Empire Cigar Company is an online cigar shop operating out of Miamisburg, Ohio, providing an elite alternative to wedding favors. The company specializes in high-quality merchandise at affordable prices, allowing family and friends to celebrate the day with style. Their own-brand cigars are a welcome addition to a handcraft cocktail hour or sophisticated wedding toast.
Services Offered
Empire Cigar Company serves events throughout Dayton, Cincinnati, Columbus, and surrounding areas. The company is proud to manufacture their own cigars, rolled with passion and love in The Dominican Republic. They provide an exclusive selection of items, each boasting a unique flavor and striking look. As part of the Checkmate Collection, the Bishop cigar boasts floral notes with a subtle amount of spice. To-be-weds can also opt for a rustic collectors box engraved with the company logo and containing up to 20 sticks.
- Black-owned
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Frequently asked questions
How would you categorize your product offerings?
What services do you provide?
What items are available?
What is the average turnaround time, from initial contact to shipment?
Are you able to meet clients in person to showcase your product?
Is there a minimum order requirement?
What is your return policy?
Reviews of Empire Cigar Company
Review summary
Customers have had excellent experiences with this vendor, praising the great service, exceptional products, and customer-centered approach. Many reviewers expressed their satisfaction with the cigars and enjoyed the event featuring these products. The owner of the vendor is highly regarded for his professionalism and knowledge of cigars, making the overall experience enjoyable. Customers highly recommend this vendor and express their intention to be returning customers.