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Super August 2019

Catering Panic - Continued

Samantha, on August 12, 2019 at 5:47 PM Posted in Planning 0 9
So for any lovelies that gave me previous advice on my catering woes it hasn’t been resolved and it’s getting worse. So mini vent because I feel like I’ve lost control of my wedding and I have no one to turn to.

Caterer finally got back to me - he didn’t answer my questions only said his NEXT email would contain an invoice for the billed hours above their hours.

My mom is no help. She keeps telling me it’s one day and acts like my wedding is no big deal - but still gushes over her Hawaii renewals in October that I can’t attend. She says her and my dad would be happy with In N Out...

I turned to my FH and another dead end. He was ecstatic over the prospect of dropping out catering and now is obsessed over finding an alternative to save money - I get it the catering is the most expensive part of the wedding is catering. It’s be awesome to pool that money to a trip for the two of us but it’s not like we’re hurting for money. I think what irks me is that he is pushing and insisting on dropping the caterer now and even started calling around to get quotes, I mean fine now our best option is delivered BBQ which is an improvement but he wants to ask his best man to bartend for an hour for self serve drinks. And then have other people in the wedding do the same because he says his family won’t care and keeps making jabs about how our wedding is already nicer than his siblings so it won’t matter at all, and they’ll prefer the cheaper BBQ. Again. I’m not trying to be a brat and I get it’s one day, it’s just a wedding, it’s a lot of money, the money would be great for a trip.. it’s the way everyone is going against the hard work I’ve put in by myself the past year to get killer deals and make my budget work for a nice, small wedding with our closest family and friends. It’s that I don’t feel loved or supported from anyone and I just feel so defeated. Regardless of what my caterer has to say I’m already team FH for this new catering plan just to make everyone happy and not resent me for just wanting one nice day. At a lost, miserable and not looking forward to any of it. I want to be married to him but I’m up for ditching everything scraping my deposits and going to the courthouse.


Latest activity by Cheryl, on August 13, 2019 at 2:01 AM
  • Keri
    Expert November 2019
    Keri ·
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    Sorry you are going through this. You're in the right. Don't have bridal party or family/friends work on the day of your wedding. He shouldn't be bartending and many venues won't even allow this.

    As for delivered BBQ, do they provide someone to set up, serve, and clean up? Sometimes the DIY stuff is more stressful because you have to ask people to do things for you.

    Are you able to look into another caterer?
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  • D
    Super July 2020
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    Hun do what keeps you close to your vision that will work. I know it's been a crazy road. There is a fine line of going with the flow with FH'S ideas and also being defeated into those choices. You can dust off and make new plans, plans you are happy with or you can continue to let everything be "better than his siblings" or "his family won't care" plans. You have put in a lot of hard work and are strong enough to find middle ground. I just want you to be happy with your choices.
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  • Samantha
    Super August 2019
    Samantha ·
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    Sadly no, all they’ll do is drop everything off. I need to get utensils and it’ll be self serve. And caterers I’ve talked to won’t run our event because we’re under 50 people.
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  • Samantha
    Super August 2019
    Samantha ·
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    I want this to be the case but FH is currently in the mindset of his way is the best way, because he thinks spending money on food isn’t worth it. I’m not trying to compare our wedding to anything but he keeps comparing us to his siblings.
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  • Emily
    Dedicated October 2019
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    Looks like you have a planner or DOC? Are they helping? I definitely would go over their head at this point and include all of the emails proving that they’re at fault.

    Also, can you reach out in your region group to see if there are any ladies willing to lend a hand? There has to be another person on here in the area who could (worst case scenario) pick up take out and serve some drinks in a halfway decent outfit!!
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  • Emily
    Dedicated October 2019
    Emily ·
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    ^^^ The caterer, not the DOC
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  • Yam
    VIP September 2019
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    Oh hun I’m so sorry. I completely understand. Our restaurant catering dropped out so we scrambled to get a small business caterer. No one in our families ever had a “nice” traditional reception so they didn’t see the problem but when you put so much work into how everything looks it hurts having to pick an alternative.

    I think you’re handling it very well. BBQ is delicious and your FH is probably right but would you feel better if you had a say in small changes? Like nicer plates, silverware, chafing dishes, ect. Would it feel more like your vision then? Chafing dishes can be rented from party rental stores, they make any food look nicer!
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  • Samantha
    Expert October 2019
    Samantha ·
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    You and I sound like we're in the same boat. We had to fire our caterer back in June due to his unprofessional behavior and unnecessary drama he started between my coordinator and the venue. Our wedding is in October and I was scrambling to find another caterer, I was totally ready to throw in the towel and go to the courthouse like FH wanted to in the first place, but my dads coworkers offered to BBQ and prepare the food. They're firefighters and have won many BBQ contests and are fantastic cooks! I feel so much better with this decision and my stress and anxiety is gone. I hope this helps, good luck with everything!
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  • Cheryl
    Expert November 2020
    Cheryl ·
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    I'm really sorry you're going through this. Is it possible to explain to FH that by the time you pay for the BBQ, the serveware and alcohol for the self serve part, it'll possibly cost the same or more, plus you'll have the added stress of the work that goes into the setup and cleanup? I dont want you to be bullied into something you dont want.
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