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Fez Honeymoons

From the intoxicating smells of tagine to the touting cries of the merchants, Fez will seem like an exotic city of the past.

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Fez Honeymoon

Honeymooners after an exotic and unparalleled experience are in for a treat in Fez, Morocco.  The city is over 1,200 years old, and it is evident in the buildings and feel of the city. The pace of life, sights, and smells are a throwback to an era seemingly only now imagined in novels and films.  The city will suit all travelers from those on a budget to those on a luxury splurge, and Fez’s accommodation options include both Western and traditional lodgings.

From the moment you enter the city, you’re going to be transported to a world that is distinctly classically North African Arabic.  Many quotidian activities such as eating, tea drinking, manufacturing, buying, and selling are carried out in connection with traditional bazaar markets, called a “souk.”  You can obtain everything from a shave, to lunch, to a purse, to a cheeky bottle of beer for later. Guides and touts will try and sell you everything from tours, to carpets, to insider access to the small tanneries where leather is made.  The hustle, bustle, and haggling can get overwhelming for those not used to this way of life, so an excursion to the Atlas mountains, the Sahara, and/or the ruined Roman city of Volubilis may be very much needed.

If you're looking for an exotic and unique destination for your trip of a lifetime, a Fez honeymoon is worth a look. 


When to Go

Fez enjoys a Mediterranean climate with very hot summer daytime temperatures (85+ Fahrenheit) and mild winters (typically 55-60 F), though snaps are not unheard of. Spring and autumn would have the most amiable sightseeing temperatures.

Top Sights and Activities

  • The Medina: This walled city dates back over 1,200 years.  The fun is getting lost in the over 1,000 alleyways of shops, eateries, workshops, and tanneries.  
  • Quartier des Tanneurs: The tanner’s quarter is home to the leather tanning workshops of the city.  Local boys will guide you on tours of a tannery for a few dollars.
  • Medina Cooking Classes: These classes for a minimum of two people are a great honeymoon activity, and you’re rewarded with a delicious meal at the end.   
  • Shopping: Fez is considered the handicraft capital of Morocco, and you can typically find good deals on leather and metalware.  Be ready to haggle!
  • Bou Inania Madersa: This 14th century religious college is the city’s prime example of historic Islamic architecture.   
  • Moulay Idriss II Shrine: Though entry is forbidden to non-Muslims, its elaborate exterior is still worth a look.   
  • Volubilis: For someone up for a little adventure, exploring this ancient Roman city will yield a treasure trove of mosaics.  
  • Jardin Jnan Sbil: These gardens are a tranquil escape from the crowds and the frenetic energy of the Medina.  
  • Countryside Tours: If you’re looking for a break from the city, consider using Fez as a launching point for excursions into the countryside and the Sahara desert.  
  • Day Tour: Booking through a reputable tour company is a great way to more deeply explore the sights and history of this ancient city.  
  • Mosque of al-Qarawiyyin: Though an architectural wonder and gem of Islamic geometric art, only the courtyard is open to non-Muslims.  
  • Nejjarine Museum of Wood Arts and Crafts: Particularly meaningful is a city of cottage industry, this museum exhibits local woods, tools, and finished products by the city’s long-standing carpentry and wood-working community.
  • Atlas Mountains: Fez is also a great starting point on a trip to the Atlas Mountains


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