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Happily married 🎉

April 25, 2015

3341days 7hrs


How long after your wedding....
hfstella in Honeymoon, on April 14, 2015 at 11:28 PM

Are you going on your honeymoon or are you waiting? We re not going on our honeymoon until January 2016. So like 9 months after our wedding? We re pretty set we re going to Thailand for 2 weeks. We re...

Tanya, Apr 30, 2015 129 165
What are your wedding colors?
hfstella in Wedding Attire, on April 16, 2015 at 9:43 PM

And how did you pick them? My colors are mint green and coral. I originally was going to have a fall wedding and I was going to do like a sapphire color. After we decided to do a spring wedding, I...

Victoria, Apr 28, 2015 90 83
I'm very disappointed (vent)
hfstella in Wedding Attire, on April 13, 2015 at 4:48 PM

There is an age difference between me and my FH. He was married before almost 20 years ago but has not been with ex wife for many years. She has a lot of her own issues (I won't bash her online)....

Fiorella, Apr 24, 2015 122 174
How long were you engaged before you set your date?
hfstella in Wedding Attire, on April 15, 2015 at 10:03 PM

We got engaged in June of 2013 and did not set a date until 2/14. I applaud all the quick engagements but I needed time to get things together! What about y'all?

GeekyBride, Apr 23, 2015 98 6
I am so ready for this to be over
hfstella in Wedding Attire, on April 21, 2015 at 8:12 PM

I just gave my final head count today because I am getting married in 3 days. I got a text message from a friend saying she can't make it. I'm very perplexed by this. So I guess she canceled her...

Mary, Apr 21, 2015 4 17
I never asked to be thrown a 'bacherlorette party' vent
hfstella in Wedding Attire, on April 18, 2015 at 6:37 PM

I had several work girlfriends offer to throw me a bachelorette party. They aren't coming to the wedding but it was a sweet gesture and they wanted to celebrate with me. So last week one of the girls...

Brianna, Apr 18, 2015 15 5
I can't believe it!
hfstella in Wedding Attire, on April 18, 2015 at 7:32 AM

It's officially one week before our wedding! I was packing our suit cases last night and it was a little surreal because a lot of the stuff (wedding party gifts, etc) would only be making one trip!!...

hfstella, Apr 18, 2015 8 10
I am so happy with my custom frame, wanted to share
hfstella in Do It Yourself, on April 16, 2015 at 10:15 PM

I got my save the date, bridal shower, wedding invite & info card put in a custom frame. It turned out better than I had initially expected! Theyre all different shapes, and it came together nicely....

VWCat, Apr 16, 2015 18 2
10 piece corningware bake set
hfstella in Wedding Attire, on April 16, 2015 at 11:00 PM

Soooo I can tell what's been purchased already on our registery. all of the items except for one has been sent to the house. A 10 piece corningware bake set!! How on earth am I going to put that in my...

hfstella, Apr 16, 2015 6 19
Nail advice?
hfstella in Wedding Attire, on April 16, 2015 at 9:05 AM

I guess I should preface to say it's been a few years since I got my nails done at a salon. I started playing roller derby a few years back and after they cracked once I never got them again. So was...

TisFinallyHappy, Apr 16, 2015 27 46
What's your bachelorette party?
hfstella in Planning, on April 14, 2015 at 6:19 PM

I live out of state than all of my other BMs. Planning a separate getaway was really out of the question. So we've all planned to get to town a couple nights early and go out. But I am a light weight...

., Apr 14, 2015 13 17
My mom and couple BMs think I am over the top
hfstella in Wedding Attire, on April 14, 2015 at 11:57 AM

So a couple weeks ago I decided I wanted more photo time, and booked more time with my photographer to do photos of the wedding party getting ready. My mom & One of my BMs said 'Can't we just take...

Emmy, Apr 14, 2015 20 13
Your MOH?
hfstella in Planning, on April 13, 2015 at 6:24 PM

How much did your 'MOH' actually do for your wedding/shower/bachelorette party etc? Mine has done virtually nothing. Am I the only one? I love her to pieces. Now granted I may have been a slight...

VMDIZZLE, Apr 14, 2015 35 28
NWR (and maybe it is?)
hfstella in Planning, on April 13, 2015 at 5:29 PM

I just recently started posting here but I am no stranger to online communities. So at risk of seeming like a weirdo I am putting myself out there. Our dog Stella (as in HfStella), has been the...

OG Mrs.K (2.0), Apr 13, 2015 12 16
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