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Beginner May 2020

may wedding / coronavirus

Michaela, on March 16, 2020 at 2:08 PM Posted in Parties and Events 0 6
Hello everyone!

As most of you may know, the CDC has recommended that all events over 50 people, within the next 8 weeks, should be cancelled or postponed. Unfortunately, wedding is May 17th, which is 9 weeks from now!! We have 200 people invited and I can’t justify being suddenly able to have 150 more people in just a week. Lots of our close family won’t be able to come because of medical reasons if we have such a large guest count.
My proposed solution is strictly inviting immediate family and cousins only in order to make the guest count 89. Then, later when this all clears up, we could have a second (more affordable) reception for all of our invited guests.

I am just wondering if this is rude... I really don’t want to hurt people’s feelings, but I want to keep my family members safe. Does anyone have any other options? Luckily, I haven’t sent out my invites yet, so anyone know how I should go about switching their invites without hurting feelings?


Latest activity by Michaela, on March 17, 2020 at 10:40 PM
  • Megan
    Savvy August 2020
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    We are in a similar situation with our wedding scheduled on May 23rd and we decided to work with our vendor to reschedule to later in the year. It sucks but we don’t want to our high risk family members to have to chose between our wedding and their safety. We are still working out the details on the new date and coordinating with our vendors but I feel better now that we made a decision. I found it too stressful to take the “wait and see what happens” approach. Good luck!
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  • M
    Expert October 2021
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    It's great that you're being mindful: public health and safety is paramount over anyone's wedding. I'm a professional in the wedding industry, and I've just advised all my brides and grooms to cancel or postpone their March and April weddings, and to be prepared within the next two weeks or so to maybe do the same with May weddings. We're about 10-14 days behind Italy when it comes to the virus and their initial casual feelings about the virus have now lead to a country-wide lockdown and hundreds of deaths. Contact between people (even those feeling totally fine) can spread the virus on to people who are at risk (immunocompromised in some way) super quickly, and in order to give medical professionals an opportunity to get a handle on things, staying home and not going to any non-essential appointments or outings is pertinent. They're closing down restaurants, bars, and theaters, and people get much closer (hugging, celebrating, sitting in aisles/pews) to each other at weddings than they do at those places.

    Sorry about how things have turned out for you individually here--it's definitely been frustrating for brides and grooms getting married anytime soon. Unfortunately, I'd strongly suggest postponing the whole thing for peace of mind.

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  • J
    Beginner June 2022
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    I don't think it's considered rude when you're just following the CDC recommendations. My wedding is just before yours (May 15) and others are reassuring me I'm good to go because I'm outside of the 8 week window. But it's not like week 8 will be isolation and week 9 will be back to normal life. I think it's better to have the contingency now, maybe hold off on invites besides your "essential" people, and play it by ear. Let others know what you're thinking so no one is caught off guard and can potentially work for travel/accommodation refunds if they were planning on it. Maybe you still get to have your idea wedding if everyone takes precautions, but the way people are treating it now (like their weddings/events/plans supersede public health) I don't expect things to start turning around that quickly, and I wouldn't want to be the cause of making it worse for people that have to deal with the repercussions. Good luck and wishing you the best!

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  • Emily
    Expert September 2020
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    Yeah, I've been wondering (worst case) with all this sometimes if people are going to look back and trace funerals back to weddings - it would just be an awful scenario. Similar to South Korea were they traced *1,400* cases (because they have the tests to do so) to one lady because she refused to be tested and went out to public areas like buffet, church, etc. I can't really imagine the guilt on that. I hope everyone makes good decisions.

    Good luck in your business - I'm glad you're advising people really ethically. Wish you the best
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  • M
    Expert October 2021
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    Absolutely agreed. I can't even imagine how awful that would be.

    Thanks so much for your kind words! I wish you all the best (health and happiness!) as well Smiley smile

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  • Michaela
    Beginner May 2020
    Michaela ·
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    I decided to cut the guest list in half (100 people invited — guarantee many people won’t show up)

    i am sending something in the mail, should i also text/ call all the guests who will be live stream guests instead? Or am I okay with just sending my livestream invitation? may wedding / coronavirus 1
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