Have your wedding your way at Ogden's Historic Union Station!
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Frequently asked questions
Do you have a site fee for wedding receptions at your venue?
What is the starting site fee for wedding receptions during off-peak season?
Do you have a site fee for wedding ceremonies at your venue?
Which of the following are included in starting site fee?
How many event spaces or rooms does your venue offer?
Describe your venue:
What kind of settings are available?
Which of the following wedding events does your venue service?
What event services do you offer?
What event items are available?
What transportation and access is available?
What months are included in your peak season?
What months are included in your off-peak season?
Reviews of Ogden Union Station
Professional Network & Endorsements
3 EndorsementsWhat a unique location for a Wedding. It is dramatic and beautiful. The open atmosphere offers a variety of options for layout and to create a perfect wedding day! Amy Bennion Photography www.amybennion.com
Ogden's Union Station is a fantastic venue. Over the years, we have decorated several events in various rooms there, all of which have been wonderful. The staff is knowledgable, helpful, and quick to respond. I would highly recommend the Union Station to any bride in the Ogden area.
I LOVE Ogden Union Station for a wedding. It is a fun and unique venue for a couple who are looking for something a little different. Great staff. I loved working with them!