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Happily married 🎉

April 7, 2011

4819days 10hrs


Hello, My Name Is...
Jayden'sMom in Planning, on December 2, 2010 at 8:15 PM

Eryn. I am getting married Sept 2 2011. I really like how the website is set up although I still have yet to figure out certain aspects of the website. Hope your wedding planning is coming along...

marina, Jun 27, 2011 17 57
Anything But Wedding Related-Job, Mommyhood, School, Married Life, etc, etc
Jayden'sMom in Etiquette and Advice, on June 12, 2011 at 1:58 PM

So I am 31weeks pregnant now. I also have worked a part time job for one week and I really like it. I am also in school fulltime. Thankfully, they are all currently online so I have a pretty flexible...

Stephanie, Jun 13, 2011 8 1
30 Weeks Pregnant Today &...
Jayden'sMom in Community Conversations, on June 3, 2011 at 2:37 PM

I got a new job! It's at a gas station. Part-time and they are willing to work around my class schedule. I just hope I can keep doing as well as I have been in my Math class with the addition of...

Jayden'sMom, Jun 3, 2011 2 11
My Fine Is...(A Game)
Jayden'sMom in Community Conversations, on May 27, 2011 at 1:45 AM

Just read the 'offense' and if you've done it, you owe that fine.You don't have to confess your answers, just the amount of your fine.NOTE fines to be added once, not for how ever many times you have...

Jen P., May 28, 2011 102 66
Laundry & Bras
Jayden'sMom in Do It Yourself, on May 27, 2011 at 1:03 AM

How many of you ladies wash your bras and then get annoyed because a month or two later they're so warped that you have to spend yet another $100 bucks on bras that fit properly? I KNOW A...

Shropshire2Davis, May 27, 2011 5 33
Oh For Goodness Sakes!! (KWR)
Jayden'sMom in Planning, on May 26, 2011 at 9:43 AM

We ordered my wedding dress for the fall wedding before we found out we were pregnant. Today, I went through the caller ID to see if there's been any calls missed due to my mom's behavior lately. And...

Jayden'sMom, May 26, 2011 2 12
Yay Monday!
Jayden'sMom in Style and Décor, on May 22, 2011 at 9:28 AM

I'm excited for Monday! I get to (finally) get my shiny, new, pretty keys to my awesome (and brand-new) apartment! My mom is going to help me move while the husband is at work but it won't be too much...

C2ShiningC, May 23, 2011 5 2
JR-Interview Question (Mainly for HR people)
Jayden'sMom in Etiquette and Advice, on May 11, 2011 at 7:37 AM

Today I have a job interview! Yay! The question I have is this-I am almost 27 weeks pregnant. While this is a part time job-I still kinda like need it. I put on my maternity dress last night and sure...

Jayden'sMom, May 11, 2011 6 2
BR-Packing List
Jayden'sMom in Married Life, on May 7, 2011 at 4:41 PM

I have 14 weeks left until Jayden is due to make his appearance. I started a checklist of things I need. I thought you ladies could help me out! Let me know what you think is needed (but not listed)...

Unique, May 8, 2011 7 12
BR-24w Checkup, Rant, Good news, & AWESOME news!
Jayden'sMom in Married Life, on April 26, 2011 at 2:43 PM

Jayden had a heartbeat of 160 today and had no problems kicking the doctor. We could even hear him kick on the doppler so I take it that I need to join a running class...and soon! My rant is tied into...

Jayden'sMom, Apr 28, 2011 8 14
BR-It's Official! I'm Next! (Within My Family @ Least)
Jayden'sMom in Married Life, on April 19, 2011 at 7:30 AM

My baby cousin-Kyle-who's three weeks younger than me just had his baby girl last night! Remi Rebecca! (Her middle name is her mother's name). She was 7ilbs 4oz 19in long and born at 4:49pm on April...

Jayden'sMom, Apr 19, 2011 3 10
Looking Back...
Jayden'sMom in Honeymoon, on April 9, 2011 at 10:52 AM

I don't get the weirdness... I just got married on Thursday. And I wasn't nervous and when my FIL asked if I knew how to spell Nerdig (the new last name) I said I think it's "X Y P Q batman symbol...

Brandi, Apr 9, 2011 7 16
BR-It's A....
Jayden'sMom in Married Life, on April 4, 2011 at 1:04 PM

BOY! His name will be Jayden Benjamin. He's measuring a few days bigger but not badly. He was quite content being in one position the whole time (compared to last time when he moved the whole time!)...

JulyBride, Apr 4, 2011 12 18
WR-Honeymoon Suite plus InLaws equals Awwww
Jayden'sMom in Planning, on March 31, 2011 at 10:23 AM

Last night, while talking to my fiance about the wedding plans for next week, his mom was asking questions. One of the questions she asked was and I quote, "Would she like a honeymoon suite with a...

Tara, Mar 31, 2011 9 20
WR & KR-Aww it made me smile....
Jayden'sMom in Wedding Attire, on March 27, 2011 at 12:25 AM

Http:// kids/103406 But on the other hand she had her something blue!

Jayden'sMom, Mar 28, 2011 2 9
Something to Make You Smile
Jayden'sMom in Community Conversations, on March 21, 2011 at 8:45 PM

Http:// Click on the link to see it!

Jayden'sMom, Mar 22, 2011 5 11
NWR-Job Hunting Question (HR People This Is For You)
Jayden'sMom in Etiquette and Advice, on March 16, 2011 at 12:30 PM

So I am looking for a second job to help pay for our bills as is my guy. I have a question. Why do we give out resumes if we are gonna be writing it all down on the application? I mean if we have all...

Jayden'sMom, Mar 16, 2011 10
Annoucement Etiquette Question
Jayden'sMom in Etiquette and Advice, on March 13, 2011 at 11:52 PM

So first we were getting married Labor Day weekend after our engagement in June 2010. Then we found out our baby invited itself to the wedding in January 2011 and may potentially put off the wedding...

Carole M (a.k.a "old, Mar 14, 2011 5 3
BR-18 Weeks
Jayden'sMom in Married Life, on March 12, 2011 at 10:33 PM

Today I am 18 weeks. I also got some maternity jeans and a few tops. I like my tops but the jeans are a tidge too big but I am sure I will fill em out soon. Also, the baby's dad got to feel the baby...

Elizabeth, Mar 14, 2011 4 10
Springing Ahead...Oh the irony...
Jayden'sMom in Community Conversations, on March 10, 2011 at 10:02 AM

I am not sure where you are but where I am-there's like 500 inches of snow (yes, I am exaggerating). Apparently, on Sunday, March 13 2011 we are in a new time zone. That's right! Saturday night, you...

Justine, Mar 10, 2011 4 9
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