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Just Said Yes February 2022

i hated my wedding day!

Angelique, on March 15, 2022 at 12:05 AM

Posted in Married Life 31

Hi everyone, so sorry I just need to get this off my chest. My wedding was 3 weeks ago and I can’t stop thinking about how much I hated it. I planned for over a year and had everything set for it to just go all wrong the day of. I am a firm believer that if you want something done correctly you have...
Hi everyone, so sorry I just need to get this off my chest. My wedding was 3 weeks ago and I can’t stop thinking about how much I hated it. I planned for over a year and had everything set for it to just go all wrong the day of. I am a firm believer that if you want something done correctly you have to do it yourself. I let go and let others have control and that costed me my dream wedding Smiley sad

for starters my hair and makeup start time was 10 hours before the ceremony so it didn’t last even with hair touch ups I truly hated my hair by reception time (I am a makeup artist as well and I kept thinking about if I should’ve done all of my parties makeup to save $ but I wanted them to have the pampered experience so I hired pros. It just did not come out how I wanted)
Walking into my venue it was set up nicely as far as the layout but my florist did not do my flowers how we discussed. I purchased all the flowers and paid for a profession to arrange them. He made small dainty pieces to go into the centerpieces instead of the over the top pieces we discussed so my tables looked very empty Smiley sad I gave size specs and was very specific and it was just all wrong )
then my bouquets were totally wrong. My main bouquet was NOTHING that I asked for I was so sad but I had no choice but to go with it because it was too late.
The worst thing about flowers is that at the end of the night he gave me back my boxes of flowers with over $500 worth of roses, baby breathe, etc left over that HE JUST DIDNT USE - so it wasn’t that I didn’t have enough to make my dream pieces, he just didn’t use them !
During the ceremony my coordinator told me only 15 people were seated (at start time) out of 100 guests Smiley sad then as my bridal party is walking down it turns out my little cousin did not show up on time to walk the rings down the aisle - by the time I walked down I just felt so sad by everything so far.
I am happy to marry my husband but so much more went wrong as the night progressed that it just was not what I envisioned, what I spent all my time planning, not what I paid for! I spent so much money on this wedding I just feel like I shouldn’t have done it at all and I should’ve just eloped. My best friend is probably tired of me saying this but it so hard to get over it I’m just so sad I didn’t get the wedding of the dreams that I spent so much time planning.
Thank you for letting me vent. I hope everyone coming up has a great wedding day! Xoxo


  • Steph
    Dedicated May 2022
    Steph ·
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    Everyone enjoyed my day but the more I think about it I just get so upset. Literally nothing went the way it was supposed to. My hair was horrible, my makeup artist made me look angry AF with my brows, and the venue was not set up until after guests began to arrive due to an event they had earlier in the day. (Promised it would take under an hour for set up, lies!) I just wanted to dance and enjoy every moment with my love, and instead I feel like we spent the entire day taking photos and spending time with our guests. I didn’t eat much and the food was amazing… my aisle runner was never used and the centerpieces weren’t set up the way I wanted them to be. The photo booth guy showed up 3 hours late (I ended up getting half of my money back) Overall though, it was a beautiful day and everyone had so much fun and raved about everything. Aside from myself, only a few people knew about the little things that weren’t right. We are our own worst critics and ultimately you can choose to be upset over the things only you noticed or just love the overall experience that was had.
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  • Crystal
    Devoted September 2022
    Crystal ·
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    Damn girl...I feel so sad reading this. I'm so sorry things went this way. The florist pissed me off with all those extras that he just "didnt use" Smh. And mannnnn i'd be devasted if only 15 people were seated wth??? I literally put our start time on our invitations 30 minutes early just because people are always late...maybe I should make it an hour early! Sheesh!

    Well maybe a vow renewal??? More intimate and the way you want it ???

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  • Theresa
    Just Said Yes October 2021
    Theresa ·
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    I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience but you are certainly not alone! I still wake up in a cold sweat from nightmares about mine. I promise time does eventually draw a merciful curtain and even if you can't look back and see any good in the day your mind will just start thinking about the day in general less and less.

    I hated my wedding day. From start to finish it was nothing but stress. I would 100% elope if I could have a do over. Nothing particlualry even went horribly wrong but specific family members made it so stressful it totally ruined it for me. My MIL who paid for no part of the wedding complained every 10 minutes about some aspect I had chosen (which really hurt my feelings) and kept giving me bullshit tasks I clearly did not have the capacity for. We used a florist she recommended and the flowers showed up $400 over budget, half dead, and nothing like what I had asked for (and I wasn't picky)....but the bridal bouquet that showed up was actually a casket topper and I was beyond pissed. I had to run a huge interference scheme so she wouldn't see them before another family memeber had a chance to make me something else with flowers from Walmart (which came out great) because I just couldn't handle the backlash. I spent the rest of the night unsuccessfully trying to avoid her because I couldn't take any additional complaints. I was angry for about 6 months and my personal opinion of her is forever changed. I still haven't printed a single wedding photo because every time I start going through the online proofs to print them I have an anxiety attack and have to stop.

    It's been a year and I've decided it's OK that I hated my wedding. I love my husband and that's all that really matters. I don't care if I never get around to printing the pictures. I don't even try to hide it anymore when people ask about our wedding. I tell them I love being married but the wedding was a total nightmare. You'd be surprised how many women respond that they feel the exact same way.
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  • N
    Just Said Yes March 2022
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    How do I get in touch with you please? I feel this exact same way and I feel like no one understands me. I often still cry about it to be honest.

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  • C
    Beginner March 2023
    Chisa ·
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    I just came across your post. I just got married as well about a month ago and have had the same emotions. Nothing went right. But in my case It was because It rained and everything got moved indoors. My dream wedding and set up was for an outdoor wedding and when It got moved indoors, It was nothing as I imagined. I wish I could just turn back time and redo It! Or picked a place where if It rained It wouldn’t have mattered.
    Just wondering if now a year later, do you feel better? Waiting for these emotions to pass.
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  • C
    Beginner March 2023
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    Hi! I’m here if you want to vent! I need someone that gets It! Because my wedding was a month ago and I can’t shake this depressive feeling
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  • G
    Just Said Yes June 2023
    G G ·
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    Husband didn't look at me or our girls until the very end and I'm devastated!
    I feel like you ladies might be able to process a disappointment from my recent wedding day, that I just can't seem to make peace with. We had a beautiful traditional church wedding but given that we already have a young family and more modern opinions on many things, as a couple we shunned a lot of typical wedding traditions. In fact, apart from the white dress and church ceremony I'd say that was it. Everything else I poured my heart and soul into, every detail was so special. Our toddler daughter and niece were our flowergirls and my page boy nephew pulled our baby girl in a flower cart. It was all just STUNNING. At the rehearsal I loved looking at my H2B the whole way down the aisle and told him this as well as saying my favourite part of the rehearsal was just us at the front filtering out the usual family input and drama. Jump to the wedding day and the one thing I'm struggling to get over is..... my now husband stood with his back to both me and our daughters the entire time! I'm honestly heartbroken! Apparently his Best Man said to him during the rehearsal that he was supposed to look forward, not back, and this confirmed (in his head, with no consultation or consideration for my feelings on the matter) that he should be doing the "tradition" of not looking round. Yet even on the actual day, the same interfering best man told him "you need to see this" when our babies were close to the front and he did briefly turn around. But unbelievably he turned back. As I was walking down the aisle all I said to my Dad the entire way was "why is he not turning round????????". I was devastated. I wanted to pause the entire thing, tell him to look round and start again (but obviously I couldn't without looking insane!). I have majorly struggled with this for a week now. It has even caused a massive argument between us. I am so depressed about it and feel like my fantasy moment has been stolen from me by stupidity. His response is "we didn't discuss it" and "you didn't say you wanted me to look at you". Given the fact I didn't know such a stupid tradition existed, and that he looked during the full rehearsal, I didn't think for a second that I needed to. I know I should be focused on all of the lovely parts of the day, but this has upset me more than I know is rational. We also had the choir mess up our big exit Gospel number and whilst our preview photos are amazing, my big group shot is missing my brother (who went to the bathroom) and guests were positioned in such as way as to be all spread out with no one important to us in sight. I was also under so much pressure in the days before the wedding that after no sleeping all night the previous day, I just wanted to stay at home instead of going to my parents at 1.30am. Now my new husband is saying he's upset that I stayed home but never once said he liked that "tradition". I just feel like these elements have ruined the memory and feeling of the day. We are now due to go on honeymoon tomorrow and aren't speaking. I told my baby girls to "walk to Dada" and he stood with his back to them. I will never understand that! Please help me figure out how to move on from this before it eats me up and causes us long term bitterness.
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  • S
    Just Said Yes June 2023
    Shanice ·
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    Hi! We have had the exact same situation, our wedding was on Friday and we had terrible rain and had to move our whole wedding. We feel heartbroken for the wedding we never got to have, the wedding we spent 2 years planning and a fortune on was just gone in an instant, everyone keeps saying it was amazing and the indoor venue was beautiful, which it was. But it just wasn’t our dream wedding. Have you managed to move past these feelings? No one seems to understand and my parents have told me I should be grateful we had the wedding we did. I don’t want to seem ungrateful, of course I’m not and I’m so so happy to have married the love of my life but I feel so sad we didn’t get the day of our dreams and that so many things went wrong on the day.
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  • LM
    Super December 2022
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    G G, do you not think your husband "sees" you and your daughters? Did he not have any moments of connection with you that whole night? I think you may be too caught up in the Hallmark romance sparkle moment of walking down the aisle. You want this literal Instagram snapshot fantasy so bad that you are punishing a living human being. No wedding is perfect, some couples find it all traumatic. Just try your best to adjust your expectations of expecting a "best day ever" because it rarely happens. But, if you have real love within your family, then you already have the best family ever. Congratulations on getting married. Take great pics on your honeymoon.

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  • Mrs.evans
    VIP October 2022
    Mrs.evans ·
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    Its is fine that's why wedding wire is here to do that. But I definitely can relate of I wish that I could do a do over. My flowers were not placed how I wanted them they were supposed to be on the runner and in the side of the runner. My wedding favor were put on the tables as I asked except the yellow fans. The other desserts were in the wrong areahad a problems with our rides because I was 2in hours late which was supposed to start at 5pm didnt get the until 6:58pm so ceremony began at 7pm. Also hotel reservations for our guests were botch up like crazy pictures with certain family members didn't happen because schedule is off. The introductions for the bridal party didn't happen either some guest kept coming to our table when they given instructions. Our delivery order for the alcohol came late at the reception some of my kids acted up. Food that we wanted ppl that was packed up by our caterer ppl that was supposed to be helping dropped it on the floor. 1 of the guest had half of my cake icing on her dress because she try to squeeze through a little gap. I cried lucky that it was not ruined to badly so we had a good cake cutting. Family had my ID had to call them to fax my ID card so we get out hotel room. But wasn't our Honeymoon trying to get to go on 1 but forgot to mention that my injury gotten worse after we got married. Thank you for listening
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  • Alline
    Just Said Yes September 2023
    Alline ·
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    I can relate to your feelings. My wedding was 3 weeks ago on 9/30 and I hated almost everything. I planned for over a year and a half and had many PowerPoints, docs and spreadsheets for everything and it was a nightmare for me. As yours was now last year, did your feelings ever get better? I just need to know if I'll ever get over this. I hate even thinking about my wedding. It was beautiful and great from my guests' perspective but not to me.
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