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Beginner August 2020

August 2020 weddings not postponed?

Mc, on July 6, 2020 at 3:53 PM

Posted in Community Conversations 106

Hi brides!! I am still planning on getting Married August 8, 2020 And wanted to know if anyone else still was getting married in August and what their weddings looking like? Nothing will stop me from marrying my man that day, bc that’s truly the only thing I care about, I just want to make sure...
Hi brides!! I am still planning on getting Married August 8, 2020 And wanted to know if anyone else still was getting married in August and what their weddings looking like? Nothing will stop me from marrying my man that day, bc that’s truly the only thing I care about, I just want to make sure whatever we do to celebrate keeps everyone safe. Our venue has kept reassuring us that they will be able to hold our reception safely (the venue holds 1000 and we are expecting around 125) so SUPER spaced out. I don’t mind wearing a mask and not dancing on top of one another but I can’t help to feel that guilt for not postponing. Anyone else in the same boat ?


  • E
    Just Said Yes August 2020
    Erika ·
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    We are also getting married 8/8/2020! A lot has changed and we are rolling with it. We have luckily been able to keep our venue which holds 150 in normal circumstances, but had to meet 50% capacity rules so our final count is 71 including us. I feel crazy pushing forward but our guests are 80% family and close friends who we’ve seen during COVID. Unfortunately, several loved ones have had to opt out of coming. We are streaming the ceremony to everyone not there. One of those is my sweet Grandmother. We planned on her saying the blessing before dinner so we are streaming her in! She cried when I told her. The venue has upstairs and downstairs with an outdoor patio so plenty of space for everyone to disperse. Everyone has to wear masks if they’re not eating or drinking so we got mask favors to make everyone comfortable. Our caterer and venue have been super helpful in the continued changes. Best of luck to you all! As I said at first, I’m sure something won’t go as planned on our day - we didn’t think it would be this extreme - but the end result is the same. Can’t wait to marry my love!
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  • Natalya
    Beginner August 2020
    Natalya ·
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    August 21st, 2020. Ugh my wedding. If I'm honest its not my dream wedding. Its in a great spot for closeness to town, and has a park for kids. The space for food, dining, and its all free. We plan on a vow renewal that will be more of my dream wedding. Still having kind of a mental block with my dress. Becaaue it is beautiful, I do love it. It wasn't what I imagined I'd wear. I was upset that I bought the first veil I like. It costed double my dress. I love it to death dont get me wrong I always expected to have a long veil. Its an outdoors sportsy wedding, so to keep it from being dirty i chose a shorter one. Idk wedding planning, and a wedding in general didnt go the way i ever thought.
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  • Allie
    Just Said Yes August 2020
    Allie ·
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    Hi! I have the same wedding date as you and feel the exact same! We actually cut our list from 120 to 45 and it’ll be a backyard wedding now 😊 I think as long as everyone’s spaced out you will be ok! Just check your local regulations about events over 50 or 100 because I know LA county (where I live) you cannot have more than that in one space!
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  • Justine
    Just Said Yes August 2020
    Justine ·
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    Hi August 29th Ohio bride here. We are moving forward with our ceremony. As far as the reception goes we are patiently waiting for all the rsvp cards to come back in before we make any big changes if needed to our reception. We did send out our original number of invitations since we had an idea of certain people that would not be attending & we felt that we would still be at a safe number to where we could still have distance. We are all set with the venue, accommodations are set for providing distance but considering the cost & the amount of guest will play a determining factor on how we proceed.
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  • Chelsea
    Just Said Yes August 2020
    Chelsea ·
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    My wedding is August 8 as well. Never budged on the date or venue. Our Venue (North Bank Park Pavilion) has been closed during this whole pandemic. They decided to open August 1, 2020. We have been very fortunate. Just got an email yesterday, they plan to close back down for the remainder of the year, but are giving a 2 week notice for people who’ve already scheduled. That being said, our venue is only open 8/1/20-8/10/20. I find this miraculous, as our plans are still set as planned. They normally allow 200 guests but cut back that # by 50. This worked out for us, with people not traveling and all, we got just below this number. We plan to utilize the protocols for covid19. Will be outside for ceremony and 1/2 outside for reception. Got masks for the wedding party. Have the photographer taking special photos where we can have our masks off but spaced out. I am looking forward to it!
    Praying you all are safe during this time and have memorable and amazing weddings! Best of luck!
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  • Lizbeth
    Just Said Yes August 2021
    Lizbeth ·
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    Postponed my Chicago 5/22 wedding to 8/7 with some major changes due to COVID. For Part 1: We are holding our church ceremony with 50 guests and having a small reception afterwards. Part 2 on April 30,2021 : full reception with our 150 guests!!
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  • Dani
    Just Said Yes August 2020
    Dani ·
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    We’re getting married August 9th and having around 75 people! We live in Indiana so our rules aren’t too strict but we are encouraging masks and staying home if you feel ill. The 75 people is only our close family! We moved back our larger reception to March 2021 to celebrate with our friends too, plus we get to get all dressed up all over again!Smiley smile We planned to get married no matter what, even if the rules went to a lockdown we would have done an elopement. I hope everyone else still having their August weddings are doing okay with everything happening and remember why we’re doing what we’re doing!
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  • Tara
    Beginner August 2020
    Tara ·
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    ’m doing a backyard wedding on a private property, with a big tent & fans. We cut it down to just family: about 45-50 people. We are following cdc guild line as far as the caterer and bar tender they will serve us individually. I’m excited! I have 9 more days!! I can’t help but worry our govenor in Maryland may put up new restrictions between now and then though! Wish us luck!
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  • T
    Just Said Yes August 2020
    Traci ·
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    August 14th here. Not postponing, but we are getting married on the beach so we haven't worried too much. Plus we're only planning on a family only wedding & reception. My fiancé's dad won't be able to make it though because he has cancer).
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  • A
    Just Said Yes August 2020
    Alissa ·
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    We were supposed to get married in June, but decided to postpone until August. We are not postponing again, so, we leave for Florida on Tuesday for our August 8th wedding on the beach. It is sad that we were expecting about 60 people, but now only 25 are attending. It breaks our hearts that so many loved ones won't be there, but we are not going to put our lives on hold anymore!
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  • Claire
    Just Said Yes August 2020
    Claire ·
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    I was just about to post a similar message: I’m feeling guilty about our 8/15 wedding in PA!

    But we’ve already cancelled with our venue, cut our guest list from 150 to 75, and we are having our ceremony in a local church and a reception at my parent’s house.
    I’m a little nervous about the reception part because 75 is still a lot (I’m ok with the ceremony because people will wear masks while seating and will sit far apart from each other, but having people flow in and out of my parent’s house... ehh) but I trust most people will be cautious and respectful.
    We just are ready to get married and go through this season of life together as husband and wife, if it was up to us we would just get married yesterday Smiley winking but it’s not up to us, because my parents have already invested a lot of time and money into helping us pull this off. I feel guilty that we are trying to have a “normal” reception but at the same time, the ball is already rolling (catering, florist, DJ, etc already booked) so I think we will just try to make the most of it and be as careful as possible.
    It’s encouraging to hear that other people are moving forward with August weddings. Best wishes for you and your fiancé’s wedding and marriage! ❤️
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  • Shakira
    Just Said Yes August 2021
    Shakira ·
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    I was suppose to get married August 22, but postponed because we have a lot of family coming from the islands, and I did not want to risk it. My fiancé and I are still doing a private, and secret, ceremony by the marina on August 22, 2020, but my big celebration is August 21, 2021.

    Don't feel guilty about not postponing, I am sure everything will be safe.

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  • C
    Beginner August 2020
    Claire ·
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    August 8th in Houston Texas. We’re still going with it hey we we are already married since February and we don’t want to have our wedding later. Our guest count is now 30 and it will be a backyard wedding because our venue canceled. We were making mask optional because it is such a small group and most of guests is family.
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  • L
    Just Said Yes August 2020
    Lynette ·
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    I am on august 8 also in my back yard. I got mask for people who comes in with out one, about close to 40 people are coming.
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  • A
    Just Said Yes August 2020
    Annie ·
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    We are doing the exact same thing August 14th on Long Island. We will have about 35-40 people and I’m one of five kids so 20 of those people are my immediate family haha. But we are hoping things turn out ok! We will have masks and catered food with individual playing (not buffet). My mom made baskets for every table with antibacterial wipes and Lysol wipes. Hopefully it all works out! Good luck to you!
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  • E
    Just Said Yes August 2020
    Emma ·
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    I have been feeling the same way about people safety and what I wanted . I am only 25 and this will be a big chapter of my life . My family is not here so I will be celebrating with the family I built here .
    We have given option to our guests : coming only to the ceremony or to both ceremony and reception.
    The ceremony will be outdoor , so we can perfectly social distance and all guests will be wearing masks but the bridal party during the procession won’t , I don’t want masks in my pictures for real.
    The reception holds max 150 and I have 50-60 guests . There too we will try to enforce social distance and keep families together .
    As of dancing .... I don’t know what will happen because my people are party rockers ... I can’t tell them not to dance either ....
    I have thought a lot about postponing, but a wise woman told me just to get over it, because this pandemic as the Spanish flu won’t be over until the end of the year probably and Fall could increase the risk of contagion , and imagine Corona and flu going on at the same time .
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  • V
    Just Said Yes August 2020
    Vmariec ·
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    Hi! I am moving forward with my 8/16 wedding in San Diego, and they also told me they cannot have receptions, however we can have a “dinner party”. So no dancing for everyone, but we can still have the first dance and the father daughter dance. I think ppl will dance still, but they just won’t have a designated dance floor. I’m ready to be done with all the stress!
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  • Angela
    Just Said Yes August 2020
    Angela ·
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    Our wedding was initially in April but of course we postponed until August 15. We live in Northern Virginia and fortunately weren’t asked to scale back our guest list but we decided to cut off people from sending RSVPs as of yesterday so as of today silly have a total of 75 people attending which I feel comfortable with versus the initial 120. Because we decided to have less people, I was able to have the layouts for both the ceremony and reception areas redesigned so that there’s plenty of social distancing. I’ve purchased face masks for everyone along with hand sanitizers. The hotel staff sent me info on how they will proceed with maintaining cleanliness throughout the event down to servers constantly in masks. Wasn’t going to postpone this again and was happy that none of our guests will be coming from any of the hot spots. Very happy our vendors were able to work with us since we can be reimbursed if we decided to cancel
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  • Cassidie
    Beginner August 2020
    Cassidie ·
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    I am getting married in 8/15 and we are not postponing. I feel you in feeking guilty about it too. Its so hard right now but its OUR wedding and I am marrying him no matter what that looks like. People are welcome to wear a mask but we are leaving it to their choice. We are getting married in Montana at a private property outside so it's very spread out. We would lose all our money if we postponed so that's not happening! I have waited to marry my man for so long and of course the year we decide the world turns upside down Smiley sad if people come to the wedding they are aware of the risk and are coming because they want to not because we are forcing them. His mom has RA and so she needs to be protected all the time not just during covid so she will be wearing a mask and leaving earlier. We are going to replicate the photo from princess Beatrice wedding with the queen which I think is cute and let's us still have a picture with them. This week has been the toughest and really hard on my fiance and I... our best man (his brother) decided to travel out of the country to see a girl instead and he can't come to the wedding if he doesn't get a negative test back in time because of his mom and other high risk people and the riskiness of him flying and meeting someone from a high covid place in another country. He is young so aren't they all stupid at that age? Oh well. As long as my fiance and I walk hand and hand and face these challenges together I know it will all work out. I have faith. I just want to marry this amazing man! I wish everyone luck at the weddings and wish you the very best in your marriages!!!
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  • Karen
    Just Said Yes August 2020
    Karen ·
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    We are still planning on getting married Aug 16. Our guest count has dwindled. Our venue is supportive and on board with whatever we want to do. Masks and lots of hand sanitizer will be provided!
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