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Super June 2019

Are you pregnant yet?

Stephanie, on August 5, 2019 at 3:24 PM

Posted in Married Life 29

It's been a month since we got married! 🎉🎉☺️ I love it and so glad the planning and payments are over😂 Not sure if anyone else has experienced this or feels the same after marriage, but I feel like getting married rejuvenated our relationship, it feels brand new and we've had an amazing relationship...
It's been a month since we got married! 🎉🎉☺️ I love it and so glad the planning and payments are over😂 Not sure if anyone else has experienced this or feels the same after marriage, but I feel like getting married rejuvenated our relationship, it feels brand new and we've had an amazing relationship prior to marriage but for me it has felt like breathing new fresh air. Honestly couldn't be more grateful for a beautiful relationship and how we handle things.

But now that the party is over, we get the reoccurring comments/questions...

So the kids are coming soon right?
Are you pregnant yet?
When are you gonna have a kid?
Waiting for my niece/nephew from you I'll be dead...

Or God forbid I say my stomach isn't well or I'm's called indigestion or food positioning lol but nope it's the "omg you're pregnant?!"

My husband is 32 and I'm turning 28 in October. We both started new jobs three months ago, we are staying with my sister and her husband until January/February to get into our apartment or house based on financial benefit so we're paying very decent rent at my sister's which will help us save and help them temporarily since my sister cared for my grandma and the government paid her but she has passed and left her without a job until recently.

Right now we're in the rebuilding process and kind of setting that foundation for stability. We love children and definitely want our own family but now is not the time. We are taking precautions and if it happens then it happens but we're working hard to make sure when the time comes, we're not scrambling to make space for a baby.

We do laugh at the questions and comments but sometimes I'm like "seriously here we go again". But we also let everyone know it's in due time and it'll happen when it's meant to happen. We want to enjoy our marriage, have more stability and as prepared as possible for another life. Our little secret right now is if all is well, we will begin trying towards the end of next year around September - October maybe a little later depending on our fertility as well. And sometimes people don't realize it, but what if it's a couple that already knows there are some fertility concerns. It's such a delicate topic and people don't mean harm but we should be cautious.

Anyone else bombarded with baby talk after getting married?


  • Andrea
    Dedicated October 2019
    Andrea ·
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    My FH has always wanted two kids by the time he's 35. Well... he's currently 33 with a birthday coming up in October. That being said, we aren't actively trying NOT to get pregnant but he's really pushing for it now. My only stipulation was that I be able to fit into my wedding dress since he wants kids like yesterday haha. So now, every single time I my stomach acts out or gets upset, I'm constantly bombarded with, "omg, you're already pregnant aren't you?" My personal favorite is from a coworker who thought up this elaborate idea for me to do a gender reveal for my nonexistent baby at my wedding reception. I can only imagine how many more times I will start hearing the pregnancy question once the wedding comes and goes in two months Smiley xd .

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  • Mrs. S
    Master November 2019
    Mrs. S ·
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    I’ve been getting bombarded since we got engaged over a year ago. give me a break!
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  • Nikita
    VIP April 2019
    Nikita ·
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    We decided to wait 1-2 years after marriage. And just enjoy being married. I turn 32 next month, and it's not really a big deal. I started a job last month that will give us a lot more stability and better benefits (local gov't), so it's time to enter the next big life milestones: buying a house and baby. I just want us to be able to comfortably afford the mortgage and astronomical child care costs first...
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  • Mrsbdg
    Champion August 2017
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    We still get the "any babies on the way" and even got a few during our reception. I just smile really wide and tell them I've been sterilized. It shuts them up real quick.

    I would just bluntly ask them why they need to know about your sex life. When they realize how invasive they are being they should hopefully shut up.

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  • Sara
    Expert October 2019
    Sara ·
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    I’m not married yet, I have about 2 months til but my mother in law is already putting the pressure on me. She said she wouldn’t mind if I get pregnant before the wedding. I also have a friend say I’m getting pregnant this year very early in the year. He kept saying I was going to be before the wedding.
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  • Cristy
    Master May 2021
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    Congratulations!! That's awesome news! You must be so excited!!

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  • S
    Savvy September 2019
    Samantha ·
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    I’ve been getting questions about kids and we’re not even married yet. I KNOW it’s going to ramp up immediately after the wedding. I’m sure we’ll get questions about it at the reception, mostly from my family.
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  • Stephanie
    Expert September 2019
    Stephanie ·
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    My mom has made it very clear since I was about 12 (literally🤣), that she is desperate for grandchildren, however, she is also very respectful that it is a very personal decision between Andy and me and has not mentioned it once. I also have some significant health issues that could make pregnancy difficult for me. I’m an automatic high risk pregnancy, even if everything goes perfectly. However, I do know a couple people with my disease who went into full remission for nearly their entire pregnancy! Have to say, that is pretty tempting, lol.

    My MIL, however, makes it very clear, that she is waiting, very impatiently, for us to get pregnant and wants to be there every step of the way. I mostly just laugh her off, but one time she actually asked if we were even thinking of having kids (my FH has a 7 year old with his ex wife) and I made it clear that while they may be in the future, it will be at least a couple years before we even think of it. Since then she has backed off, but still comments occasionally, lol!

    If and when we decide to try, it will be between us and not something we advertise.

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  • CourtneyBrittain
    Master August 2019
    CourtneyBrittain ·
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    YES I have only been married a week and a couple of days but already have heard these questions. I laugh them off and say "give me 3-5 years. Talk to my sister, she got married two years ago!" We are 22 & 23 so I think we will be fine.

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