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Congo Skier
Congo Skier

Happily married 🎉

September 15, 2009

5388days 13hrs


Congo Skier
It has been a really long time, congrats to you all.
Congo Skier in Community Conversations, on April 15, 2014 at 12:09 PM

I'm working on a project that made me think of this web site and all the great friends I made while planning our wedding. Wanted to give an update and see if any of the old crew was still on here. My...

FutureMrsDelpra, Apr 15, 2014 2
Congo Skier
Hello all you soon to be's!!!!!!!
Congo Skier in Community Conversations, on July 25, 2011 at 4:30 PM

I was just checking out our wedding pictures and it made me think of this web site and all the great people that I had met. We've been married 2 years in Sept. wow, that's just crazy to say. I know...

Mrs., Jul 25, 2011 4 16
Congo Skier
our wedding pics!!
Congo Skier in Planning, on September 21, 2009 at 2:07 PM

Hi everyone...this is congo skier's (brent's) WIFE!!! hee hee...i hope you guys enjoy these pics of our day...he did an amazing job!! thanks so much to all of you for all your encouraging words...he...

Laldy, Oct 6, 2010 28 20
Congo Skier
Did you miss me!!!!!!
Congo Skier in Planning, on January 20, 2010 at 4:09 AM

Well I've missed you!!! We had our official 4 month anny on the 15th. It was amazing!!!! O.K. not really. She studied and I reinvented cold infusion on our Wii. lol. I know that I've missed a lot of...

weliz, Jan 20, 2010 2 13
Congo Skier
HEY GOSH DARN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congo Skier in Planning, on September 26, 2009 at 8:06 PM

I finally added pictures to our profile of the B-Day/Prom, Wedding and Reception. I added little comments to each one as well. All you have to do is run your mouse over top of the picture and the...

icart, Sep 26, 2009 2 12
Congo Skier
hehe hehehe I'm Married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congo Skier in Planning, on September 18, 2009 at 2:36 AM

WE'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is so much to tell and I'm just to darn tired at the moment. But I had to let my sistas know that we are back and I can no longer accept your proposals!! lol. IT...

Mrs shdvl, Sep 18, 2009 24 30
Congo Skier
Congo Skier in Planning, on September 10, 2009 at 4:21 PM

Holly hang nail, I can't believe it's finally here. We leave early in the morning for Hawaii and won't be back for over a week. I'm so freakin excited. The B-day bash had a few slip ups that weren't...

naynay79, Sep 11, 2009 18 14
Congo Skier
Her 30th Birthday Today!!!
Congo Skier in Planning, on September 5, 2009 at 5:44 AM

Today is her 30th Birthday. I'm planning the b-day party today and wedding in 10 days as "somewhat" surprises. All the messages from here I save for her to read after the wedding. I figured some...

naynay79, Sep 5, 2009 10 12
Congo Skier
12 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!
Congo Skier in Planning, on September 3, 2009 at 3:45 AM

This one was a little hard for me to post. After reading some of the other posts, I feel like flying to NC, NY, TX and some other states and give some people the boot to the ass. I haven't met one bad...

Crystal, Sep 3, 2009 2 15
Congo Skier
Can I get a huh huh, can I get a SAY WHAT!!!
Congo Skier in Planning, on September 1, 2009 at 3:04 AM

14 DAYS LADIES!!!!! That's right, count em, that was ah 1 and ah 4. schawing! Picked up my special jacket and some last minute decorations that I really didn't need for the b-day party on Saturday....

Congo Skier, Sep 1, 2009 9 32
Congo Skier
Time for the apron
Congo Skier in Planning, on August 29, 2009 at 5:29 AM

Just a vent. Next Saturday is her surprise 30th birthday party. So Friday I have to prepare all the food. I firmed up the menu tonight and I'm anxious to get this ball rolling!!! All apps, so it's...

Mrs Knight, Aug 31, 2009 9 15
Congo Skier
Congo Skier in Planning, on August 28, 2009 at 4:05 AM

Since I'm planning everything and there's only 18 days left, I searched all over for the perfect dress and I think I found it. They only have one size but I think with a little bit of duct tape and...

Kristy Sowders, Aug 29, 2009 14 14
Congo Skier
After Midnight!
Congo Skier in Planning, on August 28, 2009 at 2:23 AM

I'll only have 17 DAYS LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are we there yet??? I have to pee!!! Billy's hitting me!! I think the dog just farted!! Anyone have any ideas on where I should have our wedding? I figured...

Amanda D., Aug 29, 2009 9 10
Congo Skier
Horrible, horrible news today
Congo Skier in Planning, on August 24, 2009 at 4:59 AM

I HAVE TO WAIT 22 MORE DAYS BEFORE I CAN GET MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!! What the heck is going on with father time, do I really need to have a come to Jesus convo with him!? Doesn't he understand that I...

butterflyflirt01@yah, Aug 27, 2009 21 32
Congo Skier
What does RSVP mean!!!!!!!
Congo Skier in Planning, on August 24, 2009 at 5:33 AM

For those that know me, know that I'm a happy go lucky guy, no complaints. I'm marrying the women of my dreams whats there to complain about! So this isn't a complaint, just a, wow really! lol. I was...

Mrs shdvl, Aug 24, 2009 18 1,009
Congo Skier
Valid Question
Congo Skier in Planning, on August 21, 2009 at 5:37 AM

So what would it be called if the guy is planning the wedding and he goes Commando Rambo!!!!???????? Godzilla is already taken isn't it? lol. Seeing a lot of Bridezilla stuff tonight and was...

wowjunkie, Aug 22, 2009 13 12
Congo Skier
Congo Skier in Planning, on August 19, 2009 at 3:52 AM

WE HAVE 27 DAYS LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since some rat destroyed the secret I've decided to give my wife to be CRAZY stories about what the plans are. Oh this is so much fun. I've been reading so...

shalliwell, Aug 19, 2009 6 13
Congo Skier
To your request, I added pictures.
Congo Skier in Planning, on August 10, 2009 at 6:11 AM

I know it's been many many months but remember, I'm planning this as a surprise for my wife to be. I was worried that she would find it. Since some people couldn't respect our wishes, let the cat out...

shalliwell, Aug 13, 2009 7 16
Congo Skier
I have a little secret, promise to keep it hush hush
Congo Skier in Planning, on August 10, 2009 at 5:54 AM

I'M GETTING MARRIED IN 36 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so freaking excited!!! I'm a horrible liar and it's been driving me crazy keeping everything a secret from my FW. There is still so much to do and I...

Kristy Sowders, Aug 10, 2009 9 2
Congo Skier
Anyone Have Free Time To Read My Page
Congo Skier in Planning, on August 7, 2009 at 4:18 AM

Sorry to bother you, I'm a guy planning our wedding as a surprise. Just wanted some feed back on my page. FYI, if haven't caught on, normal isn't a concern. lol. Thanks.

bay, Aug 7, 2009 8 12
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