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Devoted April 2021

Can anyone relate?

Kelly, on July 18, 2020 at 12:23 AM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 4
Hello guys, so in my most recent post i was ranting on a multitude of things.. including my current relationship with my fh. I mentioned that since this pandemic started the two if us have been arguing and bickering more and more on a daily basis alot of what we go at it about isnt even anything serious either. I noticed this particular thing even before the pandemic but it seems to be getting worse. Anytime I mention hanging out with either one if the only two friends i have even if he is also invited, whether i asked them to hangout or they ask me and i mention it to him... his entire vibe mood attitude voice everything changes . He acts upset and i question it he says no its fine go hangout with ur friends but he does not say it sincerely. He gets like this even when it is wedding related things like for example tomorrrow my bridesmaids asked me to go with her to pick up her dress... he is all upset by this. Its driving me insane at this point especially because i have been incredibly stressed i dont get to see anyone anymore expect him 24/7 and im going insane for real...wth am I supposed to do or say without feeling like i have to tip toe around his feelings when in all honesty it makes zero sense neither one of us have been working still due to the pandemic and all we really see is each other 🤦‍♀️ SOS!


Latest activity by Elizabeth, on July 19, 2020 at 1:58 PM
  • Charlene
    Dedicated May 2022
    Charlene ·
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    This pandemic has made and broke so many relationships. Don't let yours be one of them. You guys just have to reflect on what made you fall in love in the first place. If its not that serious then let it go, for both of you. If you haven't already, try sitting down and talking with him and letting him know how you feel. If he isn't the emotional talkative type, write him a letter. Hand write it so its more personal. I hope this helps😊

    If all else fails, pray on it.
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  • Natalie
    Super November 2020
    Natalie ·
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    Did he act like this about you hanging out with other people before Covid? I’m only asking because I got into it with FH a few weeks into “lockdown.” He works out of town Mon-Fri and was considered essential, and I was working from home. Because he was still out and around people at work, he didn’t think anything of hanging out with people or having them stop over to our house on the weekend. I, however, was at home everyday and doing everything possible to avoid being in public. Ultimately I was frustrated that I was trying to be so careful and was so isolated and miserable while he was continuing on like there was nothing wrong in the world. I’m wondering if your FH isn’t feeling the same way or even just depressed about not working.
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  • Leanne
    Super September 2020
    Leanne ·
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    Communication is everything. Tell him you guys need to sit down and talk through each other’s feelings, and tell him how important it is to you.

    Side note, my FH were arguing about dumb stuff a lot into Covid, but we would talk it through and get on the same page.
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  • Elizabeth
    Super June 2021
    Elizabeth ·
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    I think this is a communication thing. We love our partners, but too much of a good thing is still bad. I'd just talk it out and see what's going on. It's probably just that this is a really weird time and we're all struggling a bit. Good luck!

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