My FH and I are contemplating whether or not we want to write our own wedding vows. At the moment we are both indifferent so we may just repeat after the officiant.
However, I forgot about writing letters to each other and reading them before the ceremony. I kind of like that idea, but it's easy for me to say. I express myself much better through words on paper as opposed to verbally, in front of a bunch of people. But I'm unsure. I'm not one to get emotional, but reading a letter by my FH just before the ceremony may make me teary-eyed and do I really want to mess up my makeup lol.
Is anyone writing their own vows? Maybe you're exchanging letters either the day before the wedding or hours before the ceremony? I imagine we'd choose one over the other because doing them both seems a little overkill. I'm not sure if we'll do either approach, but I'd love to hear from you guys!