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Happily married 🎉

August 1, 2015

3242days 15hrs


BAM! and both with my maiden name ;)
Jasmine in Community Conversations, on August 4, 2015 at 6:19 PM

So we got married on Saturday! Almost all of our guests (mostly family) refused to come! As we have very bad family issues this wasn't a surprise, but I didn't even notice until after the ceremony...

Andrea, Aug 4, 2015 19 23
42 days to go!.... So much happening!
Jasmine in Planning, on June 20, 2015 at 3:00 PM

I've been totally caught up in my new job the past 2 months and accidentally put a pause on my wedding planning ugh! Where did all of my time go! Sending out the invites on Monday (nobody is more than...

Jasmine, Jun 20, 2015 3 16
Invite disaster :( need invitation sites!
Jasmine in Community Conversations, on April 8, 2015 at 6:21 PM

Hey ladies, it's been quite a while because we're getting ready to move in 3 weeks! Woo! In 4 weeks we were originally going to send out our invites, which we bought in February... Before moving was...

Amber, Apr 9, 2015 19 25
Jasmine in Wedding Attire, on March 1, 2015 at 8:07 PM

After a 1 1/2 drive that took almost 4 hours, everyone mad at my mother's horrible driving and ability to take directions, we made it to my DB appointment at 2pm yesterday. The appointment was...

HisBride, Mar 2, 2015 18 20
Shopping for my wedding dress tomorrow!!!!!
Jasmine in Community Conversations, on February 27, 2015 at 7:42 PM

I'm SO excited, I have owned exactly 4 dresses, my prom dress, last year's birthday dress, and 2 date dresses I bought! Very scared though, I've never been big on buying dresses because I'm larger and...

Jenn B, Feb 27, 2015 9 18
NWR: Ahhh!!! Job interview today!!!
Jasmine in Community Conversations, on February 21, 2015 at 9:38 AM

I'm so pumped, interview for a job starting as soon as I graduate, in my field, good pay and perfect hours!!! AND only 2 hours from our hometown! Also found out yesterday that the only reason she's...

Rachel DellaPorte, Feb 21, 2015 2 11
nothing is coming together yet, and not for a while it seems ugh!! bit of a rant
Jasmine in Planning, on February 18, 2015 at 7:01 AM

I just finished exams last week, im starting 8 weeks of full time unpaid placement in a daycare on monday, on top of working full time... I have extensions on about 30 assignments due to unplanned...

Joy, Feb 18, 2015
first dance song decided!!
Jasmine in Community Conversations, on February 14, 2015 at 11:12 PM

We finally decided on I can't help falling in love with you - elvis presley! We talked about this one before, and lastnight I was telling my grandmother about the songs we were thinking about, and she...

AlexisM082, Feb 15, 2015 2 11
Jasmine in Community Conversations, on February 11, 2015 at 5:44 PM

SO excited, wedding budget just went UP! LOL I have an interview next friday and it's basically in the bag! I'm so pumped, I've been going through so many uncontrollable downs recently, and finally...

kashaun, Feb 11, 2015 10
Oh my god, I think I just got the best present for my wedding day...
Jasmine in Community Conversations, on February 10, 2015 at 2:25 PM

My old German neighbours in my hometown are basically my adopted second grandparents! Gunther, the husband, he does metal working things.. He makes custom luxury iron fences, doorways, ect... All in...

Emma, Feb 11, 2015 19 5
Feeling discouraged about actually dropping weight..
Jasmine in Fitness and Health, on February 8, 2015 at 10:10 AM

Okay so 2 years ago I was weighing in at 320lbs, I'm currently 230, very happy, but I've been stuck here since august and I'm just getting so frustrated! I was getting very comfortable at this weight,...

JanisV, Feb 10, 2015 25 5
big honeymoon changes! for the better :)
Jasmine in Wedding Attire, on February 8, 2015 at 7:21 AM

So, originally we were going to go on a small little camping trip the following week of our wedding, because of budget. Then we decided we instead would wait for about 3 months and take a trip to...

Jasmine, Feb 8, 2015 2 13
Anyone else struggling with having your wedding far from where you actually are? :(
Jasmine in Etiquette and Advice, on February 7, 2015 at 1:03 PM

Our wedding is taking place in our hometown, a 3 hour car drive from where we currently live... Or an 8 hour bus trip... We don't have a car, or the time to just bus down whenever needed... so we're...

L + A, Feb 7, 2015 17 1
Silk or fluffy BM robes?
Jasmine in Do It Yourself, on January 29, 2015 at 11:18 AM

I've been complaining that I have nothing to make with mnew sewing machine, and also been complaining about the cost of getting robes for my five BM's... So the FH said to me before leaving for work...

Annie & Javi, Feb 2, 2015 22 156
A wasted weekend!
Jasmine in Do It Yourself, on February 1, 2015 at 11:02 AM

I was going to go buy the fabric and whatnot to make my bridesmaids some robes yesterday, but we got struck with a snowstorm! The fabric store isn't open on Sundays, so I have to wait until tomorrow...

Sarah, Feb 2, 2015 20 12
Anybody else's FH taking YOUR name?
Jasmine in Etiquette and Advice, on January 30, 2015 at 11:40 AM

So my FH is taking my name, I've held firm. He's okay with it, he didn't care about it until his mother screamed and yelled... lol. But my stance on it is that it wouldn't matter who I was marrying, I...

Mary, Feb 1, 2015 88 74
I forgot to share my invites! here they are!
Jasmine in Planning, on January 28, 2015 at 8:51 PM

I received them on monday from annsbridalbargains! I love them, It all feels so real now lol! also i'm just too lazy to blur out our address or anything lol. send me chocolate if you must

Monica SC, Jan 29, 2015 11 15
When are you sending your invites out!?
Jasmine in Planning, on January 26, 2015 at 11:20 PM

Our invites just arrived today! YAY! We're sending them out almost 3 months ahead of our wedding... We did NOT do save the dates as it's a little ridiculous for us, and we have a small guest list, and...

FutureMrsWalton, Jan 27, 2015 28 24
sorta NWR: UPDATE on my mother wanting to get married 2 weeks before me and all of that crazy in my life
Jasmine in Etiquette and Advice, on January 25, 2015 at 12:38 PM

SO, I found out last night after screaming a little bit at my mother about this whole thing that I wasn't being told the whole story.. not surprised lol. She's actually been talking to this man from...

Christine, Jan 25, 2015 7 3
FINALLY got a decent quote for flowers!
Jasmine in Style and Décor, on January 24, 2015 at 2:49 PM

I received quotes for my flowers! These are from a nice small floral shop in my home town. She's giving us a good deal (I think lol) for staying local. So here at the quotes she gave me RB boutonniere...

annakay511, Jan 24, 2015 5 12
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