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Expert October 2021

We Made It Happen

Hillary, on April 26, 2020 at 2:01 PM

Posted in Married Life 21

Like most spring brides, we ended up postponing our April wedding. We had still hoped to get married on our original date, April 25th, but failed to get a marriage license before everything closed. For weeks I was a depressed mess. Then I saw on our country clerks website that they were issuing...
Like most spring brides, we ended up postponing our April wedding. We had still hoped to get married on our original date, April 25th, but failed to get a marriage license before everything closed. For weeks I was a depressed mess. Then I saw on our country clerks website that they were issuing licenses online for couples “in dire need” of getting married, which we applied for because I don’t have health insurance, but we never heard back. Someone had commented on one of my posts about a company called WebWed. They can issue a license online and marry you through video chat. My dad, a lawyer, did a weeks worth of research on them and was constantly talking to the owners over the phone. Finally, he came to the conclusion that they were legit and we purchased their services. So yesterday, at my parents house with 8 other people, we got married(Technically in the state of Utah. We live in Illinois). We had our officiant on an iPad and countless family and friends on Zoom. Our florist even made me a bouquet! It was unique and not at all what we had expected for a wedding but we were ready to be married and didn’t care too much about the details. After the ceremony, we went home and had a “Virtual Cocktail Hour” with our guests, then ordered in some steak for dinner. It was actually pretty perfect. Now I get to look forward to having our big celebration in September(hopefully)! cfb_1390129.jpg









  • Nefetera
    VIP March 2015
    Nefetera ·
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    Very nice I love your ring and your beautiful dress
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