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Beginner August 2019

Sleeping problems

Crystal, on September 7, 2019 at 9:19 AM Posted in Married Life 0 21
How do you adjust to sleeping in the same bed as your husband?


Latest activity by Futuremrsbroadhurst, on September 9, 2019 at 2:03 PM
  • Emily
    Expert September 2020
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    Get a big enough bed (double was awful but queen is fine for us), learn each other's "sleep habits" over time.

    I do ear plugs because of his snoring, and we figured out a few years ago that putting on 2 light fitted sheets (one for each) and then having a king size duvet is best. We're both "rollers" so with one sheet it's tug of war all night.

    It's normal if it takes time to find a system, and don't feel like a failure or weird if you sleep separately sometimes! If one of us is sick or has a cough, they are banished to the couch. Helps both of us in the long run.
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  • Crystal
    Beginner August 2019
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    We sleep in a queen size bed and he says that I am a bed hog.
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  • Eri
    Super October 2020
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    My FH and I have been sleeping together for 4 years, and at first it was a huge adjustment, but now I have a hard time falling asleep without him!

    One thing that really helped was separate covers, lol. Neither of us like to share them, and we like different styles; I use a comforter and he uses a huge throw blanket.

    We had to compromise on noise levels. I like sleeping in a pitch black room with a fan on; he likes no fan, but a radio or tv going. Now we sleep in a pitch black room with a fan, and a radio on with a short timer.

    You'll learn each other's habits and find a way to work with them. If there's something that's really bugging you or preventing you from getting a restful sleep, don't be afraid to say something! FH and I had many discussions about sleep before we figured out something that worked.

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  • Yam
    VIP September 2019
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    FH have been sleeping in the same bed for about 8 years now. We live in a small space so our bed’s a double. We sleep facing away from each other and neither of us are particularly large so it feels like plenty of space. We have issues with sharing blankets so on top of our blankets we also have two throws so someone always has something because I’m a blanket hog. We usually just sleep with the throws in the summer.
    Body temp was the biggest issue. FH is like a furnace, his skin is always so warm you’d think he had a fever and that heat just radiates off of him to my side of the bed. Meanwhile I’m an ice queen with feet that are always cold! So it balances out if he doesn’t lay too close or I keep my feet away.
    Neither of us snore or really annoy each other.
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  • Jodie
    Expert August 2020
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    The only major issue we had when we started sharing a bed was I'm a blanket hog ( I'm always cold) so we have our own blankets.
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  • Mrs. S
    Master November 2019
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    We have a queen sized bed, a good fan, and his snoring doesn’t bother me. We have a king size comforter now which helps with hogging issues but the best sleep we got was when we had two separate comforters. Some nights he sleeps on the couch when it’s just not working.
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  • Crystal
    Beginner August 2019
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    My is losing his sleep because of me being a bed hog.
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  • Mrs. Bubba
    VIP September 2019
    Mrs. Bubba ·
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    That is quite difficult.

    I was used to sleeping in a👸🛏 by myself.

    We’re getting a 🤴🛏.
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  • Mrsbdg
    Champion August 2017
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    My husband had issues with me hogging the bed. I straight up starfish when I’m sleeping and take no prisoners. When we first started hanging out I would knock him straight out of bed.

    Ngl we we bought a draft blocker and put it under the fitted sheet. We could still cuddle while awake but when it was sleep time I rolled to my side and would wake up when I hit the barrier and scoot back to my side.

    It also helped to get a king.

    Oh im a sheet hog too and we ended up getting CalKing blankets and comforter
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  • VIP November 2021
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    We have been sleeping in the same bed for 11 years.. but I sometimes stay in our daughters bed with her lol it’s a princess room queen bed with a canopy haha and I love it — plus my FH is a police officer so he isn’t home many nights so between my daughter and the dog - we all just snuggle in her room
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  • VIP November 2021
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    Hahah well for better or for worse !!! Looks like you might need a biggger bed
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  • Rachel
    Dedicated July 2019
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    My husband and I have been living together for several years so we’ve had some time to figure out the best sleeping arrangements for us. We both are bed hogs (i have always had a reputation in my family for starfishing and somehow he is worse than me 😬) and we are also both blanket hogs. He also radiates a ton of heat, it is like sleeping in bed with molten lava sometimes and I already get hot sleeping lol my solution is that we have two blankets so on warmer nights we each get our own and it keeps his lava heat from smoldering me and I also keep a fan on, but point it so it runs along my side of the bed only because he doesn’t like a fan. The starfishing is something we will have to deal with in the future though because we don’t have room for anything larger than a queen at the moment 🤷🏼‍♀️
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  • Rebecca
    Devoted September 2021
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    It takes a while to get used to it, just like it would when you sleep in a new place (which could be the case too!). My FH and I have been sleeping in the same bed for three years and now I can’t sleep without him 😉. That being said, we have a king bed and am SO grateful we do. A month or so ago, we were getting a new mattress and bed frame and had to sleep in our guest room on the queen size bed for a week. We made it work but agreed that having our king bed is going to be key to a happy marriage 😉.
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  • Nikki
    Expert March 2021
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    My FH and I have been sharing a bed for 9 years now stared on a full and just up graded to a queen. We are both bed hogs. Lol. We recently started using 2 different blankets and it works wonders. He snores I just learn to fall asleep before him or just watch something on tv or my tablet. We still pick on each other when comes in my bubble uninvited lol but it works Smiley smile
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  • C
    Master January 2019
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    I cannot stand sharing a bed. I sleep on the very edge of my side so I have room to spread out and hopefully not touch him. We’ve been sharing a bed for 4 years so I’ve gotten used to it and am sad when he has to work nights. I still sleep on the edge though.
    We have a queen, but when we move (hopefully soon) we’ll get a king. A requirement will be that there be space for it. Also having 2 blankets has help tremendously! I also keep earplugs next to the bed for nights his snoring is out of control.
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  • Rita-Jean
    Devoted May 2019
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    My hubby and I have only been married and sleeping together for a bit over 3 months, but we can attest that it takes some time to get used to sleeping in the same bed, lol. I get cold super easily, so I always have a bunch of blankets/comforter. Hubby is my personal space heater (Rachel's situation made me think of mine, lol), so while his heat works for me, he gets hot easily (but for someone who doesn't like covers because of the heat he sure hogs the heck out of them!). He likes to have a fan on (that messes with my allergies), and he plays music to go to sleep (I don't). I grew up sleeping in the same room as my mom, who has trouble sleeping and will sit up and read in the middle of the night, so I don't care how light or dark the room is. He needs it to be pitch black. Also he twitches something fierce when he's drifting off to sleep.

    Wow, that was a lot longer than I was expecting! So, what we've done to combat everything. We have a queen (though throughout the honeymoon we were on kings, so we really want to upgrade), so we can have some space. We got blackout curtains because of the streetlight outside our window; no fan now, but once we get the ceiling fan installed, he can only have it on during the day. It'll have to be turned off at night, otherwise I'll be a snot-nosed mess in the morning. He has his sleep music on the lowest it can go, and on a timer so it'll go off shortly after he falls asleep. We cuddle for a while before we go to sleep, and once he starts twitching we move away from each other to fall asleep. At that point, he folds the blanket back so I have a double layer to make up for his moving away, and he only has to deal with the sheet.

    I guess this was a ridiculous and unnecessarily long way to say that you just need to learn your and your husband's sleeping quirks, and see what you can do to work around them.

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  • Nicole
    Super October 2021
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    We just learned each others habits and have worked with it. FH snores very badly but if he sleeps on his left side he's fine... So i make sure he sleeps on that side and gently wake him up if he rolls over wrong LOL

    I'm a cover hog so in the winter he'll bring an additional blanket to bed. He also just got more bold about stealing the covers back.

    We snuggle for a bit, kiss goodnight, and then sleep back to back. If I need more physical touch we will sleep with our backs touching or a foot touching or something but usually we have a few inches separating us so we can barely notice each other is there while we're sleeping.

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  • Rebecca
    Master August 2019
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    DH is a cuddle bug, and I'm always cold, so we adjusted pretty well. He usually snores, but we got a bunch of new pillows on our registry... hoping this will solve the snoring issue. (It appears to be!!)

    On the other hand, our work schedules mean we don't actually share the bed during the week. But we're used to small spaces (NYC area living), and we spent a lot of sleepovers together before we moved in. It takes time, but you learn each other's habits!

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  • KimandLarry
    Dedicated June 2021
    KimandLarry ·
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    When we first started living together, I got to where I couldn't sleep unless he was in the bed with me. Now, 10 years later, he's a truck driver and only home a few nights each month. I've gotten used to sleeping alone so when he's home, every time he moves I'm instantly awake. If he touches me while I'm sleeping, it scares the crap out of me cause i'm used to being alone in the bed. So I usually end up sleeping on the edge of the bed and he's on the other edge with our backs to each other. When I go on the road with him, we sleep at opposite ends of the bed and it somehow works for both of us. It's horrible I know, but you get used to sleeping a certain way and it's hard to change it.

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  • Jane
    Savvy December 2019
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    It can take a while. I think my adjustment period of sleeping with my FH was right around a month. We share a double and do fine with it now, I just had to get used to it. Now I hate sleeping without him. It's also tough when we travel and are in a king bed...we end up snuggling right next to each other!

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