Well guys, we did it! We had a very strange, but very beautiful COVID-19 wedding on our chosen date of 5/9/2020. My husband and I got married in a VERY small ceremony (only my parents and our photographer were there) in the Catholic Church we'd planned. I was able to livestream the ceremony on facebook, which feedback has been that everyone LOVED. We weren't planning the livestream and didn't announce to friends/fam that we were going to do it, so it just naturally happened and was 'found' by everyone.
Then we were surprised outside by my best girlfriends from high school who were outside when we walked out to take pictures!
After the church, we went to my parent's house and had a driveby reception in their front yard. One of my friends had called the newspaper, so you can see the photos here. (https://www.scnow.com/gallery/featured/photos-covid-19-images-saturday-in-florence-the-drive-by-wedding-reception-edition/collection_9f09dc38-92c3-11ea-b25b-a3499b09d84e.html) The cars were lined up SO far around the block, it was overwhelming! Friends and family drove from 2 hours away just to be part of it. We cut the cake and had first dances right there in the grass.
When all driveby guests had been greeted, we had a Zoomception for our friends and family in other states, wrapping up the day.
It ended up being a PERFECT day...and while not the wedding we had planned for, it was surrounded with love and most of the people that mattered!
Hope you all get your perfect days, no matter what they end up looking like!