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Happily married 🎉

December 17, 2010

4930days 16hrs


As promised...MORE PICTURES!**Pic Heavy**
Abbie in Planning, on December 22, 2010 at 6:21 PM

1. Flower girls(my nieces), ring bearer(his cousin) and junior bridesmaid(my youngest sister) 2. Unity sand 3. Of course the kiss

Abbie, Dec 23, 2010 11 12
I know I'm not on a ton these days...but this girl had her big day you knows you girls love pictures!
Abbie in Planning, on December 22, 2010 at 12:49 PM

Alrighty, we got re-married December 17th at 6:45pm! Everything went really well. I freaked out like a million times but it was a very smooth day. We had cake drops instead of a big wedding cake....

Justine, Dec 23, 2010 33 3
WW Vent? Sort of? Holy goodness my wedding is Friday and my love is home Tuesday.
Abbie in Planning, on December 12, 2010 at 5:03 PM

So my handsome hubby is coming back to Michigan Tuesday night and our re-wedding is Friday. We have the rehearsal Wednesday and set up Thursday. My sisters got us a room at the Amway for the weekend...

Abbie, Dec 13, 2010 3 2
Wedding is a go! Now I do not know what to do! haha
Abbie in Planning, on October 26, 2010 at 10:45 PM

So after FOREVER of waiting SH(secret husband) got his leave days put back in his account. He seems confident so this girls planning a wedding in a month and a half. You would think I'd have more...

Mrs Cupcake, Oct 27, 2010 20 6
Don't know if I should push the wedding back or not. :(
Abbie in Planning, on October 16, 2010 at 10:54 AM

So FH(secretly husband) still hasn't been approved leave and we are planning a wedding for December 17th. Ugh. He says we should just go a head and plan everything, put down deposits. I'm really...

Abbie, Oct 17, 2010 14
DIY engagment pics, set a time, place the camera and run!**Pic heavy**
Abbie in Planning, on October 13, 2010 at 6:28 PM

So we went up to the mountains and DIYed some pictures. I edited a few on Picnik as well so I will post the as well. Let me know if they are no good. haha. We did our best!

jiemo, Oct 16, 2010 45 3
Ok ladies, I need your help with shoes please!!!
Abbie in Planning, on October 14, 2010 at 7:42 PM

I am picky, very picky. I found the perfect shoes but they didn't have my size. Found them again, out of stock. Found them a final time bought the half a size to big thinking I could make it work and...

Abbie, Oct 15, 2010 21 16
Who wants to keep my secrit?
Abbie in Planning, on October 6, 2010 at 3:48 PM

I"M MARRIED!!!! I understand we do not like caps here, but I really was yelling it. So this is the thing; FH lives in AZ, he is active Air Force. I live in MI where we will be having the actual...

mahoganieyes, Oct 6, 2010 49 50
NWR: He's 32 hours away and I have to get the dog there!
Abbie in Planning, on September 17, 2010 at 7:56 PM

So I'm taking out dog to my FH now instead of waiting until the wedding. But he lives 2000 miles away. I don't want to drive but in order to fly I have to take specific planes when the weather is a...

snaps, Sep 17, 2010 9 1
Bridal Party's entrance song?
Abbie in Planning, on September 8, 2010 at 1:16 PM

What song are you ladies playing while the bridal party walks down the aisle? I really would like to use "And then he kissed me" but don't know if I should do something traditional. So what are your...

karen, Sep 9, 2010 14 70
Getting excited, we might be able to set a date!!!! Keep me in your thoughts ladies!!!
Abbie in Planning, on September 3, 2010 at 2:30 PM

My FS is military for those of you who don't know. Are date, well month keeps getting pushed back because of his training. Last week we had come to terms with having to wait until Feb. But this week...

Abbie, Sep 3, 2010 3 1
Center peices-What do you girls think?
Abbie in Planning, on August 14, 2010 at 8:37 PM

We want an evening wedding, lots of candles and christmas lights (and hopefully not tacky). I found this idea online and thought it was way fun! What do you think?

Jass, Aug 18, 2010 42 72
Needs to vent!
Abbie in Planning, on August 13, 2010 at 2:01 PM

Alrighty, I am 2o, Brad is 19. He is military (just got to his first duty station but probably has close to a year left of training) I am a gymnastics teacher (which may I say although I make...

Abbie, Aug 13, 2010 2 11
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