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Savvy June 2022

Pre Wedding Events - Mother Of Conflicts

Allison, on November 29, 2020 at 5:25 PM Posted in Parties and Events 0 12

Hey All!

It is not as much drama as I have too many Mother Ofs who want to help with some pre wedding events. I have my mother (MOB), my mother in law (MOG), and my step mom (SMOB). We got engaged in late Feb. 2020, and our wedding is set for June 2022. We were always planning on a long engagement, and due to the pandemic, we really haven't done anything yet to celebrate getting engaged. All three Mother Ofs want to host THEIR OWN Bridal/Wedding Shower for me. I am in need of some advice on how to figure out who should host what.

Some Back Ground: My Mother in Law (MOG) lives about 2.5 hours away from us near all of my future husband's family (This is also near where we will be getting married), while my mother (MOB) and step mother (SMOB) only live about 20 minutes apart and near my FH and I. The MOB and MOG get along great, but they want to throw separate parties to host their own family and friends due to the location distances, and my MOB doesn't like my SMOB, and would not be down to cohost an event together. I am not super close with my SMOB, my dad and SMOB got married while I was in college, and my Dad passed away and we haven't really made an effort to stay close since his passing. I do want to include my SMOB, because my Dad would have wanted me to stay connected with her. Finally, my Mother in Law (MOG) is disabled. She had a stroke just over 10 years ago, which has caused her to be unable to drive and can't travel. She is physically disabled and slightly mentally disabled, her short term memory was affected, but if you write things down or remind her multiple times, it helps her. She can plan things on her own, but will need help keeping up with reminders and making sure the important things actually get done, not just picking out decorations and party games. My future sister in law (FSIL) is also a bridesmaid and states that she will help her/MOG. I already promised my MOG that she could host a wedding shower, as when my FSIL got married she felt neglected and did not have a huge role to play, this is both due to the stroke (it was much closer to when the stroke happened to now) and due to my FSIL's overbearing husband's mother. The MOG and the FOG are already going to host the Rehearsal dinner, but it won't be anything fancy, just the run through and some pizzas.

So finally, I just need some advice on what pre-wedding events should go to who. I would like each of them to be able to host something. These events should all happen post covid, most likely anytime between June 2021 and May 2022. I honestly have no opinion on which pre wedding events should and shouldn't happen, and if all of the Mother Of's weren't interested in hosting a pre wedding event, they probably wouldn't even happen. My FH/Fiancé is a medical student, and he already exists in a place with no free time so he doesn't care about pre wedding events and has left the majority of the communication and wedding planning up to me (which is totally fine with me).

Has anyone else dealt with a similar issue? What pre-wedding events can I try to assign to who? Any one have experience working with a very interested and excited yet disabled family member? Are there any other pre wedding events other than an engagement party or wedding/bridal shower that is family friendly? Any advice on how to tell people what they are doing and not hurt feelings?


Latest activity by Meghan, on November 30, 2020 at 3:21 PM
  • Michelle
    Rockstar December 2022
    Michelle ·
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    You don't get involved outside of giving them a guestlist if they ask and your available days you can attend. They can choose 3 showers if they wish. Social groups everywhere do that from churches to wine/book clubs to coworkers and beyond. Let them worry about planning and you coordinate a date you can attend.
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  • Michelle
    Rockstar December 2022
    Michelle ·
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    The only pre-wedding party/event that the bride gets involved in planning is a bridesmaid luncheon as a thank you to any bridesmaids/flowergirls. Other guests and random people are not invited.
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  • Yasmine
    Master October 2020
    Yasmine ·
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    You could allow one of them to throw you an engagement party, one to host a bridal shower, and one to host a bachelorette party that way they each have a pre wedding event to host.
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  • J
    Master 0000
    Judith ·
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    It is quite common to have 2-3 smaller showers when the families are a distance apart. If the bride does not know the groom's family well it is more a welcome to the family . Nice that FSIL is willing to help. I assume your mom wants to do your family, but do you have hometown friends?
    If your Step mom and a friend or bridesmaid would either do your friends in an area, or all friends, except home town friends from the neighborhood and known to your mother, as the basic plan, then you can parcel out those who do not fit into one by geography. On old teacher or boss or coworker might be grouped either with friends or all ages family. ... My MOH (2) and BM (2) were all away my entire engagement, and I saw them at MOG groom side shower. friends near my hometown, all ages, volunteered to do a second. With those hours and hours from where we went to school in Boston, and working friends nearby, Boston area friends became the 3rd group. I was really happy about the split. No one had to travel far, an hour tops. Two small enough to be held in a home and yard, and the groom family in a family owned small restaurant. 12-20 guests each, unwrapping gifts did not get boring, and there was time for talking to each person as I was opening their gift, very relaxed. It your MOG and FOG already have the rehearsal dinner set, and either a friend or relative or bridesmaid would work at least 1 each with MOB and your step mom , it would be nice to let each of them do it for you. I really dislike single showers 30-75, too much of everything, and much more expensive because you need a venue, and food at restaurant prices can break budgets.
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  • Michelle
    Master April 2021
    Michelle ·
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    If they want to throw you the separate parties then let them but definitely set boundaries as to the dates you’re available. Yasmine has a great idea on the separate parties.
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  • Lisa
    Rockstar July 2022
    Lisa ·
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    I think this is a great idea! I agree with this!
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  • mrswinteriscoming
    VIP December 2021
    mrswinteriscoming ·
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    Personally, I think you need to speak to your MOB and MOG and tell them that if they wish to throw a bridal shower, that they co-host one bridal shower, or, if they insist on hosting separate events in their locality, make sure that there are no double ups on guests (weddings are freaking expensive and it will be quite burdensome and expensive for anyone happens to be invited to both showers).

    I don’t think your SMOB has any business hosting any pre-wedding events and her attendance should be satisfactory.

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  • A
    Expert September 2022
    Allie ·
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    I agree with most prior posters. If they'd like to host separate bridal showers for separate groups/states/cities, they can definitely do that! I think bachelorette parties are typically hosted by friends/peers rather than family, but hey, whatever works! As to the step mom and mom both living close and both wanting to host but NOT wanting to co-host.....I honestly don't have any suggestions, but I just wanted to say it's very nice of you trying to including everyone and be open and honoring your dad's wishes.

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  • Mrs. Spring
    Master April 2021
    Mrs. Spring ·
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    You can have one host a bridal shower while the other hosts the engagement party.
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  • V
    Champion July 2019
    Veronica ·
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    I would let them host separate showers if they want to. Your fsil can help your fmil plan your shower for your fiance's side especially because of distance. Since your mom and step-mom don't get along, I would have let your mom invite her side to the shower she wants to plan and your dad's side can be invited to your step-mom's shower. There is nothing wrong with having multiple showers. Honestly, you shouldn't even really be involved in planning your showers.
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  • Rebecca
    Master August 2019
    Rebecca ·
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    As others have said - you only provide the dates and the guests lists. If they end up throwing 3 separate events, you can make sure to not double/triple up.

    That said, I think this is a great opportunity for everyone to put on their Big Kid Pants and *talk to each other*. (I say this with the full knowledge that my mother goes out of her way to hate my stepmother. I do not consider my mother to be wearing her Big Kid Pants.) They don't have to like each other, but they do need to learn to communicate.

    This could be as simple as all having each others' emails/preferred contact method, where they can 'claim' a date, or double check no one is getting the same gifts, or, if you get super lucky... where they work together (that's ideal, but not required).

    Between your FH being in med school, and you having to do all the planning because of that... you don't need to manage the relationships.

    Reminder: "no" is a complete sentence, and can be applied to people who want to whine to you about a person who is *not you*.

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  • Meghan
    Master October 2019
    Meghan ·
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    I say let MOG and MOB host their own separate showers. The fact that they showers will take place 2.5 hours away from one another, with different guests list, makes this completely fine. My mom's best friend wanted to host a shower for me in my hometown and my MIL's sisters (4) wanted to host one in my wife's hometown. The showers had completely different guests lists and were in cities 1.5 hours apart.

    As far as SMOB... I would mention her maybe planning an engagement party? I don't think you need a 3rd shower, especially since it sounds like it would be in the same town, and possibly same guests, as your MOB.

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