I am a hurt Mother of the Groom. I thought I was hosting the rehearsal dinner, but received a text from the Bride making it clear she and my son were hosting the event. My son knows that I thought I was hosting the event. The venue would be the same, but I would be a little more formal than they are planning to be. I would have table cloths and floral arrangements and toasts. My son knew that I thought I was hosting the event. I am hurt beyond what I would expect. I am near tears, I am so disappointed. I guess the Groom's parents don't host the rehearsal dinner any more. I didn't know. I am not going to go. I would be too disappointed and it will be expensive...hundreds of dollars for me to get there that night. I know I will get criticism here for that, but I didn't know until now I wasn't hosting it and am very hurt. And it would be very expensive for a very casual affair.