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Happily married 🎉

July 24, 2010

5061days 18hrs
BR - Is there such a thing as too much folic acid ?
Shoe , on October 6, 2010 at 4:03 PM

Quick questions: just started taking folic acid pills but I started reading around online that the recommended pill is 400mcg but the pharmacist gave me one that is 800mcg. What do you say?

jiemo, Oct 16, 2010 15
Mrs H.
NWR: Anyone tried Nuva ring?
Mrs H., on October 5, 2010 at 9:46 AM

Has anyone tried the Nuva Ring? Did you experience weight gain like with the pill? Can you feel it? Does it bother you or FS?

mahoganieyes, Oct 5, 2010 33
Michelle628 is now a Mrs!
NWR-My mom was on the field this weekend during the Giants game
Michelle628 is now a Mrs!, on October 5, 2010 at 2:22 PM

If anyone was watching the Giants game Sunday night my mom was part of the breast cancer survivor celebration. Someone from her breast cancer support group called her and asked her if she wanted free...

Rachel, Oct 5, 2010 8
OK where is my 5th *??????
Nicole, on October 5, 2010 at 4:39 PM

What is up with my 5th * I am waiting !!!!

Mrs. Roberts, Oct 5, 2010 3
MRSDarlin' Now!
NWR, but Cancer related...Fundraising advice
MRSDarlin' Now!, on October 5, 2010 at 4:20 PM

Hi all. So I have a good friend who is a breast cancer survivor, she's 30, and after 4yrs in remission, the cancer is back and worse. It's now in her brain and other areas. A few of my friends are...

Meghan, Oct 5, 2010 10
Cheap Honeymoons- Need Suggestions
Rane, on October 5, 2010 at 1:31 PM

Does anyone have suggestions on where we could go for our honeymoon? I'm thinking we wouldn't want to spend more than 2k, if that. Any suggestions??? Basically, the cheaper the better...

Anthony Bartalotta, Oct 6, 2010 23
Ms. Boop
What didn't or don't you want your FH to see or know about you.
Ms. Boop, on September 29, 2010 at 10:54 AM

I know your FH is the person you are most comfortable around but as women there are still things that we don't like them to see or know about us. Some of my girlfriends wear weave all the time so they...

jess-counting-down, Oct 2, 2010 70
today is the day, joint checking !!! im freeking out !!!
Ashley, on September 29, 2010 at 5:33 PM

So my roomate and his gf got a joing checking acct after dating like 4 or 6 months and i thought and still think it is rediculous !!! well, here we go !! Igot a check from my grandma for...

MrsD2011, Sep 30, 2010 40
STB Mrs. Potts
Need your imput ladies!
STB Mrs. Potts, on September 29, 2010 at 9:50 PM

So, I was thinking about wedding cakes. I don't like store bought cakes, and every wedding I have ever been to, I didn't like the cake. Me and FH were walking around through Fred Meyers the other day,...

~FutureMrsB~, Oct 4, 2010 21
Candles in MASON JARS and using them after?
Kristin, on September 30, 2010 at 12:43 PM

I have found some awesome mason jars at the thrift stores. I am planning on using them in my centerpieces some how. I was originally thinking about putting candles in them (votives most likely) but...

A, Sep 30, 2010 15
Something I didn't think about! The Head Table
Hislilelf, on September 22, 2010 at 2:05 PM

Who is seated at the Head Table?

Fernnie, Sep 24, 2010 38
Is my FH a loser?
KittenPurrFace, on September 22, 2010 at 4:09 PM

FH and I met in recovery. He had a child young before he got sober, and he never went to college. He works as a waiter now and makes just as much as I do, but he only works 25-30 hours a week. He is...

Meghan, Sep 24, 2010 40
Can't believe this...
CelticCutie, on September 22, 2010 at 10:26 PM

So my FH springs on me tonight that my FMIL who bought 2 dresses for the wedding last year has decided that the one she was going to wear is too revealing and now the other one doesn't fit because she...

FMS, the barefoot wi, Sep 24, 2010 37
NWR: Grey's Anatomy!
Angelica, on September 23, 2010 at 9:43 AM

Who watches Grey's Anatomy? I DO! I'm like obsessed with it. I cant wait to wait this season has in store. It always has me wanting more and more every time.

FMS, the barefoot wi, Sep 24, 2010 36
october bride
Where are you going on your honeymoon?
october bride, on September 15, 2010 at 8:32 AM

Hey all just wondering where everyone is going on there honeymoon and if you have anything exciting planned for the trip. FH and I are going to Hawaii and we are going to swim with the dolphins and...

sweetgirl48045, Sep 16, 2010 41
I really want to post something like this on FB...
Asian~Wife, on August 25, 2010 at 12:41 PM

But I know it's a bad idea, so I won't. So I'll post here instead. :p Wedding planning has made me realize who is truly close to me, and who is not. Unexpected people have stepped up to the plate and...

coach, Jun 25, 2011 22
STB Mrs.Caissie
Bride & Groom Wedding Toast.. help!
STB Mrs.Caissie, on August 25, 2010 at 12:32 PM

I'm in the process of writing our wedding toast and need any suggestions for format, ideas what to write & who to thank... etc. Please help!

MelKel, Aug 27, 2010 18
I Need Wedding COLORS!!!!!!!
Kris, on August 24, 2010 at 12:48 PM

I am getting married June 2011 and I desperately need wedding colors so i can begin planning for the upcoming BIG day!!! I was leaning toward champagne b/c I fell in love with a dress that color. I'll...

Rachel, Aug 24, 2010 20
>>>Insert Ty's New Gangsta Name Here<<<
NWR-Car accident
>>>Insert Ty's New Gangsta Name Here<<<, on August 23, 2010 at 7:14 PM

So I decided to finally get to work on time this morning when a piece from cement truck hits my NEW CAR!!! I'm a little sore. pi$$ed about the car but it could have been worse. Anyone...

digiscrappy, Sep 1, 2010 14
$10,000 Question, just for fun...
Soon2BMrsA, on August 24, 2010 at 8:18 AM

Lets take a break from wedding talk........ If you were given $10,000 and told you had to give it to someone/something, what would you do with it? You cannot keep it and you cannot give it to a...

athena, Aug 25, 2010 39
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