I've been thinking about all of the free time that I'm going to have once my life isn't consumed with planning this wedding anymore and what our post-wedding life plans are going to look like. While I'm super excited for the wedding day, I have to say that I'm looking forward to getting my life back!
So, what are everyone's life plans for after the wedding is said and done? Moving, starting a family, going back to school, getting a new job?
For me personally, we plan to start the process of buying a house directly after the wedding so that we can move closer to our families and my job, and we are also planning our honeymoon for September, a few months after the actual wedding. I'm honestly super excited to get into our first house and focus on renovating and decorating things they way I want for a year or two. We want kids but definitely not right away (we're early-mid 20's so on the younger side) and probably won't visit that idea until summer 2021 at the earliest.