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Congratulations on your engagement! Buying your first house? Our specially trained dog will search your new home or wedding venue to investigate if any LIVING mice or rats are present. The dog is able to locate the exact location of the nest. This specific information will help concentrate efforts in eradicating the rodents. Live rodents contain diseases and will contaminate surfaces they come in contact with, potentially causing guests to become ill. Mouse droppings found during your wedding reception or in any of the wedding suites, could cause unnecessary stress. Conversely, the dog can search your new home or reception site and provide you with the peace of mind of NO LIVE rodents. You want to buy your first house without a mouse!

North Charles Canine L.L.C. is a woman-owned business, locally owned and operated in Baltimore, Maryland. We are a professionally trained and certified K-9 team in rodent scent detection. We maintain consistency and accuracy during rodent inspection through continuous training and national certification.

  • Woman-owned

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Evelyn Kim
Evelyn Kim

Owning a German shepherd with AKC working lines and a high prey drive lead me to start North Charles Canine L.L.C. in 2023.

Born and raised in Baltimore County, I am a retired forensic nurse examiner. In the mid 1990's, I started my nursing career at the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center, then transferred to the night shift at the Union Memorial emergency room. By 2011, I was burnt out from the ER and decided to make a career change to forensic nursing. Over the last decade, I've worked as a forensic nurse examiner in Baltimore County. I am the author of the forensic crime novel, Toluidine Blue: a novel.

Based on my nursing background, I know the health hazards and possible spread of diseases through exposure to wild mice and rats. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), rodent droppings and urine on frequently touched surfaces can cause exposure to diseases and potential health complications.

The exposure of rodenticides (chemicals used to kill mice and rats) can cause health hazards to humans and accidental poisoning or death to children and pets. Poisons used incorrectly by homeowners increase the risk. If exposed to rodenticides, call your local Poison Control immediately.

K-9 Violet
K-9 Violet
National Entomology Scent Detection Canine. Specializing in live rodent detection.

Opal Violet vom Haus Morrisson is a German shepherd dog, born in 2018. Violet is certified in rodent scent detection with the National Entomology Scent Detection Canine Association - NESDCA. She holds a certification as a canine good citizen (CGC), canine good citizen advanced (CGCA), and canine good citizen urban (CGC-U). She is the FIRST CERTIFIED RODENT SCENT DETECTION DOG IN THE STATE OF MARYLAND!

Violet comes from a long pedigree of working blood lines. After years of training in obedience and success in rodent detection, she is the best! Violet has an extremely high prey drive. If there is a mouse or a rat, Violet will find them. She has an uncanny ability and unwavering determination. She is a natural and a champion, methodically searching every crevice.


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