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VIP September 2019

BAM Sneak Peeks: The Holy Neon Wedding!

Lex, on September 3, 2019 at 8:23 PM

Posted in Married Life 22

I can’t believe I can finally post one of these! We got married September 1st at Bobby Ferguson Park. It was as hot as all get out, but we made it work! THE GOOD: I didn’t have to set up one thing at all. Our families got to the venue at 8 am to set everything up. The food was delicious! My husband...
I can’t believe I can finally post one of these!
We got married September 1st at Bobby Ferguson Park. It was as hot as all get out, but we made it work!
I didn’t have to set up one thing at all. Our families got to the venue at 8 am to set everything up.
The food was delicious! My husband actually made all the food at his work and just finished it day of. My brother helped lol.
Family I haven’t seen in forever showed up, and my bridesmaid that broke her leg was also there. I’m so glad they were there.
The officiant was so great! We were goofing off during the ceremony and he made it super personal and perfect for us.
The photographer was literally the nicest person I’ve ever met. Our families are horrible at pictures and she was so understanding and worked with us. She was an angel.
The music playlist we set up wasn’t played but it wasn’t a huge deal.
Everyone started tearing down early, so we actually only stayed at the venue until 9. That was a okay with me, I was ready to go home lol.
Nothing was really organized, we just kinda played by ear most of the day. That’s the story of my life though 😂
IT. WAS. SO. HOT! I was melting! There was a nice breeze and we were under the shade, so everyone else was fine, but my dress was sooooooo heavy and I was moving around a lot. Boy was I ready to take it off at the end of the night!
My father told my husband the morning of that he wasn’t coming and that he’s kicking us out of the house we’re living in. We have a month to move. He also informed us that it would be the last time we’d see him. A lot of tears were shed, but I’m glad nobody told me until after the wedding.

These are just some of the sneak peeks our photographer sent us (she did an absolute amazing job!) And I’ll definitely post the rest when I get them!





  • Kassandra
    Dedicated October 2020
    Kassandra ·
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    You look gorgeous and I'm happy they didn't tell you until after the wedding! How crappy of your father to do that on your wedding day.. I hope you were okay with walking down the aisle without him and I hope that doesn't put a damper on your day. It all looks wonderful and I love the pops of color!

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  • Ivy ORP
    VIP October 2019
    Ivy ORP ·
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    Your wedding looks like so much fun! I'm sorry about your dad. I hope it all works out for you.

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