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Dedicated November 2019


Lory, on July 21, 2019 at 10:24 AM

Posted in Community Conversations 27

So I will try to make this short. My fiancé and I have separate bank accounts and we plan on keeping it that way until we decide to have kids and I stay at home for a little while after. He makes a substantial amount more than me and it bothers me that I’m unable to support him like he supports me....
So I will try to make this short. My fiancé and I have separate bank accounts and we plan on keeping it that way until we decide to have kids and I stay at home for a little while after. He makes a substantial amount more than me and it bothers me that I’m unable to support him like he supports me. I pay most of the bills but he pays a larger dollar amount. So my question for you ladies is what career do you have that you absolutely love and it there anyone else in my shoes? I like my job, I don’t love it plus the lack of pay makes it harder to stay but I’m at a loss on what to do with my life!

I know this is a weird post but I need help!


  • Nae
    Savvy October 2020
    Nae ·
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    I was in the same boat once I left my job in NJ to move to DE where he is stationed and took a 6k pay cut for love ( 6k not be a lot to some but I was a big cut for me) But now I am in the processes of leaving the field of Higher Education ( currently working in the Office of Admissions) to teach elementary school (what I went to college for). I hated my current job bc I had heavy recruitment seasons, I was burnt out, underpaid and felt like management took advantage of me... it just was not the field for me at all. I’ve alway wanted to teach but I kinda strayed away from it after college and ended up in a different sector of the education field. My FH is in the Air Force and has paid all of the larger bills( rent, utilities and phone bill) while I brought the food, household items, and cable/WiFi. He made 20k more than me so it was impossible for me to help plus I have my car, insurance, credit cards, student loans and etc.

    This month I’ve accepted a new job that will put me in a better place financially and it is something that I really want to do.

    My advice is to open up an account sooner than later bc you can really start saving now and have a nice little nest egg. We just opened up an account and I feel like we should have done this 3 years ago lol. Also what do you currently do? Did you go to college and what is it that you enjoy doing?
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  • Short-Vitosh2019
    Savvy August 2019
    Short-Vitosh2019 ·
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    If he's willing to let you quit, you all will make the bills, and it's what you want to do go for it!
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  • F
    VIP August 2019
    Futuremrsk ·
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    I make more than FH right now. Sometimes he makes more than me (depends on his contracts for the year). We decided to move states so I could pursue my dream of being a teacher. I am entering my second year in the new place, with a new position teaching Pre-k special education. I love it. FH works from.home, so he can work anywhere. When we moved we combined accounts. We have 1 checking account, 1 savings, and his PayPal. We set a budget, pay all our bills first, put away a percentage of what's left of that, and the rest is our 'fund's money for eating out, going to a movie, etc. Its been much easier and we have actually been slowly but surely tackling a lot of our debt while saving for the wedding!

    I think if you are unhappy in your career, look at all your options, and see what you can do. Is school an option? Maybe take a couple classes, or see if there are any volunteer opportunities in an area you are interest in to see if you really like it. As for joint or separate accounts, its really individual to each couple. What works for FH and I, might not work for you, and that's perfectly okay!
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  • Lory
    Dedicated November 2019
    Lory ·
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    That’s good advice 😁
    i currently work as a veterinary technician / practice manager but I’m burning out with the long hours and lack of pay. I feel like I’m doing well for a 24 year old but I’m not satisfied with my career also due to no benefits or the ability to save money. Deep down I know I can do better.
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  • Nae
    Savvy October 2020
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    It does sound like you are def doing well for your age 👏🏾. I understand the lack of satisfaction that you feel. Do you want to say in the vet field? I’m not against quitting a job if you have something else lined up. When I stressed about my job a lot of people encouraged me to quit but I couldn’t. I like to have a plan A, plan B and a flow of income even if it’s small lol.

    If you like your field but not the specific company, start throwing your resume around (if you haven’t already). You may be able to find somewhere else with better benefits. OR if you want to leave your current field, revise your resume tailor it to the new jobs you are looking at and focus on your transferable skills. If you want to go back to school or for a cert program, scale back your hours and put more of your focus towards that. It’s all about what you want and want to do. Of course the goal is to figure out what you enjoy doing but its good to gain different experience and switch things up. Every 3 years I’ve been promoted within a company or left it for a new opportunity (as long as it has good benefits). The world is yours.

    Sorry for another long post, but your happiness and work kinda go hand and hand. When I started REALLY disliking my job it took a toll on my relationship and my mental health.
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  • K
    Dedicated June 2020
    Kellie ·
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    My husband makes a decent amount of money and is going back to school to go up the ladder at his job. I stay home with our kids. 3 are in school, but two are not. However, I’m a photographer. Pay isn’t weekly, or even every other week but it’s my passion and he knows that.
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  • A
    Just Said Yes July 1981
    Alberto ·
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    Hallo Leute! Nicht ganz verstanden, worum es hier geht?

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