Operating out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, The Company Band - Pittsburgh is a wedding band that can wow the crowd on your special day! This business employs a team of talented musicians who strive to curate memorable experiences for weddings, corporate events, and private parties nationwide. More importantly, they have the skills and services to craft an upbeat performance for your upcoming wedding festivity.
Services Offered
The Company Band - Pittsburgh will work closely with you and your partner-to-be to design the perfect soundtrack for your event. They adopt a flexible approach, offering 8 to 12 pieces to suit your musical needs. Whether you want R&B classics or EDM floor fillers to dance to, they can play it all! The band will even learn up to three personal songs if you plan a special toast, dance, or tribute for your big day.
- Black-owned
Frequently asked questions
How many musicians are in your band(s)?
What genres of music does (do) your band(s) play?
What music services do you provide?
What items are available?
Any other questions?
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