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Hiker Bride
Hiker Bride

Happily married 🎉

May 4, 2013

4061days 17hrs


Hiker Bride
Wedding is off, but not the marriage!
Hiker Bride in Planning, on March 25, 2013 at 1:07 AM

So, we just found out this week that the pain Ive been feeling in my shoulders is due to a serious LACK of curve in my neck, and the beginning of degenerative arthritis. The doctor does not want to...

Hiker Bride, Mar 25, 2013 18 15
Hiker Bride
Invites . . think I finished the design finally!
Hiker Bride in Do It Yourself, on March 14, 2013 at 12:33 PM

This has been a crazy lot of work for something that will probably just end up in the trash, but I've had lots of fun designing them from scratch. The map cards Im going to order through VP. They have...

Christine, Mar 14, 2013 7 14
Hiker Bride
Today's DIY
Hiker Bride in Do It Yourself, on February 9, 2013 at 8:26 PM

This is what I managed to accomplish today (Even had some input from FH!) I had posted another version of the treasure map before, but then I got the bright idea to print it through VP on an over...

Caroline, Feb 9, 2013 2 10
Hiker Bride
Logo Design Help
Hiker Bride in Do It Yourself, on February 7, 2013 at 3:11 PM

Ive been fussing with this for a while, but apparently don't have the right software to do it on the computer, and NO artistic ability to draw it up. Can anyone help?? I would like to have a "C" on...

Hayley C™, Feb 8, 2013 6 15
Hiker Bride
The Significance of your date. . .
Hiker Bride in Community Conversations, on January 30, 2013 at 1:25 PM

Why did you choose the date you did. . . what is its special significance?? We wanted to put something happy in September. Though its been years, both FH's father, and my daughter died in September-...

Jackie, Jan 31, 2013 65 40
Hiker Bride
Will it melt?
Hiker Bride in Do It Yourself, on January 29, 2013 at 2:35 PM

I thought I was being so creative, beading the forks for the bonfire. FH thinks, though, that the heat of the fire and coals will melt the beads. I don't have a way to test it at home, so am hoping...

Pan, Jan 30, 2013 10 21
Hiker Bride
Feedback needed on program cover
Hiker Bride in Do It Yourself, on December 15, 2012 at 10:11 PM

So our "theme" is adventure. We're having a hike to a waterfall for vows, then to the beach for a BBQ, and the exchange of rings at sunset. What do you think of this for the cover to our program/ game...

Christina, Dec 19, 2012 8 12
Hiker Bride
Vows and Rings
Hiker Bride in Do It Yourself, on November 27, 2012 at 3:38 AM

As I'm creating my stationary, I don't want to use the word "exchange" twice. Been wracking my brain for a while, and now its time for help from the experts! How else could you describe these two...

Celia Milton, Nov 27, 2012 8 11
Hiker Bride
venue address, or lack there-of
Hiker Bride in Etiquette and Advice, on November 20, 2012 at 6:53 PM

So Im working on my invitation suite. I am doing inserts for the 2 different parts of the day - a hike for vows, then beach for bbq and rings at sunset. The trailhead does not have an actual address....

Carrie, Nov 21, 2012 6 3
Hiker Bride
NWR: no transplant rejection!
Hiker Bride in Community Conversations, on November 20, 2012 at 9:54 PM

Ive been in the hospital the last couple days with my daughter. Her labs had been up, so a biopsy was scheduled to check for rejection. Just got the results that there is some MINOR inflamation, but...

Hiker Bride, Nov 20, 2012 2 8
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