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Happily married 🎉

May 24, 2014

3676days 9hrs


When to send out invitations? (No STD cards)
windinyourhair in Planning, on January 27, 2015 at 6:14 PM

Hey so I'm helping my cousin plan her wedding. She is not using save the date cards, but will have some out of town guests (not a lot, about 10-15). She is getting married on August 1, 2015. So how...

MissJessica, Jan 27, 2015 4 12
rustic cupcake stand
windinyourhair in Planning, on June 29, 2014 at 7:56 PM

Saw this on pinterest and thought I would share. some places give away free pallets so it's a possible DIY. enjoy!...

windinyourhair, Jun 29, 2014 2 11
NWR: how do I fix this?
windinyourhair in Planning, on June 15, 2014 at 11:50 PM

My user name keeps showing up as private user, but I don't remember doing this. How do I make it so my picture and name show up like it used to?

windinyourhair, Jun 18, 2014 5 11
Professional photos are in! (pic heavy)
windinyourhair in Planning, on June 14, 2014 at 11:21 PM

FYI we went through I am soooooo happy with my pictures. the guy was awesome and everyone is still complimenting how great his personality was and how amazing these shots are!

KarenM, Jun 15, 2014 16 13
Professional photos are in! (pic heavy)
windinyourhair in Planning, on June 14, 2014 at 11:22 PM

FYI we went through I am soooooo happy with my pictures. the guy was awesome and everyone is still complimenting how great his personality was and how amazing these shots are!

windinyourhair, Jun 14, 2014 10
thank you notes
windinyourhair in Planning, on May 27, 2014 at 9:31 PM

Should I send a card if they RSVP'd as coming but I didn't see them and didn't get a gift? I'm worried that they popped in but I didn't see them. Or should I just ask around if they had come?

FutureMrsMC, May 28, 2014 11 17
I'm married!!!
windinyourhair in Planning, on May 25, 2014 at 8:48 AM

Yesterday was so amazing. the weather was great (after all of the forecasts saying thunderstorms and rain). we had a great crowd of people come. food was great, cake was amazing, and everything went...

DeniseD, May 27, 2014 41 26
my rehearsal dinner went well!
windinyourhair in Planning, on May 23, 2014 at 8:26 PM

So tomorrow is the big day. we were a little scared because the venue was locked when we got there but we found the grounds keeper and they opened the mansion for us so we could set everything up....

KTSmom, May 24, 2014 13 21
Am I over reacting?
windinyourhair in Planning, on May 22, 2014 at 10:08 PM

So my brother is a groomsmen. I lent him $500 and we agreed that he didn't have to pay me back if he got air plane tickets to bring his two kids to the wedding. Well it is the wedding weekend,...

2014AD, May 23, 2014 21 24
at this point, all I can do is laugh...
windinyourhair in Planning, on May 20, 2014 at 11:23 PM

I'm getting married saturday and I have two guests telling me today that they have boyfriends they would like to bring. it's like 1, I've never met them, and 2, NO. its 4 days before my wedding, I am...

SnappyLove2015, May 21, 2014 14 15
windinyourhair in Planning, on May 18, 2014 at 11:19 AM

How are you guys doing? do you have everything ready? anything left to do? how are you feeling? I just have to pick up my dress, tuxes, have the rehearsal dinner, pack for honeymoon, decorate venue,...

Abby, May 19, 2014 11 20
strange wedding dreams
windinyourhair in Planning, on May 16, 2014 at 2:45 PM

With my wedding being 8 days away, I've started to have restless nights. last night I dreamed that the first 10 people pigged out and then there was NO food left. then I took a nap this afternoon and...

Monana, May 17, 2014 4 14
how much food??
windinyourhair in Planning, on May 16, 2014 at 9:14 PM

We are having buffet style. we are expecting 74 people but have enough food for 85. do you think thats enough extra or should I order more?

KarenM, May 16, 2014 9 16
when to do photos?
windinyourhair in Planning, on May 10, 2014 at 2:00 PM

I see that some people do photos before the ceremony so they can spend more time at their reception. other's do it right after the ceremony. I wasn't planning on having my FH see me before the...

Mrs. Noratel, May 12, 2014 10 13
windinyourhair in Planning, on May 10, 2014 at 2:41 PM

I am a little confused about a few things. So does my FH and bishop just stand at the front, or do they walk down the aisle absolutely first? then I was thinking the best man could walk down my MIL,...

mscountry, May 10, 2014 2 7
May 24 brides!!! what do you have left to do?
windinyourhair in Planning, on May 8, 2014 at 11:25 PM

So it just hit me that my wedding is 2 weeks away. I feel like I have so much done but still a bit to do. we are making our own beverages so we have to mix those together. we have to pay the caterer...

Ali Ess, May 9, 2014 6 11
Cocktail style reception- partially assigned seating?
windinyourhair in Planning, on May 2, 2014 at 11:38 PM

So I am having a cocktail style reception. It looks like we will have enough seats for everyone but I want to have a cocktail style feel, however I still want a few tables to be assigned. So I...

windinyourhair, May 3, 2014 5 56
thought this would be useful to some of you
windinyourhair in Planning, on April 18, 2014 at 8:51 PM


KimS, Apr 19, 2014 10 16
when to change your name?
windinyourhair in Planning, on April 11, 2014 at 9:54 PM

I budgeted name change kit for my wedding. I'm just wondering how soon or how long you waited or are going to wait to change your name after the wedding?

Michele, Apr 11, 2014 11 24
does this look ok? (pics)
windinyourhair in Planning, on April 8, 2014 at 12:11 AM

So I like how this looks but it's not what I had imagined. I didn't realize there would be white fabric on the sides of the corset I thought it would be all dress and then the lace, if that makes...

Jess & Sean, Apr 8, 2014 21 25
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