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Is it horrible to back out of the bachelorette party?

Lana, on February 25, 2022 at 9:54 AM Posted in Parties and Events 0 14

So I'm a bridesmaid for the wedding of my best friend, who I've known since pre-k. We have the bachelorette party planned for this summer, and the date we decided on was one I didn't think I had any conflicts with at the time. However, something's now come up, and I'm not sure what to do.

A local community theater I've done many productions with is putting on one of my absolute FAVORITE shows this summer. I've always been a theater person, I've been performing since I was seven, and though I don't ever plan for it to be more than a hobby, it is important to me. The issue is that the opening weekend of the show is the exact same weekend as the bachelorette party, which I've already committed to. My question is, does it make me a horrible person to skip out on the party in order to be in the show?

I mean, there's always a chance I might audition and not even get in, making this a non-issue. But I do think I have a really good shot at not only getting a decent part, but my dream role, which is what's making this decision exceptionally hard. I should add that, up until I knew the performance dates, I was over the moon excited to audition. I was working really hard to prepare, I've watched every rendition of the show available on YouTube... It's a big deal for me. But I also know that celebrating a bachelorette party with your best friend is a once-in-a-lifetime thing.

My only thought is that I could make it up to my friend by taking her out on a one-on-one girls weekend where I'd pay the expenses, but I don't know. Does that make up for missing one of the big moments of her wedding? Am I a horrible friend for even considering this? Brides and brides-to-be, how would you feel if your friend didn't attend your bachelorette party because she loves theater and desperately wants to be in a show?

I should also add that the bachelorette party is out of state for me, about a four-hour drive away from where I live, and it's supposed to last Friday through Sunday morning, so there's really no way to make both work.

Thanks in advance for any advice you might have or insight you might give. I appreciate it!


Latest activity by Candace, on March 5, 2022 at 11:46 PM
  • Ashlee
    Super September 2022
    Ashlee ·
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    If everything is already planned, they likely counted you when determining how much per person it will be, meaning either you still cover your portion without going or you're making everyone else pay more than they planned because you're choosing to back out.

    As a bride, I would be excited for my friend to have an opportunity, but again, just think of how it will impact anyone else.

    You're really the only one who knows your friend and how they could potentially react. I'm super laid back and know that things come up (two of my bridesmaids may not be able to attend my bachelorette and it's completely understandable), but I have a friend who would be VERY offended if I committed and then later backed out, regardless of the reason (unless it was like a death in the family or i had a baby).

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  • Amanda
    Devoted May 2022
    Amanda ·
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    I would feel somewhat hurt if you were my bridesmaid since this is an optional thing you are auditioning for and there will be other plays. However I would understand and it wouldn’t ruin the friendship, especially if approached well. The main issue for me would be the cost of any lodging or activities that you’ve likely already agreed to. If you’re willing to still cover the cost of your part for the weekend I think the bride will probably be more amenable. I do like the idea of offering to do something a different weekend with her since it shows that you do care.
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  • Shannon
    Super July 2022
    Shannon ·
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    If you already committed to the bachelorette weekend, it would be rude to back out for something else.
    I’m the type who doesn’t bail once I commit to something.
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  • H
    Master July 2019
    Hannah Online ·
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    Personally, I feel like you've already committed to the bachelorette so it would be rude to back out. Things happen, and pre-wedding events are totally optional, but I would be really hurt if my friend backed out because she chose to audition for a play she knew would be a conflict after everything was already planned and she committed.
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  • K
    Dedicated May 2019
    Kylie ·
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    In theory, pre-wedding events are totally optional. But you said you’d go. And it’d be really unkind to back out for something “better”.
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  • L
    Lana ·
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    Hey all, thanks for your responses! The more I've thought about it, the more I know deep down that you're right about it being hurtful or unkind to choose a play over something I've already committed to. As much as I want to do this show, it really isn't more important than celebrating my best friend. There'll be other plays, and maybe I'll even get another chance to audition for this musical somewhere down the line. Thank you all again, your input was exactly the perspective I needed!

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  • A
    Expert September 2022
    Allie ·
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    I actually have a much different take on this. If I were the bride, and after hearing about how passionate and excited you were (and hopefully still are) for this theater opportunity, I would *absolutely* want you to pursue it!!! The fact that you've already thought about how to make it up to her is super super thoughtful! I would encourage you to express to your friend about how excited you are about the prospect of the theater role, and how much work you've already put into it, but be clear that IF you got the role, you'd have to miss out on the bachelorette (but perhaps you could still pay for any non-refundable expenses the organizer/other attendees has incurred as a result of your affirmative RSVP...hopefully those are minimal, considering the bachelorette isn't until this summer...) BUT that you already have multiple ideas of how to make it up to her. If I were your friend, I would undoubtedly want you to pursue your dreams instead of feeling obligated to attend my bachelorette (where you'll likely be one of several people)...and I'd be thrilled to take you up on the offer for the one-on-one weekend trip to make up for it. I say go for it!! Don't let a bachelorette hold you's not her actual wedding, and who knows if you'll get the part! I hope you do though Smiley smile Smiley smile Smiley smile

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  • Samantha
    Expert April 2022
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    I feel the same way as Allie. If one of my bridesmaids wanted to pursue an opportunity, I’d say go for it!
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  • P
    Savvy April 2027
    Peach ·
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    Hello, I'm a bride and a bridesmaid who I have a similar relationship with did this to me! I haven't been needy of my bridesmaids, I just wanted them to show up to a shower, bachelorette party, rehearsal dinner, and wedding day. With that, the full bridal party had planned a weekend in February back in July of last year, then in late December she backed out in favor of doing something with her boyfriend instead (she thought he was going to propose). As a very kind gesture, she took me out on a spa day with just the two of us to "make it up to me", and it was a very fun time one on one, but the principle of the situation still made me feel like I was an unimportant priority to her.

    Now that it's all passed, I still love her, we're still friends, and in general I have no hard feelings at all, but it's still a sad lil soft spot that makes me feel self conscious when I think about it.

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  • devotedlydavis
    Expert March 2022
    devotedlydavis ·
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    You nailed it! So glad to see that you came to this conclusion. I have witnessed the hurt when a friend backed out of another friend’s bachelorette because “something better” came up and it’s not worth it. And experienced it for myself last weekend when one of my bridesmaids bailed on my party.

    In my experience it altered the friendship for life because whether or not you mean to, you’re prioritizing something over your friend. I know she will be so glad to have you there!
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  • Samantha
    Super May 2022
    Samantha ·
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    I as a bride would be totally stoked for you if you landed a dream role in a play, and would not hold it against you at all. Maybe you could still offer to pay your portion of the trip if that helps.

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  • PermaGrin
    Devoted June 2022
    PermaGrin ·
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    I also would feel happy if this was my BM since this seems like a once in a lifetime opportunity for you - if you offer to cover your costs and still make a one on one date with her - I think it is reasonable

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  • Kaitlyn
    Dedicated April 2022
    Kaitlyn ·
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    Why don’t you ask your friend about it? Only she knows how she would feel. Just tell her about the show, (although if she’s your bestie I assume it’s come up at some point already). Tell her you aren’t even for sure going to get a part, but that if you did, you would have to miss her party. Ask her to be honest about if that would hurt her feelings, and offer to cover any of your costs as others have stated and take her on a 1 on 1 later. If it bothers her, don’t audition, if she’s fine with it, go for it!
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  • Candace
    Super March 2022
    Candace ·
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    This is a tough spot but I really think you should go for the audition. Definitely talk to your bride about it so that you can do it without stressing about the bach party. I'm a bride, and if I found out that my best friend actually skipped out on a chance to take part of something that she was super passionate about because of my bach party, I would be really upset!
    Just a thought - how many girls are going and are they close friends? In my friend group, if this were to happen, we would try to move the bach party date. Lodging reservations and flights can be changed. Since it isn't until this summer, there's still time.
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