyone any explanation as to why you are not inviting her. Your wedding day should be a joyous event celebrating love and happiness and a new future.
    I wish you the very best and I hope you have a wonderful wedding day surrounded by loving and supportive people. 🤗
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  • Mrs. Spring
    Master April 2021
    Mrs. Spring ·
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    Wow! No way would I invite her. I'm sorry that your loved ones try to guilt trip you.
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    Beginner June 2021 ·
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    Your mother is Toxic and Negative energy, hell no I would not invite her to the wedding.
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